
Kalick Game profile


May 9th 2012, 12:05:12

Its the 15th in the US. I'll be playing!

Kalick Game profile


May 9th 2012, 0:17:39

Originally posted by BadFish:
im sure theres a little bit of shadiness in every alliance.

My favorite excuse for cheating is "Everybody else is doing it, so we should do it too!". No, not everybody else is doing it. But as a former IXer, I can understand how you think shadiness is normal operating procedure.

Kalick Game profile


May 8th 2012, 20:13:55

Originally posted by Wolf:
LaF is if im not mistaken a NETTING alliance?

A netting alliance is not necessarily a peaceful alliance, nor does being a netting alliance mean you are bad at warring.

Kalick Game profile


May 8th 2012, 16:50:29

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
Originally posted by Kalick:
And, I'll also say I'm surprised that more of SoL's DPs haven't come in. If there is ever a scenario that calls for defending your allies, this is it.

does this mean SoL/MD/Evo can't take LaF head on? man, i was expecting evo could do it swiftly considering MD and SoL had made numerous kills on LaF before they decided to join.

Nope, just saying I'm surprised. Not sure the point of having DPs if they don't jump to come in during a situation like this.

Maybe SoL asked them not to come in, I'm not in the loop. Although that would surprise me also. Maybe it is just a day full of surprises.

Kalick Game profile


May 8th 2012, 16:34:19

double post

Kalick Game profile


May 8th 2012, 16:33:59

And, I'll also say I'm surprised that more of SoL's DPs haven't come in. If there is ever a scenario that calls for defending your allies, this is it.

Kalick Game profile


May 8th 2012, 16:31:57

Originally posted by Forgotten:

LaF never fluffed anything up.

You crack me up.

Kalick Game profile


May 8th 2012, 16:28:45

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
LaF is losing members because EVO/MD/SOL wanted their revenge, there is absolutely no justification of this war in the game.

How can you say there is no justification for this war? LaF leaders cheated while fighting against and farming SoL this reset. Once the cheating came to light, SoL's FDPs decided this was bullfluff, and that LaF should not be allowed to skate to another easy TNW win off of ill-gotten acres.

You are insane if you think there is no justification.

One person cheated, TC, by adding military.
Two people had access to DB, TC and HLW.

Their finishes no longer exist. LaF still won TNW.

You cannot discredit the work of the rest of the legit LaF members, you don't think all of LaF would be deleted if LaF didn't do the spy ops required to get the information to do kill runs? You don't think any LaF member would question if HLW pointed at a target and said xxxk GS and go?

I'm tired of this smear fluff, the OP wanted to discuss the real problem, and people spin it, and I'm not helping either I guess.

I haven't mentioned last reset at all, because there are very good reasons just from this reset alone to justify this war. LaF started a war with SoL, and cheated during that war. SoL's FDPs are now defending them. What are you having problems understanding?

LaF leaders cheating last reset is a whole different can of worms in my opinion. If we were talking about last reset, I'd point out how you are completely ignoring the spying that was done through boxcar to produce chat logs and FS/wave times. Or the spying hlw did on Evo's site using his EE DB access.

Kalick Game profile


May 8th 2012, 16:13:24

Originally posted by Forgotten:
LaF is losing members because EVO/MD/SOL wanted their revenge, there is absolutely no justification of this war in the game.

How can you say there is no justification for this war? LaF leaders cheated while fighting against and farming SoL this reset. Once the cheating came to light, SoL's FDPs decided this was bullfluff, and that LaF should not be allowed to skate to another easy TNW win off of ill-gotten acres.

You are insane if you think there is no justification.

Kalick Game profile


May 7th 2012, 0:51:44

I'll take some FA.

Kalick Game profile


May 4th 2012, 20:36:07

I'm curious, do you know that other countries were not modified, or do you just not have evidence to prove it? From what I've gleaned from admin's posts, it doesn't seem like the transaction logs are very thorough, so you can't say one way or the other.

Kalick Game profile


May 4th 2012, 20:33:58

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Q: Clans with boxcar sites should probably move off it for now until get pointed to a pang/EE admin server correct since TC could royally screw them?

The problem is, where do they go? Aren't all other sites privately hosted just for each clan that runs them?

Kalick Game profile


May 4th 2012, 16:05:43

Originally posted by Ivan:

The big 6 was pre sof i think anyway I dont see how Hanlong/TC cheating made them win a war where they had 30% number advantage and the FS which was the point that was made

How was Big 6 pre-SoF? The Big 6 reset was in ~2001. If I remember correctly, SoF was loosely allied to Elitez. Maybe an LDP?

And you are correct, hlw/LaF did not need to cheat in order to win this war against SoL or last reset against MD. But hlw didn't just want to win, he wanted to humiliate his enemies so they would never dare to challenge his superiority.

