
Hessman123 Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 3:29:39

The team with the better goaltender will win, and they’re already up 2-0!

Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 23rd 2021, 2:30:33

How do I delete my account?

Why is there not an option to delete a game account in the same manner as deleting a country?

Edited By: Slagpit on May 3rd 2021, 20:07:40
See Original Post

Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 9th 2021, 19:21:43

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
There's a distinct difference between playing and targeting.

I think that is why premium accts have the ability to change their country name ....

This is also a good reason why open profiles is a terrible idea :)

Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 9th 2021, 18:34:42


When I hear people say, "someone wrecked my netting set"

What I really hear is.. "I didn't have adequate defenses for my country and I got caught and I got attacked"

What has happened is that the developers have catered to this group of players that only wants to attack bots, and only wants to attack new players (which drives new players away)... and the devs have listened to these players so much so that now it is the normal for a country to have tons and tons of acres and almost no turrets, 0 tanks, 0 troops, 0 sdi and 0 spy tech and very few spies. It's gotten so out of hand that it's almost impossible to win without running your country this way.. and this is madness because troops, tanks, sdi, spies, tech and missiles are ALL things that are supposed to be a part of the game.

I should be able to run a country that carries adequate defenses for sdi, spies, tanks and troops AND still have a chance to win a netgaining competition but the devs/mods have eliminated that from the game and made it so that if you want to win you can't also protect your country properly .. you have to do one or the other ..

You have to either go for the win and keep your expenses down and don't defend your country properly, or defend your country properly taking advantage of all aspects of the game and not have a chance to win because you are carrying expenses.

That is what needs to change in my opinion .. make Tanks, Troops and SDI great again

Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 9th 2021, 16:20:11

This has to be one of the worst ideas I've seen in a long time Slagpit, more biased mod power and more subjective targeting.

I was really hoping you would bring positive changes to make the game less stagnant and more competitive between players but it seems that you just want to appease the small number of players who think this game should be player vs bot only or advanced player versus new/beginner player only.

A much simpler solution would be to show these special players where the market tab is so they can buy some turrets, and maybe some sdi, spy and medical tech while they are at it. You've stated before that you want to increase market activity... a great way to do that would be to allow all of the players to play the game against one another so that all of the aspects of the game become relevant again.

Your comparisons to a racing game are also very flawed because this is not a racing game, this is a much more complex game than that. It is a game of diplomacy and strategy where players are allowed to attack other players, and players are allowed to defend themselves and even contact one another via in-game messages.

The closest racing game to Earth Empires in my opinion would be mario cart, where I can shoot little turtles at the cart in front of me, or drop little bananas for the guys behind me.. and if someone else is in first place and I'd like to try to slow them down and pass them I have multiple options to try to do so.

If I attack a good player, and they retaliate against my attack, and then I choose to attack them again... well that means I have broken gdi myself and opened myself up to any type of attack that player wants to make against me.. if that player would like to continue to enjoy the protections of gdi they don't have to attack me again. If that player would like to avoid my nation attacking theirs again they can purchase defenses and technology to stop any future attacks I might try to make against them.

Also, there is something to be said for diplomacy amongst players and there is a reason that we have the in-game message option.

As an example, a few resets ago I top fed a top player in Primary and I got hit with a retaliation but I also got a couple of very nice messages along with an explanation as to why what I was doing was actually harmful to both of us and to both of our finishes in the game.. great, I appreciated the kindness and I did not attack that player again

Later on in the same reset I attacked another top player, and received a couple of rude and name calling messages in response as well as a retal.. consequently I decided to attack that player again with another land grab and they responded with special attacks and we fought a war against each other.

I don't believe that any of that is, or should be against the rules because it's all a part of the game and within the game rules.

