
NitelL Game profile


Sep 18th 2020, 18:51:49

I might try primary next set. See if I can convince someone to rejoin and take a stab with me. Haha

To what extent is primary today like the old "multi-tap if you can get away with it"? And are the people at the bottom continuously bottom fed then?

NitelL Game profile


Sep 18th 2020, 16:50:15

Originally posted by Hessman123:

The fringe stuff can burn ya, but in a perfect set it could help you set a record like a Wayne Gretzky points record... It's really hard to mess with the markets successfully though.. when I was playing more seriously I had one set where I hit 20k fast enough and was doing everything right but ended up with 4 million unsold tech points, so that was a good learning experience.. I guess with the unpredictability of other good players it makes more sense just to play smart and don't take those crazy risks

For sure! So far every set I've been learning things the hard way (like ending a set with a few million tech pts like yourself), also botching a gov change the first time I did it on returning. I think a few sets ago I took a risk and bought up the food market and tried to sell my own food in the mid-40s. I sold half my stock and got blocked. After which, I played my destocks safer. lol

The best thing about Express is.. if you make a mistake, the next set is the next week and you can iterate again.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 18th 2020, 12:37:25

Originally posted by Hessman123:
There are fairly regular times that bots buy out certain tech markets completely throughout the set as well

If you can learn this and sell at the right times you can get an advantage in the same way as the military sell near the end

Especially as a demo you can influence this yourself ... thin out the agri market and then burn a ton of cheap food on your pm once you’ve got your agri tech up for sale for an absurd price .. a bunch of farmer bots just sold their food and will buy your tech :)

I didn't know this! Haha Possibilities are endless. Are both of you netting this set?

NitelL Game profile


Sep 17th 2020, 19:37:13

Yea that makes perfect sense. Given that both of you have ended higher (>80m nw), you're probably closer to the optimum and I have to try it at some point. (Realistically, I don't see how much more I can optimize a 12k acre techer to add another 10m nw.)

[quote poster=Gerdler; 49379; 959782]
Originally posted by NitelL:
If you are a 10k acre techer you wont have to think at all as much about how much tech you place on the market at once or how much the market demand is at each given time. with a 25k acre techer you must do that. This causes a 25k acre techer to spend more turns selling tech and perhaps selling at a lower price even at the same time. this brings the optimum down.

This is probably the key thing. I'm still trying to figure out.. how to balance supply with demand if you have so much tech to dump in a day. Probably involve selling multiple times in a day to spread out that supply... which is very involved. Or maybe breaking it into multiple blocks to make it 'appear' smaller and prevents aggressive undercutting by others.

(Also, I spent like a set or 2 in LaF a very very very long time ago!)

This is actually an enjoyable thread btw. I'm learning a lot through this discussion!

NitelL Game profile


Sep 17th 2020, 19:12:32

...and I forgot to join GDI. lol

NitelL Game profile


Sep 17th 2020, 18:15:38

Great post! On the latter half, so far, my feel of the set has landed me at the lower end.

One of the things not accounted for there is the actual 'day' of the set. So while you get a lot of tech points on say 18k acres (and you mentioned you'd be driving supply up and hence, lower prices), you're probably getting there on Friday/Saturday instead of Thursday, which means you miss out on the much higher prices on Thursday. Selling 1 tech point at 5k is equivalent to selling 2 tech points at 2.5k, so there's definitely that. Or in Hessman's case, $8888. lol

You're absolutely right. Gradual increase = standing orders getting filled. Like I said, I play very lazily.

The thing I tried last set that I didn't do the prior sets, is actually use standing orders to destock entirely and trust that they will be filled. That allowed me to destock at a really low $/nw on public. I actually jumped VERY early (I only used ~1600 turns total in the set) - to give you some sense, I started gradually "destocking" on Saturday (for a Sunday night finish). I got to ~47m nw easily in this case (I was at the same nw as Hessman). I then resold the military on the bot buyout (like Hessman mentioned), dropped to 30m nw, and then, in an act of faith, used standing orders to destock again. I could've pushed for more nw but I put really high prices on my standing orders and people were filling it at the limit. I had $16b to blow after the military resale so it wasn't clear if the market was deep enough; turns out, it was deeper than even that and there was plenty of military on in the last hour unbought.

A lot of the principles I use for Express are just stuff I have from the days I played tourney, which is also ~1800 turns. (I'm the record holder for most top 5s and most #1s in tourney 2a in the old Earth 2025, pre-Earth empires donkey years ago).

