
Cathankins Game profile


Mar 28th 2023, 22:29:01

Originally posted by DeepThinker:
Thank you all for your tips and advice, wasn't really expecting that. I'll give it another try on that express server, seems like a real cool game but lots to figure out. Thank you all.

Welcome to the club, the guys here are great. They fight among each other but it’s a big fam. It is cool. Blow of some steam and make a few friends. It is a unique game.

Watch out for this dubious character named Superfly though. Think of him as this troll that you will meet who will jump out from under a bridge and bludgeon you. Its something we all went through. Your official once that happens.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 27th 2023, 17:05:41

When you do that tech start spend like 5 turns on warfare tech so you have missiles. That should help keep you be a little safer. Missiles scare most people away from breaking GDI because they do so much damage on big countries. A lot of missiles is maybe the best defense to prevent being farmed, besides being at the top anyways.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 27th 2023, 17:02:02

Primary is very hard, you are walking into the lions den there. Maybe try and go play with one of the clans on alliance or practice on express. Express is very fun too it it is great for practice. If you go play with a clan they will teach you and share strategies.

Here, try this walk through. It should help you a massive amount to get started and figure things out a little.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 27th 2023, 12:07:42

Lmao ektar finishing a set, that’s a good one

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 27th 2023, 12:04:22

Originally posted by martian:
say biggie smalls into a mirror three times and see what happens.
Then you will know if you truly are a "big deal"

I tried it and some huge dude shows up talking about the 10 crack commandments, I live in bel-air so this is not normal at all whatsoever.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 25th 2023, 15:32:11

This is officially the worst thread in EE history

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 24th 2023, 21:05:00

I now support banning superfly if it keeps me from being banned at this point in time

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 24th 2023, 21:04:17

Wait I don’t pay so I’m defintely getting b....

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 24th 2023, 21:03:01

Originally posted by HH:
Super who?

leader of the 4th reich. He’s also gay. I mean these both as a compliment.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 20th 2023, 20:40:39


Cathankins Game profile


Mar 18th 2023, 13:45:49

Originally posted by Tertius:
Really appreciate you spending the time to find all of the edge cases - it's an old game, so the fact you are dedicated to this type of fairness means a lot.

This and galleri is always on top of things lately as well it’s been very cool

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 17th 2023, 23:12:13

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Every time LaF does not win triple crown they lose. Every time that they can’t place a single country in the top 3 they die a little on the inside.

Every time that Tmac sets a new NW record they have a mini stroke.

But hey they are winning the battle this round and JL and Stones gets participation ribbons. the coalition of SOL SOF Mercs got their war as usual so everyone is a winner!

You have said it like 3 times, stop spamming the same thing.


Cathankins Game profile


Mar 15th 2023, 6:34:45

What an awesome story

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 13th 2023, 1:50:44


Cathankins Game profile


Mar 12th 2023, 0:43:09

Good game guys, that’s one cool fascist farmer. First time I’ve seen someone do a fascist like that in primary.

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 11th 2023, 16:17:35

a 10,000 acre techer that stocks early can hit around 50 mil, so these techers grabbing to 30,000 + acres and finishing at 30 mil and using all of their turns to do 50 acre land grabs (instead of a few 500-800 acre grabs and using those same turns to tech and make $$$) are losing a substantial amount of money. I would compare it to the games equivalent of an empire that spends all of their $$$ on frivolous adventures overseas and then comes home with little to show for it.

3 Lord of Chaos (#7) 10,762 $49,060,629 DG

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 10th 2023, 12:56:39

I have no idea A-Rod I’ve been wondering that myself. You have about 3 guys that run tyrannies and they will grab the bots until they can’t get good gains. Maybe the mods should give them their own bots so they can ruin
The game for themselves but not you as well. Seems more fair if someone is going to do something like that to not ruin it for everyone. Or maybe more bots.

I don’t know but what a stupid thing to do 50 acres per turn lmao there’s same guys never finish over 20-30 mil tops because of this silly stuff

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 10th 2023, 12:52:32

Wait I though there was a war this set on team? Is that cancelled? Between darkness and Bh’s crew?

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 10th 2023, 6:15:03

Originally posted by Captain Control:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Too much negativity up in this mofo for me.

Pour you a glass. Roll one. Whatever, idc.

Good vibes thread.