Kalick Game profile


May 4th 2012, 14:59:37

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Chevs: I would submit to you that the only difference in SOF's response to both Elitez and LaF is simply the fact that it is politically expedient to prop up LaF. When Elitez leaders were caught cheating was SOF not at the forefront of tag killing them? Now that an ally is caught cheating "It's people, not the alliance"

Well, the Big 6 who hit Elitez were MD, Omega, Rage, TIE, UCN, and Rival (if I remember correctly). I am not sure if SoF fought Elitez.

Kalick Game profile


May 4th 2012, 11:11:55

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Alin:

Your sarcasm in uncalled.

You post stuff like this in every thread regarding Laf. Did you forgot the time when your alliance burned due to booting ?

What those cheaters did is a little above booting - by giving them selfs GOD mode.

Now either you are ignorant as hell or you enjoyed growing under the same umbrella with Laf.

However this comunity dose not support cheating ...

Dr. Professor Alin,

Do you know what's even worse than being a moron? Being too stupid to even realize you're ignorant.

1) Please explain to me when Sof had a cheating issue and "burned". There wasn't one on my watch and I've never been deleted so no idea what you're talking about.

2) Those "cheaters" you're referring to have been banned. They are not in Laf, so please explain how you have a valid point saying the Laf you're picking on right now had "GOD" mode. I don't know if you noticed captain dipfluff, but only TC manipulated the game. TC is not in Laf and neither is hanlong. Can't believe how fluffing dumb some of you people are. The information is right here on the boards.

3) Of course the community doesn't support cheating. Thank you Captain Obvious! The cheaters were banned and rightly so. We all applauded the actions of the admins.

I never said Laf didn't have an ass whooping coming. But you're treating them all like criminals and there isn't proof that a single person currently in Laf cheated. I look forward to your ignorant response. :)

He didn't say SoF had a cheating issue. He was referring to the botting that happened to SoF, thereby implying that you shouldn't be taking the issue so lightly (see sarcasm), as you've experienced what it feels like to be at the raw end of cheaters.

That's how I read it anyway.

Yeah, if you replace "booting" with "botting" it makes more sense.

Kalick Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 3:38:09

Originally posted by Son Goku:
I can assure you this no way takes anything away from individual performances and netgaining/warring performances by LaF as a whole.

How can you say that when hanlong's spying of FS times, war wave times, ingame country stats, and your enemy's political planning gave a distinct advantage to your entire alliance? It absolutely puts into question LaF's war performance as a whole.

Kalick Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 3:27:20

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
For those of you LaF members that feel displaced and don't embrace the culture of manipulative leaders and cheating... hit us up at RD

This is my new definition of irony.

Kalick Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 21:01:27

You'd rather have Kalil?

Kalick Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 23:41:30

You've played the game for 10+ years. You know all the alliances, you know all the people, and you know where you'd want to play. Why the post asking people to beg you to come play with them?

Kalick Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 23:56:04

I agree with aponic.

Kalick Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 20:52:27

I don't speak for MD/Arsenal, hanlong. Pretty sure I mentioned that what I said applies to everybody, not just those in the above chat.

Kalick Game profile


Apr 24th 2012, 20:49:06

The paranoia in those logs is kinda funny. For some reason everybody not involved in the chat is viewed as being against everybody in the chat. This game is too small for coalition wars.

Why do people keep trying to force the game to be side vs side? And that goes for everybody, not just the people in the above log. With the size of the game the way it is, alliances should be forging their own paths in order to keep the game dynamic and interesting. Setting up "coalition wars" (I guess this isn't a formal coalition, but that is just semantics) that last for a years+ is no fun. How many times can LaF fight SoL and still find it fun?

Kalick Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 1:09:51

How about a question as to why people are playing this game. The community? The spirit of competition? The nostalgia? The actual gameplay? etc.

Kalick Game profile


Apr 20th 2012, 3:08:00

What about the other questions? What wars would you like to see, who would you like to return, etc.? Any interesting trends?

Kalick Game profile


Apr 16th 2012, 21:00:54

If I had to guess, I'd say he is WOGCLAN.

Kalick Game profile


Apr 2nd 2012, 3:16:34

SuperFly asked who Trayvon Martin was, and I posted a link to a site that seemed to be impartial. No political discussion.

Kalick Game profile


Apr 1st 2012, 23:43:49

Kalick Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 4:56:48

This is not the Apollo Theatre.

Kalick Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 4:54:34

Not sure I would use the term 'invest' when referring to the lotto...

If it were a casino game, it would have the worst odds in the building.

Kalick Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 4:47:03

We're all winners here, for having a fun, clean war.

Kalick Game profile


Mar 31st 2012, 4:46:00

I'm not going to check my tickets until next week. That way I can pretend I still have a chance at winning for as long as possible.