What you are doing is basically destroying the game, and saying it is only okay to attack new players multiple times but it is not okay to attack good players.. and/or it is okay to attack bots but it's not okay to attack other people .. what a joke

Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 8th 2021, 14:59:45

You need to go to

Then when you click on an individual country you can look at the country's history and see when it first played turns, and if it changed governments right away at turn #1 when the game first started that is a good indicator that it is a bot

Look at this country for example -

Click on history, and you will see that it changed to Republic right away at 4717 networth

2021-04-07 00:06:01 Bloody Kala Silvergrim $4,717 100 acres R

Typically human players don't necessarily play right away, and in most cases they don't change their gov until they are done their start up


Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 7th 2021, 22:13:31

B o n u s

Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 6th 2021, 16:53:48

I feel like Fascist Farmer is the way to go

Going Demo would maybe make sense if the round was longer and you were also reselling tech and taking advantage of the large fluctuations in tech prices

Doing a tech phase might make sense as well if you were going to be land grabbing, but with all explore I would not do a tech phase simply because you will need to use your turns to explore as much as possible

Also if you guys are doing all explore you should let the rest of us know what country # you are so we can land grab you :)

I'll even run a demo techer and burn a bunch of food to help you guys out

Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2021, 22:44:25

Everyone should start at 99 turns when the game starts

That way the first turn makes the game live for anyone who wants OOP

That way you can leave it at 5 days and still add some turns :)

Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2021, 15:20:50

All of these changes sounds great

One thing that I am still wondering about is whether or not the strategies are balanced for NPC countries as well?

Like do you have the same number of farmer, techer, casher, indy NPC countries or is there any thought put into that?

I don't know if it is true or not but it certainly seems that a vast majority of the NPC countries run farmer strategy, which floods the food market with cheap food


Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 3rd 2021, 5:01:16

Nope, definitely not in cahoots with anyone and was not aware that anyone else was attacking you at all

However, I do find that a ducks opinion of me is largely influenced by whether or not I have bread


Hessman123 Game profile


Apr 1st 2021, 20:29:20

Missile Dump is me

There is no rhyme or reason to my playing style, I just pick someone at random and do some good old fashioned attacking :)

Cheers, I hope your scientists were able to help you out with that coronavirus I dropped over there

Edited By: Hessman123 on Apr 1st 2021, 20:34:33

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 30th 2021, 14:43:46

The building grabbing rules currently in place are a good fit for primary

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 30th 2021, 1:03:07


I made a country with the purpose of playing the round and having fun

I also thought it would be good fun if I commanded my country's military to attack and defend against my enemies. Executing attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land.

However, I was deleted because a country that I attacked tried and failed to kill my country, and then I continued to play the game afterwards

I now know that if another player attempts to kill my country, and I survive the attempt, I will have to quit because I am no longer allowed to play the game for the rest of the round

Also galleri, you have just been called out for being a liar by Requiem, and I am just curious how that makes you feel?

Please let us know since you are such a "fair and balanced moderator"

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 19:52:53

So what rule did I break this time?

Did you delete my country for continuing to play after the attempted kill run against me?

If so, then you are a joke and so is this game :)

You are saying is that if someone tries to kill your country it means you aren’t allowed to play anymore and you aren’t allowed to make any more land grabs?

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 19:50:03

This game is such a joke

Apparently if another country tries to kill your country it means you aren’t allowed to make any more land grabs

Hahahahaha .... there is a good reason why the player pool keep shrinking

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 28th 2021, 15:06:16


This sounds terrible and it will ruin Primary

Why not make some of the changes recommended in the "Is this server fun" thread instead?


Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 25th 2021, 20:33:10


Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 14th 2021, 23:23:23

Yes, of course

Anyone who is fighting should be able to fight until the final bell rings..

This is another example of changes that are made to appease people like Gerdler who complain about every war aspect of the game and cry when they lose their precious netgaining resets

Devs make all kinds of changes without much thought it seems, and they ruin the game from a war perspective, but they really just want to keep the core group of whiny netgaining players happy

Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 13th 2021, 21:57:57


Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 9th 2021, 16:48:12

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Hessman123:
How’s everyone feeling about the rapid decline of the server and the game as a whole?

There are only 73 countries over 1 million networth in Primary this set, that’s pretty sad to see

Looking at some of those old resets with high ranking non gdi countries there were over 1k countries

Maybe the 5% of the players who go out of their way to ruin the game for others have contributed to that decline over the years. It's obviously not only I who think this is a problem, nor is it a new problem. Just look at the GDI mechanism in Primary and Express, why do you think that was introduced? It was to make it a bit harder for people like you to always grief others.