When I first came to this community I had been gone for a long hiatus. I contacted players from almost every clan, skol, tmac, nitell, gerdler. Just to name a few.

What I found where all of these guys where extremely nice and went out of their way to help me. I found it to be a very positive experience and it was a fun time playing. I will probally leave soon and come back some years later but I just wanted to leave some good vibes.

I thought it needs to be said because I havent seen it said.

Thank you guys for going way out of your way to be kind and help me through no gain of your own. Truly there are some nice people I’ve found here.

I'm going to second this Cat. I started playing EE about a month ago. I've asked plenty of players for advice and every person has generiously helped me become a stronger player. This community is filled with alot of amazing people that want this game to survive.

Welcome to the club man glad to have you. Glad others are finding the same, now if we can just get the rest of the world to start doing it as well ha

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 10th 2023, 6:12:06

Originally posted by Real Man:
1. Hanging out with all theBOMB members / laughing our asses off daily.

2. Reset 68 (best war dec ever / best FS ever? Also set 68 recap video)

3. making BOMB videos, making people cry, then mocking them for crying.

4. activating theBOMB insurance policy when cheater / loser / manlet rokkie suicided theBOMB

5. TheBOMB getting the land record

6. Topfeeding en4cer for the landgrab record

7. When Hash cheated and I still beat him (lol what a sad loser)

8. no1stroker

9. m0m0

Can you tell the story of #2 and #6 for those of us who aren’t familiar? What’s the story on the war?

Cathankins Game profile


Mar 6th 2023, 1:20:04


Cathankins Game profile


Feb 27th 2023, 1:29:24


Cathankins Game profile


Feb 20th 2023, 14:20:33


Cathankins Game profile


Feb 14th 2023, 23:40:27

Originally posted by Havoc:
I'm curious if it was by the 15th or 16th grab on me that were you able to effectively "learn the mechanics of land grabs against larger countries"?

Also, why does Team drama keep getting brought into this server again?


Cathankins Game profile


Feb 14th 2023, 6:59:00

Originally posted by Rocky79:
I’m not very good at playing a farmer

I prefer the ease of game play of casher and can’t manage selling on the market,

I had bushels stuck at 44 that didn’t sell, they were returned from the market after 48 hours, so I started with bushels today when I logged in and ran turns.

I forgot to save a turn to sell, so I just sold all my food on my own PM at 33. Now I just checked market and see that there is literally no food for sale and a bid price of 45, haha

Max your military strat and you can sell on public for $38. When I hit 75 mil on express with the fascist I didn’t even sell on the public market one time if I remember correctly. Usually unless prices are over 45 and I have extra bushels, I won’t sell on public because of that.

Techer is what gets me because if your tech doesn’t sell, you can’t play turns. Commie has this issue as well over on team I hear from the other guys. It would be cool if techer and Indy had a private market option, casher is already the same since if the market is empty you just use private market and it usually works fine. That’s the main reason everyone is playing fascist is the market limitations of the other strats, you can see it most over on team where entire teams are fascists and the market routinely goes totally empty.

Cathankins Game profile


Feb 14th 2023, 6:49:45

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Nah one will delete, he can’t finish a set. He will throw a huge hissy fit and cry and then delete like he did when I Ab’ed him a few sets back


Cathankins Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 15:48:46

Many of us here have went on a rampage, been an *** and made a lot of people mad. They will get over it just chill out and give it time. Tmacs a good dude and Andrew is too. If your sincere and nice to them I’m sure they will get over it in time, although I cannot speak for them. That was really a **** move on Andrew though. He worked a long time on that thing and it was a special set that will be hard to replicate with the biggest clan in a war.

But I’m sure you can redeem yourself, I’m
Not so sure you will but I’m
Sure you could.

Cathankins Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 1:49:07


Cathankins Game profile


Feb 12th 2023, 3:26:35

Top 4 farmers played a perfect match, that big war was something else to watch unfold as well. Some crazy war machines some of you guys are building.

Cathankins Game profile


Feb 10th 2023, 0:10:16

Thank you and a great set played by everyone. These finishes are nascar-like close. Definitely the best games I recall, that was fun. Next set looks to be a crazy one too, can’t wait for that show.

Cathankins Game profile


Feb 8th 2023, 16:14:19

Welcome back bro. Deezy here, new account. Glad to see you back. This server is Awesome, lot of fun, the market dynamics are really something else, quite a wild ride and unpredictable. Easily my favorite server. Hope to see you play a set with us.

