
NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 2nd 2019, 12:07:39

If you believe in God, then you believe in extraterrestrials. The earth did not exist before God created it.... yada, yada, yada.... I'd like to have an opinion on the matter, but it would probably be soon deleted because I'm a very naughty non-patron of Earth Empires. Meh, paid for a lifetime Earth:2025 membership twice... Lotta good that did me... Well, I do get to create a huge number of fake accounts. Guess that there might be some hidden benefits in sending money to a failing company....

NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 2nd 2019, 11:16:00

It's too small... Dang, that's what she said.

A game of chess is limited to 2 players at a time. How many people does it take to have a good game?

NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 2nd 2019, 9:59:15

I do not chuckle cutely. I giggle inanely.

NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 2nd 2019, 8:41:21

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Why don’t you come over and I just show you. Doing is so much better then saying.

Just post it on the internet along with all other meaningless cheap free porn. If it's smaller than 3 feet you won't be breaking any records. Please feel free to use Photo Shop to enlarge it to more impressive and unbelievable dimensions.

NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 2nd 2019, 7:46:32

Originally posted by Tigress:
Originally posted by NoIPBan_Dibs:
You know, there's something that is just not quite right with a bunch of pheasants running around lopping off people's heads. But what can you do...

Hi Dibs *waves*

better then the darn peafluffs invading my yard in the morning -- 3 ft tall birds ready to run at me is just not my kind of fun...

Now pheasants on the other hand seem to be well mannered, and quite accommodating when in a fury I become the Queen of Hearts :)

Hit them with the water hose every now and then, or maybe just a squirt bottle between the eyes. I only have to deal with Canadian Geese and wild turkeys... They don't seem to have a problem with waddling out of my way, and I have never had to explain the dinner concept to them.

NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 2nd 2019, 5:14:21

You know, there's something that is just not quite right with a bunch of pheasants running around lopping off people's heads. But what can you do...

NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 1st 2019, 23:20:58

They'll fix it eventually. They are not bullies. They are democrats. They took a vote and you lost because you were in the minority. It's just a side-effect of a bunch of stupid idiots being allowed to vote. Don't sweat it too much because they don't mean any harm, they are just stooopid.

NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 1st 2019, 22:58:18

My country was destroyed while I was playing turns because I forgot to buy food...

NoIPBan_Dibs Game profile

New Member

Oct 1st 2019, 19:36:03

Hmmm, dang, the mods don't even take the time to IP Ban me anymore. Woe is me. meh, handle banning is probably more effective. At least until account validation is required.

I'm not a robot. They will fix it eventually.

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