Seems like you got deleted this set and thats why the big indy on top is winning, because for some reason you thought that was me even tho I always play rep casher lol.

I didn't play this set, and won't be playing next set either, I just check in once in a while

I would argue that the decline is mainly because of the creators/mods catering to people like you who don't understand that this is supposed to be a war game first and foremost. The GDI mechanisms and the humanitarian limits increase the farming of weaker players and limit their ability to fight back, thus driving them away from the game.

Pretty soon they will have changed the rules enough so that it is impossible to fight a war at all and it'll just be a circle jerk of you and your buddies to netgain by yourselves and pat yourselves on the back for winning the round versus 5 other people :)


Hessman123 Game profile


Mar 8th 2021, 18:21:01

How’s everyone feeling about the rapid decline of the server and the game as a whole?

There are only 73 countries over 1 million networth in Primary this set, that’s pretty sad to see

Looking at some of those old resets with high ranking non gdi countries there were over 1k countries

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 19th 2021, 15:53:11

Originally posted by Slagpit:
What do folks think about changing the acres per day bonus to be based on how much land that you lost from land grabs over the previous 24 hours?

For player tips, if there's a specific suggestion then I can look at it. I think I wrote all of that code originally and I don't think that it's hard to add new tips. Happy to make some of them direct players to wikis (or even here to ask for help). I don't know if they'll ever be good enough to make a player not run a rainbow though. We do have some longer term projects in mind for teaching new players the basics, so don't be discouraged if not a lot happens here.

RE: player tips

I think Monkey See Monkey Do type tips and suggestions would be the best for new players

Show an example country status, an example advisor page of what a proper communist industrialist strategy looks like, with proper tech levels and building distribution, and a proper republic casher strategy or fascist farmer strategy with proper building distribution and proper tech levels.

Showing someone what a properly build country looks like would make it much easier in my opinion

As for the bonus acres and explore acres, I think the KIS theory needs to be applied to whatever solution you come up with and keep it simple and please try not to alter the game play too much,


Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 18th 2021, 5:33:13

I remember Ponti advocating for 50 acres or 100 acres per day for bonus acres almost a year ago, because the 20 acres per day really does nothing other than tip everyone off to when each player is logging in for the first time each day.

I guess we will wait and see if anything actually changes, I think it's best to leave Primary alone for the most part but these few minor changes would definitely be positive changes. Increasing the daily land bonus and increasing the explore acres will both help with the amount of land in the server, which will in turn help with the multi-tapping especially later in the rounds.

I second this post below...

Originally posted by Tmac:
If you opened up hr I would farm the same countries more. I only move on from farming 1m nw countries now because hr forces me to.

So far I'm only for the tips to help people improve, and extra land through bonus acres and/or exploring.

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 23:41:29

It is likely a lot simpler just to increase bonus acres per day and increase explore rates

The only thing the server really needs is more land

So if the devs were able to attract more players through advertising, social media, etc that would be great

Currently, bonus turns are given simply for voting for the game on two terrible websites, So why not give players bonus for signing up new players, or for posting about the game to various social media or whatever

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 19:47:08

Maybe make it so you can only attack up to 4x lower than your networth but if you are attacking up there is no range limit... or if you’ve been hit by a country that is now outside of your range limit you are still allowed to retal against that specific country

If nothing else it would make people buy sdi and build spies again


Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 17:15:31

Originally posted by Tmac:
If you run a rainbow, the game already constantly tells you to specialize every time you go to the build screen. Adding more info is great, but doesn't matter if they don't read it. Maybe putting it in big red font will help =P I'm pretty sure you already can turn on/off tips in your preferences.

I won't argue against more acres for everyone, lol.

