
Cabrito Game profile


Nov 1st 2012, 22:23:43

I play on psn as well. But I prefer the ump. It kicks ass over the p90 which I use to love on MAG.

Tho I dont really play camp on daily much unless it has zombies. So I am looking forward to BO2.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 5:27:19

Originally posted by Wharfed:
the microwave counts right?

It has to cause thats about the only way I will cook lol.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 23rd 2012, 1:21:00

Oh and btw I am old school so to me a women belongs in the kitchen men belong on the coach watching the ball game (or in my case most of the time playing video games).

But like I said I get bored to easy and if it dont interest me like watching the ball game, video games or sex I want nothing to do with it.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 23rd 2012, 1:16:37

Originally posted by iNouda:
I can cook...some stuff. But what I make is rarely "good" as in awesome. It's just meh. As long as it's edible!

Thats me. But about all I can cook is hotdogs and some other things. But I also hate cooking too. I get bored to easy.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 18th 2012, 20:15:26

Yeah I seen that. I really do need a hug because that one was in Santiago to :( lol
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 17th 2012, 20:18:13

someone needs a hug using all caps.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 8th 2012, 5:33:09

weekly post see ya next week
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 20:46:51

dont like em dont attack then
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 2nd 2012, 2:04:47

"Parents have noted their children becoming angry and violent when their electronic gadgets are taken away from them"

You know the problem with parents today? They damn scared to beat their kids like they use to get beat. I am old school so my kids get the game taken away and their butts whipped. I dont beat them to the point where they get a belt broke over their backside but they know who the boss is. My kids wont disrespect anyone for fear of getting spanked.

Plus my kids dont play the game as much as I do anyway lol. I get board to easy and football, sex and video games are the only things that I can actually do for long periods of time with out getting board.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Oct 1st 2012, 20:09:47

When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 27th 2012, 22:05:46

Originally posted by Marshal:
fix what? its user stupidity.

there ya go fixed it for ya
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 27th 2012, 22:03:02

ketchup if you think the college players dont get paid think again. first off they get a free ride in school. Then they get money on the hush hush. It maybe some alumni slips a couple hundred here or there or a booster gives em a car here or whatever else they need but they get paid.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 27th 2012, 21:59:21

Dont do it its a trap
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 26th 2012, 21:26:56

RB I will be happy to hit 40 lol. Naver been over 20 that I can recall. Once or twice but that was like 20 or 21. But this is uncharted waters for me.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 26th 2012, 1:56:24

well I will have my best ever netting set. Might hit 30 mil lmao. wait had to go check. 8 of my countries already did. Let me make that 40 mil then. Maybe. But my reset ends early so I wont be finishing in no top 100.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 26th 2012, 1:52:31

Yup they make millions in all sports and 101% of em aint even worth 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999$ of what they get paid.

what ever happen to playing the game for the love of the game. fluff If I could play pro sports today and be a big name star I wouldnt ask for much but enough to cover my bills put food on the table and buy a house. fluff 250k would be great. Enough to pay my bills put food on the table and save for my kids to go to college.

Tho I did read an article on yahoo about a NFL player who still drives the car he bough in college. They say its worth like 1200. Other players feel they got to drop 3 or 4 million on cars and 30 million on houses.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 25th 2012, 0:21:55

well thats what you get for being drunk
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 25th 2012, 0:21:26

I will let ou have the blame on this one. I had problems selling my food
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 25th 2012, 0:20:20

I vote crippy
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 25th 2012, 0:19:29

I think that is the first time I have heard it called Blackanese. Have heard of redneckanese tho. lol
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 25th 2012, 0:18:17

Well I can only pick up on words and stuff due to it being similar to spanish but I like cougars idea tho lol.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 23:53:25

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Cabrito:
I never said lowering taxes was a bad thing. However I have yet to see lower taxes. And yes I understand he inherited problems from Bush. Like Bush inherited problems from Clinton. And so on and so on. But once a person becomes president they get the blame for everything.