Kalick Game profile


Mar 26th 2012, 3:04:55

Originally posted by Gutty:
5 vs 5 period, tso has never fa'd out of tags so what is the worry.

You can't FA out of tag on this server, so I wouldn't pat yourself on the back too much.

Kalick Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 0:48:56

Colton is a horrible person, and Alicia is nearly at the same level.

I liked Christina until she was soothing and coddling Colton when he had a headache. To be so kind to somebody who is a complete asshole to you, made me lose respect for her. Maybe that says more about me than it does her though.

I think Tarzan is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. The name aphasia hurts him, but there isn't anything he can do about that.

Kalick Game profile


Mar 17th 2012, 14:05:59

I keep waiting for Loc to pop in to say he hacked hanlong's e-mail.

Bonus post.

Kalick Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:13:20

Although, now I want MD's theme next set to be "Not Locutus's country".

Kalick Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:09:12

Is your new country name "This is not Locutus's country"? Because that would be very sneaky.

EDIT: Damnit. Now I see you posted something similar in another thread. I do not feel witty anymore.

Kalick Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 18:37:19


Kalick Game profile


Feb 2nd 2012, 21:32:04

Originally posted by Chaoswind:
This set Highrock aka Viola aka a female fyi

I'm not sure you know him as well as you think you do. Or you are making a joke, in which case, HAHA!

Kalick Game profile


Feb 2nd 2012, 19:43:01

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by BattleKJ:
are you mad as theres a netgainer as good as if not better than lafs top netgainers? I dare say better, as the alliances hes been in don't cater to him to get top 10.

Just last reset, Highrock thought cashing a turn gave an extra 10% income, not 20%. And that the +10% was after expenses, not before, resulting in grossly underestimating the KSF cashers finishing ability.

He also genuinely thought jumping as a Fascist was better than as a Theo 2 resets ago, because he thought the 15% bonus for Fascists on bonus points would go away if he switched.

Are you sure of your claim? I consider these as basic game mechanics.

Wow, if he can get #1 without understanding the game, think about if he actually tried!

Kalick Game profile


Jan 25th 2012, 2:05:40

This gave me my laugh for the day. Thanks de1i.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 14:44:18

I gotta agree with spawn, SAMCRO doesn't seem like a spam tag to me. A spam tag would be like fluff or MDxTrain, with 500 members consisting mostly of bots and newbs who don't know any better. SAMCRO is just spawn and his buddy who have nothing better to do with their time.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 4:56:14

Originally posted by lostmonk:
Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Reckless:
keep futkin that chicken

If you think evangelical Christians will vote for a mormon, I think you're mistaken. That would be pretty divisive for the republican party.

That is dumb and i hope not true. Mormons are still Christians first of all. Furthermore, how could ANYONE (even a rubber chicken) not be better than Obumer? I am not Mormon and i am not Pro Romney, but if he gets the nomination i will vote for him. Hell, I would take ANYONE over Obumer.

If by Christian you mean crazy alien following cult, then sure. Learn a bit about the Mormons there buddy.

Mormonism isn't any crazier than the rest of Christianity, or any other religion.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 10th 2012, 19:39:51

Yes, I think everyone agrees that Team server is not working as intended. But I think the game admins have bigger things on their plate than this server, so I wouldn't expect it to be fixed by them. And I don't think WoG, TSO, or DBD are going to fix it either =p

Kalick Game profile


Jan 10th 2012, 19:32:47

This game might be becoming too care-bear for me with the lack of land and small player base. I think I may be too cutthroat to put "the good of the game" (and trying to attract new players/not bleed current players) ahead of my desire to win.

I liked it when the attitude of the game was "I'll take your land, and then minimize the amount you can take back from me" and "You took my land, so now I'll take back as much from you as possible to deter you from ever hitting me again." This win-win friendly grabbing stuff... I dunno.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 21:03:21

I don't really see things changing unless the game admins implement new rules/restrictions. LS and some other WoGgers have been trying to think of ways to get the server to actually be 5 man teams for a while, but there doesn't really seem to be a solution. The only way to have enough power to force the server to play as 5 man teams, is to be more than a 5 man team yourself.

The best way would just if peopje were on the honor system and everybody agreed to play by 5 man team rules, but I don't really ever see that happening. Once the genie is out of the bottle, you can't put him back in.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 16:08:25

The most important question is who cares about Team Server right now? It was kinda a fun place to just screw around and do crazy fluff, now it seems like its just another Alliance server. 5 man teams was an interesting concept, but now that its become 30 member alliances, this server just seems redundant.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 13:45:11

Wulf, we need to talk about which alliance you're recruiting for...

Kalick Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 1:25:29

MD/Omega accept.

Kalick Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 18:44:11

Originally posted by MilitantOrgy:
the confirmed part was the part needing confirmation


Kalick Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 9:21:41

This game doesn't have enough alliance rankings anymore =(