The game tells you to specialize .. but it doesn’t tell you what specialization really is or what it looks like .. better in-game tips to me means more specific examples of builds and country set ups .... if you show someone what a casher actually looks like instead of just saying specialize it would be more helpful... make the tips more comprehensive like, hey this is how to play an industrialist strategy, make only industrial sites and buy business/residence and industrial techs to x percentage ..and here is an example country for you to attempt to model

I often send my own tips and info to people via ingame message after I farm them

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 6:05:43


Primary is by far the best server in this game and should be left alone as much as possible. Adding bots or increasing turn frequency would ruin it in my opinion.

If you want to address the issue of the server being brutal for weaker countries you could increase the acres per explore, and you could also increase the bonus acres per day.

Maybe if exploring was more advantageous, and if it was 50 or 100 bonus acres per day as opposed to 20 it would make a difference and would cause some of the better players to take less risk with multi-tapping and breaking gdi on the weaker players.

Realistically the weaker players just need to learn to play better, buy more tech, and find ways to fight back when they do get farmed. If it was easier for them to get more land via exploring and bonus acres per day it might make the server more enjoyable for them as well.

Another suggestion would be doing a better job with the in-game tips to help people learn how to specialize and pick a strategy and get to the proper tech levels.


Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 21st 2020, 2:50:00

Originally posted by Rob:
I hope those that dropped off this set and the last few would come back next set. Its getting pretty thin

This was definitely my last set.. I've had my fun and I've got many more important things to do now

Also Gerdler I just don't like you, it has nothing to do with anyone or anything else..

You essentially accused me of being a cheater on the forums when all I had done was I simply stated a common sense observation that "you were obviously going all jets to retal Ponti" and I hadn't spied your military and I had no idea what you were up too, I just made an accurate assumption and you acted like a total weirdo about it. Likely because you are a total weirdo :)

Edited By: Hessman123 on Oct 21st 2020, 2:53:47

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 17:27:13

looks like I'm the one in your head..

This is the reset you are talking about.. it was two sets ago... I hit you with 1 PS and you made your retal and I did not break gdi and I did not hit you again

2020-06-08 22:51:29 PS Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin (#60) Bobby Henderson Bobblehead (#20) 2506A (3571A)
2020-06-08 03:11:35 PS Bobby Henderson Bobblehead (#20) Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin (#60) 3281A (4677A)

three resets ago I didn't attack you at all and I ran this country..

Last set I didn't play at all..

This reset is the first time that I have ever attacked you more than once.. and it was so much fun that I might just have to do it again even though I said I was not going to play anymore.. lol

My ally was always Ponti btw and my other ally was my buddy from home who no longer plays and didn't ever post on the forums

Edited By: Hessman123 on Oct 19th 2020, 17:32:16

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 16:48:24

Originally posted by Gerdler:
tl;dr - I live rent free in your mind so much that you have to find me and war me every set you play.

Again with the delusions

I land grabbed you one set in the summer when I was a casher and you were quite a bit fatter than I was

And I land grabbed you twice this set .. other than those two instances I don't recall every engaging with you in game at all..

So how is it that in your mind I find you and war you every set that I play? hahahaha

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 14:35:03

Originally posted by Gerdler:
You've just proven that you believe the other netters on this server don't stand a chance against me. That's pretty rude towards Tmac, Molotov, Rob, Relaxlah etc. :)

Would have been just a few days to get you out of humies range once the DR wore off. Surprised you would drop all that land so fast since Im a rep and you are a dict which means every tank you get I have to get 1.4 tanks.

Anyway, my offer still stands. Fight me and not like a beta fluff. Express or primary. Or just stay a beta suicider.

Maybe you will one day realize that being the best at this game is not something to be proud of.. it just means you spend a lot more time on the game as compared to others

Also you have an extra advantage over some of the folks you mentioned above because you pay for premium and they don't... its sad really because the game developers promised us all these improvements to the game and all we got was pay to win

I came back to play this game with two of my old high school buddies after about a 20 year absence .. it was a fun thing while the three of us were playing.. kind of a nostalgia thing.. but they have both quit the game again and now its just a boring crappy old game again without my old buds playing..