I was replying to Klown, not you :P It is always fun getting all the blame... that's why I would never run for Prime Minister of President of a country

as was I

and Dibs I agree. I like things that go bang boom or KABOOM!!!!!! and nukes do just that lol
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 21:22:34

I never said lowering taxes was a bad thing. However I have yet to see lower taxes. And yes I understand he inherited problems from Bush. Like Bush inherited problems from Clinton. And so on and so on. But once a person becomes president they get the blame for everything.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 5:00:18

You got to realize when your the prez you take the blame for everything. Actually I am one of the only ones I know that understands the prez has very little actual power in this country.

I know none of the idiots running will do half of what they say they will due to the fact they cant because they lack the power to do so.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 1:23:47

locket you do know war is actually good for an economy. However on a side note, the US has not been in a war since 1945. Congress is the only ones in this country that can declare war and the last time they did so was December 8 1941.

And actually for all of 2008 and into most of 2009 I was working tons of hours. It has been basically since 2010 and 2011 that work has slowed. Not thats more then a month in to Obamas term.

When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 21st 2012, 19:38:25

I agree with Buch. fluff Osama. He is proving that the black man is just as bad as the white man at running a country, only he is doing a worse job then Bush did.

Since he took office, I cant count how many times the shop I work at has had to give us fridays off because theres no fluffing work. After 3 days of being home I am bored fluffless. I personally would rather work 10 hour days monday - thursday 8 hours on friday and half a day on saturday so I can go watch college football saturday night with my wife and kids.

Only way Mitt can do worse is shut down every job in the US.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 21st 2012, 16:16:41

Thats why I dont like pro sports. College Football is a billion times better then all pro sports combined.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 20:11:54

Well in Alabama you have to be able to legally work in the US and they run you through some crap that shows it too. Something like e-verify or other. It also gives employers the right to legally discriminate against those who are legal US citizens like my wife who because she looks mexican but she is really filipino and because I am latino and she is married to me with a spanish last name she basically doesn't even get a chance to get a job here. Tho I can not prove it.

Anyway farmers are now complaining because they have no workers and since most of their workers where from central america they have to find people (or ways around the law) to get people to work for them.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 10:29:24

I agree with you to a point buch. If they are lazy then I say fluff them. However if they do have a job and still need help then at least they are working.

But then again if Clinton had not of signed all those free trade craps most of our jobs that this country lost in the late 90's and into the early 2000's might still be here.

Obama is just proving that the black man is equal to the white man in that it does not matter what you are this country is fluffed either way.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 3:43:52

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by Cabrito:
If you have to make 250k a year to be middle class then what am I at my 25k a year? And thats at best.

40k for a family of four is considered "poor", so you're basically rich!

Wish I did make 40k a year. But that 25k covers me, my wife and 4 kids. So my 25k and family of 6 trumps your 40k and family of 4 :P lol
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 1:03:51

xin I think thats to low to even be part of piss poor broke. If 250k a year is middle class then 150k has to be low class.

fluff if I made 250k a year where I lived I would be considered in the upper high class. 35k - 50k a year here is middle class. So actually my little 25k would be low class.

But then again we have to go by Romny's saying of 250k is middle class

When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 19th 2012, 0:21:28

If you have to make 250k a year to be middle class then what am I at my 25k a year? And thats at best.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 18th 2012, 0:22:16

prolly me who bought it last night. but put some on at 49 for me will ya
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 15th 2012, 21:49:14

You dadgum skippy it was the name
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 10th 2012, 21:22:08

You bunch of crybabies. It was a good movie now me and my son want to know when the video game is coming out so we can play it.

Yes one of the best dadgum war movies to date. Love the part at the end where the dude basically emptied his clip in the ring leader.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 10th 2012, 21:17:59

who cares. lol Maybe if they would kill like a small percent of the pop then sure why not but as for using them to kill flat out well then i guess.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 6th 2012, 3:50:24

This country aint even a democracy anyway. The US is and has always been a republic.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 21:09:58

When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 20:05:17

When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 4th 2012, 1:06:28

Originally posted by TaSk1:
Your next question to her should be "who's bigger him or me?"