I feel like at this point you basically know how I did it and can just recreate it. lol I'm going indy this set (worst set with so many Cs), so I'm likely not gonna finish too well.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 17th 2020, 4:44:00

You've actually hit the nail on its head there. The moment all the real farmers start to raise prices to >36, that's basically your chance to dump all the cheap food you've amassed. You don't actually need to buy ALL of the food up beyond that price, you just need everyone to move the median price higher at the right time.

Part of it is getting lucky too. lol There might be other demo resellers who see what's going on and double down on the activity.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 16th 2020, 18:21:52

You can push prices up to $36 with no risk, and you'll be surprised at how thin the market is above that when you've got some early stock (I keep $2b on hand all the time).

NitelL Game profile


Sep 16th 2020, 6:08:03

Another small thing on playing food market.. I tend to help clear people's food stockpile (inadvertently) at the end of the game so they have money to destock. That cash will then clean out all the cheap military on the public market, allowing my more expensive stuff to sell.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 16th 2020, 6:04:44

I spelt it out 1 post above yours. (:

NitelL Game profile


Sep 16th 2020, 6:00:22

Happy to answer! The more netgainers back the merrier.

I can make anywhere from $1-$6 per resell of bushel if I resell on private for $35 and buy everything lower. If I stock bushels and resell on public, I can artificially push prices higher to dump my stock in the high 30s or 40s (i did this in previous sets, but not this set). I'm not sure how much I resold, but couple 100m bushels for sure. Easily.

On tech, I was selling initially around mid 3ks and then realize I could actually sell mid 4ks. (Hessman was selling at high 8ks. lol) I started stocking around turn 600 last set and teched ~1000 turns, so it's not just my tpt, but how fast I got there and how long I teched. I'm guessing most people started stocking and teching way later.

The two things above got me close to $50m nw.

1 military resell = bot buyout. This gave me $16b more to jump from 30m nw. This was a big hail mary play as I wasn't sure if I was able to spend the money but Hessman (who ended second) had more land and tech, so I had to take a risk to beat him.

I'm generally very lazy with reselling and destocking, so I use standing orders for everything. I was surprised I managed to blow all my remaining stock pretty quickly. I got desperate towards the end and raised the prices of my standing orders (and people started selling at the max price of my orders) - I prob should've just stayed at the lower prices and maybe break 70m nw. There was still quite a bit of military on public when the set ended.

Wasn't a perfect set either - earth quakes galore and I ran outta food multiple times batch teching.

Also, how are you seeing this EE records thing now? lol am I playing this on hard mode by just sticking to the in-game market 'History'?

NitelL Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 22:32:08

That's interesting. Do you use turns to the end? (~1800ish)

I've found tech prices generally drop later on with the supply of tech (not last 2 sets, but the couple prior), so I start stocking earlier around turn 500-700 (usually end up 11-14k acres) to take advantage of high early tech prices. Also, I jump really early to destock more cheaply, so I use ~1600 turns. (When I tried using more turns I just end up with too much unsold tech points, crashing the tech market, and then destocking really expensively.)

I've tried Tyr-->Demo, straight Demo, straight Theo, TMBR and found the straight Demo to be the most... straight forward. lol

I might try straight demo to higher acreage at turn 800-900. It's amazing how you get to 20-25k acres as straight demo. Haha 3 turns per grab is so rough!

This set though I'm thinking of going CI.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 15:09:00

Wow that's really high. Were there more players then? It seems tricky to get to 20k acres as a techer in a reasonable time for Express. (The ideal acreage vs turns left always seem to make it land lower.)

Kinda wonder if I should try to hard grab to 20k acres one of these sets and see how that goes. I'll almost surely be topfed.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 4:19:53

Originally posted by Celphi:
Not quite there yet. You beat mine though:

1 utskitet av kalk och vatten (#93) 22,485 $71,158,233 DG

2 Javascript (#96) 21,730 $60,409,461 TG


haha yes, I didn't mean all time record, just 2020.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 4:19:04

Well ebert00, you're still top on Express best 3:

Rank Name Score
1 ebert00 $77,518,512
2 Unlinked Account $74,997,109
3 Elliot $62,579,269
4 mac23 $62,340,135
5 ssj4goku17 $61,720,209
6 catbus $60,888,436
7 MountainYeti $57,232,384
8 Unlinked Account $55,284,198
9 CX LaE $53,783,767
10 NitelL $53,518,654

What strats were you playing to land those insanely high nws?

Also, I've always considered express to be the least involved server. I login once/twice a day, and use a lot of standing orders.