The only thing that made this reset fun has been messing with you because you take it way too seriously.. but even that has gotten to be more of a waste of time than anything.. there are more important things to do and only so many hours in the day. When I really sit back and think about the amount of time spent on this game and what I could accomplish in that time .. it makes a lot of sense to just quit and move on with life.. In time you will likely come to the same conclusion I have come to accept.

In a way I am trying to help you :)

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 1:31:53

I'm sorry so many of your buildings blew up today Gerdy. It would appear that you have an antifa problem in your country

Too bad your not going to get to punish those responsible.. I guess its because you have some useless democrat mayors who are turning a blind eye .. and a candidate for president who is bailing the rioters and arsonists out of jail :)

Haratio Sanchez was destroyed this evening because the supreme dictator decided to burn all the lands .. it was a sad day for the sand castle people

Perhaps you will see us again in a few months.. I will likely stay on the side lines for a while and just troll the boards and wait for your next 3 peat attempt :)

good luck.. and remember to keep a nice high spal!

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 1:26:24

I'm done with this game now.. this was my last set and I was hoping to go out with a win

Oh well.. at least I had fun :)

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 1:22:49

Originally posted by Netsquash:
Originally posted by Hessman123:
If I ever play again I’m setting an alarm on my phone for 23:59 ... I found 3 mil Jets for a decent price on the public market and then I went to check my PM one last time to spend the last of my cash and I didn’t realize how close it was to the end.. I clicked the PM and my phone went poof the set is over

I searched you at 23:58 and saw you at your nw....

Then when my stuff returned from market at 23:59 i bought heavy pm and after i was done i was 53,400,000 and thought.holy crap i just beat him if he is done with cash and turns

Then i realized i forgot ci bonus points and cursed before screen showed end of set

Yeah you likely searched right after I bought the 3 mil jets.. and I realized that I still had jets and turrets on the market for sale at $444 and I decided to spend the 3 turns to pull them off so they wouldn't sell at the last second.. and then I went to go to my PM to spend the last of my cash, and I got distracted and didn't realize the time and before I realized the clock hit 24:00 and the set was over

There was hardly anything for sale on my PM anyways.. 1 turn worth of military... so even if I had the 10 or so extra seconds I needed it may not have been enough

It's fun to be part of a close finish like that either way, and thats a nice CI you ran because obviously a demo techer has an advantage on this server

well played

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 0:28:35

Yeah I got triple tapped and I ran out of food 6 times

But I also sold a few million bushels at $179 that I had bought for $32-33 .. so it evened out :)

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 0:21:48

If I ever play again I’m setting an alarm on my phone for 23:59 ... I found 3 mil Jets for a decent price on the public market and then I went to check my PM one last time to spend the last of my cash and I didn’t realize how close it was to the end.. I clicked the PM and my phone went poof the set is over

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 0:17:17

Good playing! Nice win, congrats!!!

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 0:02:27

I failed to spend my last 500 million like a donkey ... whoops :(

Nice set anyways .. good win to the nicely run commie Indy!!

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 18th 2020, 20:39:11


Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 16th 2020, 23:38:24

Originally posted by Gerdler:
'Gerdler built spies and bought tech, its unfair'

'Gerdler was not prepped before and I couldn't war him because of GDI'

You are the one crying.

Where are you reading this? You’re delusional .. lol

I didn’t say either of these things you quoted above ... silly gerdy

Welp.. at the very least we’ve livened up the forums :)

Hessman123 Game profile


Oct 16th 2020, 22:17:40

I didn’t force you to war with me .. I hit you once and you took your retal without upping your defences .. and then I got you again with another grab .. I told you I wouldn’t hit you again after that and I didn’t

You’re the one who then spent a week prepping, built up your spies, bought up some war tech, and stocked turns so you could hit me with what.. a few lousy gs attacks? lol ... As I said.. your head is bigger than the game itself.. you play the same strategy over and over again and you’re so sure that you’re the best that you come and cry to the boards every time you get land grabbed .. if you didn’t react the way you do it wouldn’t be so much fun

And yes.. you did come on here to whine about how you’re not going to get your coveted third win in a row playing the same strategy over and over

Edited By: Hessman123 on Oct 16th 2020, 22:41:28