Well I can tell you my wife didnt get with me for my money or my looks. It aint easy being this ugly lol
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 3rd 2012, 21:29:18

Well I never played xbox I have always been a playstation person ever since I owned my first one way back in 98.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 3rd 2012, 21:27:10

boobies? LMAO hell yeah
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 3rd 2012, 17:03:29

I wouldnt know been with my wife for 11 years now. But I might not really care where she got em from tho.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 3rd 2012, 16:20:00

Your the first person I ever heard say xbox has a built in wifi. People I know personally have said they could not afford the 99 bucks for the wifi add on which comes standard on a ps3.

Sony is more into electronics as to where mircofluff is more into software. Both do have their pros and cons. Sure the xbox is a bit better in gaming online but why do you want to pay 50 bucks a year to play a game online for when I can just about buy the same game on the ps3 and play it online for free.

Besides like I said I play a lot of ncaa in dynasty mode and with the ps3 so I do not have to pay 50 bucks a year just to download the rosters for free. Microsoft makes to much money as it is, they should just allow people to play online for free.

ps3 is more family friendly as to where the xbox is more for gamers. Yes the xbox has more games out for the kinect then the ps3 has for the move, but if I wanted that type of system I would just play the wii.

Plus it is also a preference to what people want too. So tex if you son just plans on playing once in a while then the ps3 is your best bet. If he plans on playing a lot with friends chances are his friends will have a xbox.

And btw if what I have heard about the next generation consoles is right then I will keep to the old consoles. I like to test games online before I buy just so I don't waste 60 bucks to find out I bought a crap game like brink. Which btw I traded in and got more for kz3 then I did brink.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 3rd 2012, 12:35:27

Originally posted by kemo:
tell him to go outside like the old days. the graphics are better



And Thanks pain I couldnt for some odd fricking reason remember halo and gears at least. Those 2 I know are the main 2 for the xbox. But yes xbox is more for the competitive gamer where ps3 is more for the causal gamer.

I myself am a cheap bastard so I prefer the ps3 for all the free stuff I do not have to buy extra that xbox does. Free built in wifi, free blue ray and free to play online.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 13:47:50

Tho I do know the ps3 has controllers that a configured liked the xbox controllers and are wired too.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Sep 2nd 2012, 13:46:55

Actually they both are the same. Tho the PS3 is actually cheaper like some have said. Qualitiy of the games them selves are the same. And both systems have their own games like socom and kill zone for the ps3 and I forget which ones for the xbox. But if he is into like fifa or madden or ncaa then I would recommend the ps3.

I play ncaa a lot but not online much so with a ps3 I can download the roster names for free with out having to pay an extra after already having paid an arm and a leg for the game.

The ps3 also has a built in wifi where the xbox does not. I have also heard for the xbox you have to buy a keyboard for it if you want to type a message as the ps3 you can just use a regular pc keyboard.

So imho the ps3 actually is cheaper then the xbox tho however if he is a more competitive style fps gamer the xbox really is better due to more players with mics.

Bu if he is going to play like the games solo then I would recommend the ps3 cause if he just wants to play like zombies or something or cod then he can get the dlc for the same price as the xbox but doesnt have to pay for the online crap.

Tho xbox does gets dlc for games like cod a month before the ps3 does.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Aug 31st 2012, 17:53:13

Then again it could be part of my stock now. Either way I doubt anyone would know who bought it nor will you be getting reps lmao.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Aug 29th 2012, 1:23:35

Well LaF is a good fit. I have learned a thing or 2 about netting finally lol
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb

Cabrito Game profile


Aug 28th 2012, 23:23:27

Originally posted by Trife:
the french quarter surrendered to katrina the moment it was named, that's why it was spared

i dont think france jokes will ever get old

Now thats funny lmao
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb