
EsSayed Game profile


Nov 30th 2014, 17:19:16

a possible reason is maybe because agri tech doesn't do you any good as a techer, while res/bus boost your economy?

EsSayed Game profile


Nov 30th 2014, 17:15:23

Celphi ... U sure taught the guy a lesson not to multi LG people ....

I wonder why u didn't do the same to Vietnam (#26) who retaliated ur attack with 5 retals in a raw, same number of attacks from BaDonkaDonks (#3)

Also Kurus (#92) attacked 3 times in a raw, only succeded in the third, but still.

Celphi has a NastyMUF (#85) RoRed you, he failed, but still it is a RoR.

So the question is, what are the criterea for your raged revenge??

EsSayed Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 22:29:48


EsSayed Game profile


Jul 27th 2014, 21:25:56

eManny ... I know what you mean, but u didn't get my point.

I agree with you that "those guys" don't care about their set as we (net gainers) do, but in ebert's example, the guy already screwed up his set, so why let him go with doing that? for the sake of not letting the offender enjoy what he did, I'd rather switch my attention to screwed him up big time than to just let it be and end up with an average finish.

EsSayed Game profile


Jul 27th 2014, 21:01:04

ebert ... I saw what happened to you this set. I was so upset that I wanted to ruin my set and kill the a$$hole who did that to you. I was actually surprised that u didn't do it, all in all, ur set is screwed any ways, so why bear this bullfluff?!

As Kingme said, I have been using the same country name for ages now "Orjuwan", and for me it is very simple, I retal ALL attacks on me whatsoever, and if someone double-tabs me or ROR, I will forget all about my set (as a techer) and make sure that they don't get away with it. This have been working fine with me, after people got used to my mentality. Only one time I was RORed and patiently decided not to do anything about it because I was having a very good set, even though I ended top 5 I still regret not doing anything about it.

Like I said ebert, in your example, u shouldn't have let it go, screw one set but let the guy know that u don't take anyone's bullfluff. I'd rather lose a 5-day-set than to get bullied.

EsSayed Game profile


Jun 16th 2014, 6:29:39

I've just logged on to see what I have missed because I slept 3 hours before the end of the set.

700 million in cash and 700k technology points unsold! Man, that is a big a loss, should've reached 23k net easily instead of 19k 9th place.

EsSayed Game profile


Jun 14th 2014, 22:00:22

When I forget to join GDI before making my first attack, I know I have to be careful all through the set and avoid being in top 10 or even 20 till the last couple of hours and hope those rubbish suiciders will not notice me.

I saw u topping the ladder yesterday and seeing u're not in GDI I knew someone will mess ur set up.


EsSayed Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 10:06:40

Man ... I had my military orders at 99 just like I do every set, u know, to try and get some cheap military and resell for some profit.

Now I log on and find out that I bought the whole game's military at 99 and end up as #1 with ZERO cash and -2 million income deficit.

feels exactly like eating all the food in a restaurant till u can't stand up!

EsSayed Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 10:01:13

Well, u double-tapped him :)

EsSayed Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 9:58:32

The worst feeling is when u remember u haven't joined GDI just after u make ur first attack!! This happens to me 50% of the time.

A couple of sets ago I was surprised I finished at #6 without GDI, I wasn't online those few hours at the end, didn't like to see my country hammered with nukes ... I guess suiciders were bored and left the game at the end of the set.

EsSayed Game profile


Jun 7th 2014, 12:28:28

deezy ... u usually play techer ... don't u? u decided to ruin ur set to do all of that?

EsSayed Game profile


Jun 7th 2014, 12:25:09

Getafix ... with all these cheap acres from retals ... u have to win this reset.

EsSayed Game profile


Jun 2nd 2014, 18:45:51

Thanks guys ... my first number one .. just like Silentwolf's last reset.

It was my first time - since my comeback - that I manage to witness the last couple of hours in a reset, it DOES make a big difference.

EsSayed Game profile


May 24th 2014, 22:25:31

He shouldn't hit ANYONE with 300 turns in hand

EsSayed Game profile


May 7th 2014, 20:15:35

I usually play techer.

I never build any farms at all. I go for indy start selling turrets in PM for the first 40 turns and then on public when out of protection. I build ICs and some CSs (around 50% to 60% of the target) till 1900 acres, then I batch explore to around 3800k .. top my bpt to 75 ... build my 50% empty land with labs and rebuild the ICs into labs and then start teching at around 1700 tech points per turn.

I don't get myself into complicated calculations, but I just FEEL it is more efficient for ur turns to start teching over 1500 point instead 500 to 1000, especially that in Express i find the tech marker very slow in the beginning, so no real benefit from teching early.

EsSayed Game profile


Apr 19th 2014, 13:45:01

this girl? seriously?

EsSayed Game profile


Apr 19th 2014, 13:42:30

you should change your country name to HITME I AB 10TIMES ONLY.

I hate doubletappers ... but if u say war u should mean war ... not AB 10 times as a retal and then come and complain about their retal on ur ABs. Usually the guys who retal double taps with ABs don't stop until they finish the double tapper or at least make his set useless.

EsSayed Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 11:24:51


EsSayed Game profile


Nov 25th 2013, 11:06:09

$1000 not $999

moments before they hit the market, as if it is a standing order. Just like what Alin and braden said.

Every round I end up doing auto selling due to lack of time and availability.

EsSayed Game profile


Sep 29th 2013, 20:13:15

Couldn't help but creating an account to comment on this.

What happened is ridiculous ... the attacker had more networth!!

All in all, the whole DR rule is silly.