Cathankins Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 12:53:07


Cathankins Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 16:22:36

Wait hold up Gerdler is actually on team lmao that’s crazy lol this server is awesome. The others don’t have the same magic this place have. This is classic earth right here I tell you what.

Cathankins Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 16:14:35

All Hail Gerdler the king of the wall clan

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 30th 2023, 21:27:52


Cathankins Game profile


Jan 29th 2023, 10:48:43

*spinning in circles still*

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 28th 2023, 19:00:31

I didn’t realize Req played with you guys. No idea how I missed that one.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2023, 11:31:51

What galleri said ^^^ since I’ve been here I saw everyone talks crazy to her and she VOLUNTEERS her time? That’s what I’ve heard. If true I’m amazed she doesn’t go on banning sprees just for kicks.

The transparency will also help players know who and what to watch for. Every time I see a purple I always wonder “what was going on there?”

I’ve played with crackhead quite a few times as well, good player and runs strong countries. Can’t say I’ve ever seen him doing anything funny, only very good finishes.

I think Gal does a good job though especially if she’s not being funded. All the humans I know are just struggling to juggle life much less find time to referee the battle of the **tards

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 12:48:03

But they are new and if you look at how fast they have organized and evolved since the start of this set I think they are going to be a legit team.

If you look at how they orchestrated that AB run it wasn’t a kill run but they executed it very nicely. That could be a kill run on a lot of people. Maybe not that guy but a lot of people. I know the war clans are hard as heck to kill, I learned that with getafix and his 9 cat lives.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 26th 2023, 7:43:45

Sorry if you took that bad blackhole, I didn’t meant I insult your team, my point was just that darkness backs up there reputation. I had never seen them fight before (I’m new to this server as well).

I’m highly impressed by how quickly your team is evolving and your ability to organize guys together. I do think people are underestimating you. Time will tell but I have a feeling you will build a legit team.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 13:41:32

Originally posted by Requiem:
They all serve a decent purpose. I would like to see the Team server remove the 5man tags and just be a faster-paced, no bot alliance server.

I think that actually is the current game rules over there. There was a big thing on the team forums and the majority of players agreed that there should be no 5 man limit. So you can run multiple teams with the same tag. You can also just run a regular team, we do and others do as well, others do run multiple team tags that are essentially alliances.

Bring a friend and come by team is very fun. The market dynamics are very unpredictable without the bots, it’s the Wild Wild West, it’s awesome. A lot of fun. It would be cool to see more of you guys play over there.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 13:36:31

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Gotta have team. If not, my life will be incomplete.


Cathankins Game profile


Jan 25th 2023, 11:42:37

His name seems trustworthy

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 24th 2023, 18:17:36

I think you guys actually did well. You went up against a team of elite war players and learned why they have the respect they do. Amazing performance by darkness.

Go back to the drawing board, learn to run a strong strategy and then come back. It would be cool to see this story turn into an epic rivalry if your clan grows and adapts and learns from this.

It would be really cool if you guys makes your clan the children of the light so the war would between befween Darkness and Light.

But it looks like they schooled you good this round. That’s the worst *** whooping I’ve ever seen. Quite cool to get to see how good their clan really is though and I think everyone would love to see more.

I wonder if maybe if you had 3 or 4 teams if they could still bang with you. I mean that was a very strong performance by them.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 23rd 2023, 15:46:19

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
No way will I get to my record, there is only one strat left that I want to try, after that, Im done with FFA if the bots are like this once again next set.

If you ever want to come play primary or alliance I’ve got plenty of stuff you will want to have a look at. It’s a lot of fun I’ve really enjoyed it over there on both servers. Team is my favorite though team is awesome. You are more than welcome to come hang out with us :-)

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 23rd 2023, 11:52:40

Nah one will delete, he can’t finish a set. He will throw a huge hissy fit and cry and then delete like he did when I Ab’ed him a few sets back

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 22nd 2023, 23:19:35

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ivan would 1000% be offended you called this person Ivan.