Edited By: NitelL on Sep 15th 2020, 4:21:13
See Original Post

NitelL Game profile


Sep 14th 2020, 4:41:51

Expensive food is totally my fault. lol The others.. yea, expensive oil indeed.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 14th 2020, 3:49:19

Maybe I should go CI too and go for land record. xD

NitelL Game profile


Sep 13th 2020, 23:06:14

Thanks! I did play the food market through the set to grow my stock (mostly through standing orders - yay for laziness), but I did precisely 1 military resale for that last push. Haha

NitelL Game profile


Sep 13th 2020, 22:53:39

Seems like this was it:
534th round: Feb 17, 2020 - Feb 23, 2020 (117 countries)
1 Planned Strike (#66) 45,148 $66,830,471 CG

And now this is it:
Current round: Sep 07, 2020 - N/A (107 countries)
1 k e y s o n a p i a n o (#88) 12,368 $68,696,443 DG

Yay! (Well unless I get suicided in the next hour. I can't really login anymore so..)

NitelL Game profile


Sep 10th 2020, 1:18:32

Yes. TPT is a function of both # of RLs and % of your acres as RLs.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 18:17:12

If one were to just go for a land record in today's conditions, wouldn't one just go Tyranny with a few k indies, keep land mostly barren and nw low, and just keep farming bots?

(I've never tried for land records so I'm not sure if I'm missing something, especially since we've got bots now.)

NitelL Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 17:39:43

I think the news is accurate for most part, but this was the first set, at least for me, where I noticed news from earlier in the set disappeared.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 15:19:47

Originally posted by Gunner:
Originally posted by NitelL:

Oh easy. Tyranny rainbow-ish into Demo Techer. Got to 12.5k acres at turn 500. Teched. Destocked at turn 1550.
Destocked really poorly for most part, and then decided to do some last minute reselling to push past NetSquash more convincingly, and then someone bought my military on market in the last minute, reducing my nw before I could spend it. lol

Which country did you run?

I was Fhloston Paradise. Didn't even get to spend my bit of cash I had left on hand.

Was looking at the news for your country and didn't see any landgrabs by you, though you did sustain two. That means you explored to 12k?

I'm not sure how this works, but the news disappears after a while. I actually was the first country over 10k (I grabbed to 12.5k, next largest was under 8k). I actually got hit 3 times (but I did notice end of set, everything disappeared except te last 2 hits), and I considered retalling but it wasn't worthwhile (using those turns to tech was better). All the times I've gotten hit, I wasn't necessarily underdefended, just hit by countries with a lotta jets.

NitelL Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 2:05:37

I had 14:1 SPAL when you tried, so I was surprised you managed to get through. lol

Also, I saw that your military on market was blocking mine (those at $250). haha So you had the better reselling profits. You probably guessed mine was the ridiculous stuff at $500 and $1400 lol I can't believe someone bought those!

NitelL Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 1:35:20


Oh easy. Tyranny rainbow-ish into Demo Techer. Got to 12.5k acres at turn 500. Teched. Destocked at turn 1550.
Destocked really poorly for most part, and then decided to do some last minute reselling to push past NetSquash more convincingly, and then someone bought my military on market in the last minute, reducing my nw before I could spend it. lol

Which country did you run?

NitelL Game profile


Sep 7th 2020, 0:01:00

Congrats on the win!

(So.. someone bought my military on market at the last minute and I dropped nw. lol Went for the hail mary and failed.)

NitelL Game profile


Sep 6th 2020, 22:57:55

I'm giving you a run for your money despite my poor destocking!

NitelL Game profile


Sep 4th 2020, 2:22:28

Really? I saw $90 turrets. Tech prices are unusually high though. lol

NitelL Game profile


Aug 31st 2020, 0:02:25

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 e v e n i n g o f s e v e n s (#77) 13,114 $35,765,582 H
2 Snapples (#51) 26,333 $34,132,563 HG
3 ASTRAL (#1) Game profile 11,933 $28,706,640 DG
4 Joe Biden IQ 1s Lower than Trump (#4) 24,170 $27,843,567 HG
5 lead your people peoples (#72) 15,914 $25,934,098 DG
6 Staatliches Bauhaus (#88) Game profile 27,266 $24,029,304 TG
7 Wu Tang (#37) Game profile 12,621 $21,328,765 CG
8 Im a Dapper Dan man (#45) 8695 $19,434,994 RG
9 you have risen up (#86) 10,082 $19,263,392 DG
10 Dont do it newb (#21) Game profile 14,335 $19,041,681 RG

Yay. Surprised!

NitelL Game profile


Aug 30th 2020, 23:57:14

Turns: 216 Money: $1,904,822,256 Food: 0 Bushels Networth: $35,738,585

Well, guessing this is it.

