
RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 23rd 2014, 4:32:22

I love noobs too!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 15:37:10

They aren't a funny group, so I had to give them a reasonable declaration befitting their boringness.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 15:27:50

I don't speak for hellsaints nor have any official capacity or even membership there, so maybe they will confirm maybe they won't.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 15:27:13

You broke our ceasefire, we kick your ass....
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 15:23:43

Can I write HS's war dec for them ?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 15:13:27

<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 14:25:12

ME! I'm the super secret member, that made them outnumber you! ICD gets its revenge!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 3:28:11

Votes are worth money, those dudes sitting outside grocery stores, get money for every signature.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 23:10:51

Originally posted by braden:

Canada also has a military comprised of a couple drunk sailors and some dudes on horses.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 8:37:40

That's a big fs. 45 dead already
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 20th 2014, 3:20:15

Desperado less talking on the boards more getting land
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 19th 2014, 14:21:24

On yourselves? Thats alot of ems lol
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 18th 2014, 17:25:39

Swedish when you gonna come to ICD
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 18th 2014, 11:50:56

Originally posted by hsifreta:
Originally posted by Jayr:
And yes, I've learned my lesson...don't drink and drive, not even to drive a buddy home after they've had too much to drink, even if they only live 5 miles down the road. I'm not even drinking anymore, this was my 8th time in jail due to alcohol related incidents(public intoxications). This time I really screwed is stupid.

seriously.. stop trying to sweeten it up. even if you weren't caught, it was a bad idea. i dont understand why you would have 8 petty offenses under your belt, but it's not cool. if you're literate, you should learn your rights and responsibilities, and learn to life right. lock ups aren't fun, even if you can afford a good lawyer, it's not a fun experience. smarten up, man. you're an adult now. get some standards.

I am literate, can you teach me , because I am interested in how I got about doing this whole "learn to life right" thing.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 18th 2014, 7:20:05

Which true colors are those jjosh?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 21:13:11

<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 17:30:43

First tag to be deleted since I've been back
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 15:47:42

jump on irc you bum!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 15:46:25

I did that once too, ended up paying 8 bucks for bjs mom, felt like a giant rip off!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 3:21:52

So I went to like 5 different versions of this story, and that kids story changes everytime he gives an interview. And they actually found several airsoft guns, a tactical vest that the knife was in, along with gun powder pellets and a taser. If I was a school principal, I would have searched his car too, he looks like the kind of kid that gets bullied a ton, so he decided he is going to become a badass army guy so he can shoot and kill people,

Kid sounds like a psycho, and people would be even more up in arms if he had shot up the school, and the principal could have searched the car but didn't.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 3:13:49

"School officials said they had probable cause to search the teenager's car based on a message he had posted on an online forum "

I think people on this message board, should be very well aware of some of the crazies that post on message boards. We had our own little shoot incident not that many years ago so I read.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 22:11:10

Desp is my tech buddy!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 19:53:33

Because paying over 3500 is for suckers?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 16:33:10

Dragon there was no character that really fit you. Because you've played in almost every tag in ffa, and haven't fluffed any of them over.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 10:46:57

Pride don't login with 1 minute till the new turns next time retard. Once you get a new turn, every turn over 120 goes to stored.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 18:00:12

if you can get on irc stop in #ICD on the earthempires irc server
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 3:41:42

It is pretty obvious that jon snow will be one of the dragon riders, my guess is arya will be the other.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 0:24:09

Twain you won't ever have to take time out of your busy day to do FA work.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 0:08:05

marshal would be hodor. Just keeps saying nonsense that isn't helpful to anyone over and over and over
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 23:05:46

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Twiz:
If the title reads GoT Spoilers, that should be enough for retards who hate spoilers to NOT CLICK ON THE THREAD.

Alin wanted to read spoilers, but keep his mentality on being a retard so he had to post something. I don't see what peoples problem is, I read spoilers and I want to watch the show more than ever.

Lol - you freaking idiot. People like you should not have access to the internet - this is a modern days plague.

You`r the type that records a match , looks at the final score and than watch the record. Having an iq bellow average, makes you enjoy the match ...

This is alins logic on why he doesn't read any books, because it might ruin the movie/show for him.