Coalie, some folks in our actual reality are genuinely NPCs. I work with one now. Dude is late 20s but doesn't really ever see himself doing much and is content to work jobs that lack upward mobility. I'm pretty sure, like any good shopkeeper in an RPG, that I could literally hack the guy to bits with a sword and he would be back in the same shop the next day selling the same odds and ends. Free will doesn't exist, and the totality of our experience is environmentally based, but some folks will follow bread crumbs off a cliff. The rest of us have 1st place finishes and have killed the server.💪

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 23:51:29

Originally posted by Tertius:
I think mostly the grievances above are due to some terminology and out-of-context issues (with the exception of KoH, but he's a man of extremes, and you can safely ignore his taunts, as I don't think he even regularly plays this server - or maybe too many others these days). Most people on these forums I would safely categorize as "not assholes", but there are always exceptions.

Suiciders and cry babies likely refers to some of the people you recruited, based on their past behavior. I'm not too familiar with all of the names, but it's not too unsurprising that people who like the ideals of a resistance don't get along in game or in the forums with many.

For the threats aspect, I'd argue that's just mirroring your (less direct?) threats to upend the status quo and force netters to war. Besides, sfbob is likely in FastCars and (rightfully) is probably just as pissed at you.

I support your goals of learning from the best warrers and looking to recruit and expand your presence. I'm less supportive of forcing war on everyone (as a netter myself) but as long as people are playing the game and not just being jerks, that's more on me than you.

“with the exception of KoH, but he's a man of extremes, and you can safely ignore his taunts, as I don't think he even regularly plays this server”


Cathankins Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 5:58:13

Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black hole I know that you are trying to recruit more tags to your suicide mission as two of our allies have already reached out with your messages saying that we are bad dudes lol.

So figured I’d save the you trouble and let you know that we are friendly with Takers Freedom as I mentioned above we help kill their suiciders often.
We are friends with Bad4U and we have long standing peace pact.
FF1 which is my friend Sonak also has peace pact.
Snake - all players here are friends of darkness and we will kill anyone that screws with them.
xUISX - darkness netting tag

As you can see you might as well stop messaging our Allies and trying to recruit them.

With us being friends and pacted to all the tags do u see why we kill suicider untaggeds now like you 3 rounds ago?

Anyways congrats on being in the top 10. I think that you guys are prematurely hitting your climax and peaking into the top 10.

We are gentle long lasting lovers. We are foreplaying you right now as we get bigger and we will love you long time. Will see who is limp and done by the end of the week and who is still mighty and hard….

Snake - all players here are friends of darkness and we will kill anyone that screws with them.

Thanks Superfly. I’m
Glad we have your guys respect. That makes my day, I know my little group is legit now for you to say that.

What is the point of making pacts with all/most tags in this server? To prevent any warring and allow an all-x NW'er to come out on top?

Seems like the multiple pacts defeat the spirit of the server...

Well for me personally I enjoy them but I have 4 other guys on my team as well who have various reasons for not wanting to war. Some of them it’s time, some just don’t enjoy warring.

A big part of it as well is the war clans are so good at what they do you won’t find anyone who wants to take part in that. Mainly because it would just be self flagellation.

I think it would be great to have a few more legit war clans personally but good luck finding guys with the time and skill who want to play. I’ve propose “dumbing” down darkness play style to meet other clans halfway (so maybe they would agree to a war then) but they aren’t interested and I get that too, why agree to a one handed
Boxing match if you already have the title.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 19th 2023, 0:48:56

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black hole I know that you are trying to recruit more tags to your suicide mission as two of our allies have already reached out with your messages saying that we are bad dudes lol.

So figured I’d save the you trouble and let you know that we are friendly with Takers Freedom as I mentioned above we help kill their suiciders often.
We are friends with Bad4U and we have long standing peace pact.
FF1 which is my friend Sonak also has peace pact.
Snake - all players here are friends of darkness and we will kill anyone that screws with them.
xUISX - darkness netting tag

As you can see you might as well stop messaging our Allies and trying to recruit them.

With us being friends and pacted to all the tags do u see why we kill suicider untaggeds now like you 3 rounds ago?

Anyways congrats on being in the top 10. I think that you guys are prematurely hitting your climax and peaking into the top 10.

We are gentle long lasting lovers. We are foreplaying you right now as we get bigger and we will love you long time. Will see who is limp and done by the end of the week and who is still mighty and hard….

Snake - all players here are friends of darkness and we will kill anyone that screws with them.

Thanks Superfly. I’m
Glad we have your guys respect. That makes my day, I know my little group is legit now for you to say that.