NitelL Game profile


Aug 30th 2020, 23:49:33

Originally posted by farmer:
i bought oil at 350 so that hurt

Well, I'd buy oil at any price now. lol

NitelL Game profile


Aug 30th 2020, 23:48:52

You've got a way larger private market than I do though so you might be able to outspend me. Still got 2b on hand.

NitelL Game profile


Aug 30th 2020, 23:41:38

Oh you run Snapples. Haha

NitelL Game profile


Aug 30th 2020, 23:40:45

Oh commander, which country you running?

Turns: 212 Money: $2,304,401,353 Food: 0 Bushels Networth: $34,363,620

I know, i only used 1666 turns this set. lol

NitelL Game profile


Aug 30th 2020, 23:39:40

Well, I'm seated at #1 with 2.3b left and empty private and public market. Got a feeling Snapples and Biden there still got more to jump too.

NitelL Game profile


Aug 30th 2020, 23:30:12

This buyout happened way later than expected. LOL I'm trying really hard to blow stock now... and nothing's on the market. Well I guess no one's able to jump more?

NitelL Game profile


Aug 30th 2020, 15:43:47

Alright, waiting for suicides now! Haha

NitelL Game profile


Aug 27th 2020, 0:52:59

Bummer. Throwaway set. Gonna try anyways but will likely get suicided!

NitelL Game profile


Aug 24th 2020, 1:04:48

Originally posted by Gunner:
I play all explore so I'm glad you moved on. This set was a little better in terms of not getting hit as much, but someone nailed me a little bit towards the end before I got to run turns today, and of course when I looked at their country they were dead. Seems some people are just looking to spoil someone else's efforts, which looks like what happened to you.

The tech market can be extremely hit and miss, this set ended up being pretty decent. Oil was actually fairly abundant this set, which probably helped fuel attacks on actual players.

You seem to have a good thing going with the CI strats.

Strangely enough, I didn't manage to find oil at all this set (everytime I logged in it was empty), so ended up having to build some oil rigs to fund the attacks. I also probably caused the tech market crash cos I was desperate to sell tech after stonewalling. lol

NitelL Game profile


Aug 24th 2020, 1:02:42

I'm also surprised I edged out Snapples by 40k nw. lol

NitelL Game profile


Aug 24th 2020, 1:01:10

.. so this set I was actually on track to get to 18-20k fully built by turn 500-600 on a techer. Had actually grabbed to 13k with 180CS at turn 400 before the small fight.

NitelL Game profile


Aug 24th 2020, 0:57:09

Well, I was hoping to contest you more (looks like I've been second for quite a few sets now).. but I got into a little bit of a small fight myself. Lobbed a buncha missiles back and forth, had to stonewall a GS KR on me (he gave up) in the middle of the set. By the time I recovered I missed out the higher tech prices earlier in the set.

Either way, congrats on the win!

NitelL Game profile


Aug 23rd 2020, 15:00:30

Why don't you just 30-tap the guy and stockpile off 70k land? lol

NitelL Game profile


Aug 21st 2020, 15:47:20

It's probably a miscommunication. UncleBenAgain is saying he played 'Golf Rules' but I think some folks think he played the other country...

NitelL Game profile


Aug 19th 2020, 1:43:31

Why use a long word when a diminutive one would suffice?

NitelL Game profile


Aug 17th 2020, 0:05:05


Next 5 were close-ish.

NitelL Game profile


Aug 16th 2020, 23:25:01

I did have the misfortune of buying bus/res over 5k, and mil tech over 3k. And I did consistently buy jets over $160.

Won't have a solid finish but definitely contributed to the techer finishes. lol Am playing the country with 'Casher' in its name.

NitelL Game profile


Aug 16th 2020, 22:44:17

I have to say this was a terrible set for a casher. lol
Military and tech prices were so high all set, or maybe just when I logged in.

NitelL Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 3:22:55

Well, remember that if I was in GDI last set, I would very likely be in the 70-80m nw range and beat you both. lol But alas, it played out the way it did, so congratulations SuperFly on last set's win!

(Last set I did a Tyranny rainbow into Demo Techer and had a lot more time to resell. This set I played straight up Demo Techer with less time commitment - had 2m tech points to clear on the last day at very poor prices owing to my supply flooding the market.)

Hmm so far, it seems that Indy and Techer are the most successful strats on this server and Casher/Farmer seem really difficult. Is that accurate? When was the last time a casher or farmer managed to win?

Also guessing absolutely impossible for an Oiler to do anything here.