But your logic is crap Alin, first off getting a score while at work, then watching the recorded game is nothing like reading a book that came out years before the show, then watching the show. I personally look up the scores alot of times before I watch the game, I have no interest in watching a blowout game, now a game where the underdog wins, or a close game I may be tempted to watch the whole thing.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 16:49:37

I was definitely playing before 99
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 13:32:09

Tyrion shoots his dad tywin in the peepee with a crossbow for sleeping with his whore.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 13:31:05

You know you have played this game to long, when people are asking for old players, and they are named after a character that didn't even exist when I first started playing this game.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 13:16:22

I think everyone loves those 3, although I'm a big fan of the spider also.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 3:33:00

Yeah, this site isn't friendly on phones, and the whole lack of proper spacing done by me probably didn't help that.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 3:24:24

The pain in the ass is MRFORD! only reason he got to be that, was because I couldn't remember how to spell fat belwars name, you know the unic warrior that can fight when hes not constantly boasting about his own achievements?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 3:23:44

Warster your

The Former head of the whitecloaks, one of the few characters who believes in honor even over his own personal beliefs, may be getting a little long in the tooth, but still able to hold his own

Barristan Selmy = Warster
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 3:22:39

If I included billy he would have been bran's wolf, then donny would have to be bran, because no one is quite sure if billy really does fluff on his own, or if its really just donny controlling him.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 2:58:13

The lannister family NBK
Why they are currently the strongest politically, aka they got the crown for now.

Patriarch and ruthless genius of the family
Tywin = Papasmurf

Smart little imp that you love even though he is sneaky

Tyrion = Rebel

Annoying little prick that thinks he is in charge

Joffrey = Home turf

King Slayer that everyone thought was dead but survived, with less fighting ability but a bigger heart

Jaime = Twiz

Tyrell Family PANLV

The rich and powerful allies of the lannisters that currently have come out ahead both politically and monetarily. They aren't as war mongering as the other families but they are still powerful in their own right.

The real head and power of the Tyrell family

Lady Olenna = Juusto

The public face of PANLV and who everyone goes too

Mace Tyrell = Angry Jesus

Someone has to be the beautiful Margaery

Margaery = Bigwiggle

Stark Famiy = CC

The Stark Family, those upstart northern guys, that are half barbarian, that looked like they might become the kings, but then their king had to go break a pact of marriage and got themselves owned because of it.

The king of the north, who broke his marriage pact.
Rob Stark = mdevol

The beautiful and charming sister of rob stark, who can't understand why they aren't as powerful as they thought they'd be

Stanza stark = Donny

The bastard brother who was never given his due, but is one of the best fighters in the entire series, without claiming any fame for himself

Jon Snow = Vern

The weird brother who can take over other peoples minds, and is a softy at heart

Bran Stark = Llaar

The Wildlings = ICD

The crazy barbarians of the north, a rag tag group of different clans that no one is quite sure what they are doing or want.

The charismatic former blackwatch turned King

Mance Rayder = Crippler

The weird and sadistic captain of the wildlings.

The Lord o' Bones = Desperado

The badass crazy little fiery red head.

Ygritte = Sherita

Bolton Family = Ares

The sickest and most brutal family in the entire show, also a big ally of the lannisters

Head of the family, keeps a cool head but can be quite ruthless when he wants to be

Roose Bolton = Rosco (the names are even close)

The Evil bastard of a son of roose, who delights in making others suffer

Ramsey Snow = Jjosh

The Targaryen Line = TKO

Kind of in their own little world, alot of cool fluff happens, but the rest of the server doesn't really notice, until the end.

The Beautiful and charismic leader of the Targaryen line

Daenerys Targaryen = Pollex

The Former head of the whitecloaks, one of the few characters who believes in honor even over his own personal beliefs, may be getting a little long in the tooth, but still able to hold his own

Barristan Selmy = Warster

The firebreathing badass, who is quite a pain in the ass the bigger he gets

The Black Dragon = Mrford

The leader of the unsullied, stays quite and just makes fluff happen without ever looking for praise for what he has done

Greyworm = Troytiger

Just was bored, and while watching the show, tried to decide who everyone would be if they were characters in the show, I figured the other clans on the server would be random offshoot families.

<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 0:17:05

it is a trap!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 23:49:55

I've gotten to see, bb king, Dr. John, and john lee hooker before he passed.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 2:34:58

Why do you think we hooked up again, I was returning the favor :)
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 2:31:42

Mrford definitely has VD
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 0:17:08

Home turf get the stick out of your ass. Crippler tried making a joke with you, and you take it as some secret FS plan towards you. ICD has never broken a pact and will never break a pact.

<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 12th 2014, 15:03:52

Make sure you cable doctrine his ass!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 8:20:18

How much money did that cost you?
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 8:19:29

Which is stronger, the tiger or the lion.

[23:08:14] <&ee> 4 SS Tiger (#68) [PANLV] --> Lion (#67) [PANLV] -- DEF HELD

The winner is the LION!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 4:19:07

All explores take like 5 minutes a day for 16
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 3:53:37

Ko your posting alot for a guy that can't make countries!
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

RaTS FYA Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 3:52:59

whenever I enter the warfield thing, it won't let me click anything, when I leave it I can't do anything in my city till I reload the game.
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars