


Aug 5th 2010, 22:35:43

based on what I did compared to what I took, Id say I must be the most unlucky farmer on the server then. lol. Lets take a look at the people hitting DBD back? Or OG?

that wasn't what I was referring to though. NE started this crap by hitting US, not the other way around. They decided to make a war out of nothing, so I jumped early to avoid it. They then ruin my netting set on the last day. No real skin off my back, irritating yes, but this game is just something I do in my spare time. I guess I have more reason to find something else to do with the spare time I spend on this server.



Aug 5th 2010, 22:21:54

yes yes Im sorry ZEN, I shoulda gone all-X *rolls eyes*



Aug 5th 2010, 22:11:35

Imperialism, 142.

I was surprised I got so high, I was ABed and missiled early then had to jump early because of NE, then they did this today, but yea, woulda been a legit high finish depending on how others do.



Aug 5th 2010, 21:59:01

Or to try and ruin a possible top finisher...I guess for the record, since it won't be known now, 47.33m would have been my finish. I guess this just solidifies my decision to forget this server. Why play on this server if we have RD acting like children on top of suiciders running rampant, not just untagged, but tagged it looks like. I guess Ill just finish out my earth career in Alliance.



Jul 29th 2010, 2:35:51

I was logging in from my phone today and with how the scrolling works, I couldn't really use the pages correctly. I would scroll down on the build screen and the menu and graphics would follow my scroll literally covering up some of the buildings and with a small screen, I couldn't do much. That happened for all, but thats an example. Doing something like clicking on the scores menu item was virtually impossible because I would scroll down and it would then move with me. So, though its nice to have the scrolling inset while on a monitor, on a phone or other small electronic device, not good.

With some quick fingers I could move around, but it was a hassle. So having the option to something simpler would be nice.

On a positive note, I like the new looks on my computer :)



Jul 29th 2010, 2:14:25

huhuh, you can turn a blind eye while hidden countries from all over the server join them in killruns. Their 1:kill policy is ridiculous and should be implemented right back at them. Ive also seen a couple countries killed for retalling hits against them.

I guess they are just big and bad when they play on the 5 man team server and combine all their teams...whew, such tough guys.



Jul 29th 2010, 2:03:19

Pain, pointless warring at the end of a set I tried netting in, yes. I already know I won't be back next set. I gave this one a try, but it is clear that RD already ruined this server. I would recommend boycotting this server until they shape up and act like adults. But hey, thats just me. Ill be waiting for them over in alliance when they grow some.



Jul 29th 2010, 0:47:05

it probably is the best way for this server to lose players, but meh, why not right?



May 10th 2010, 1:57:37

madjsp, it was cinco de mayo...of course there were people wearing mexican stuff.

hoop, is it in the dress code that they cannot wear clothing with American Flags on it? Of course that wasn't in the dress code. Therefore, the school had no rights on the matter. They cannot simply ban anything on a moments notice because they deem it necessary. We are a country of laws, not men.

It comes down to selective punishment really. Schools can make rules and execute them, but first of all the rule must be in place and second the rule must be executed without discrimination. The rule was not in place and even if it was, they executed it on one side and not the other creating a legal case for the punished students.



May 9th 2010, 21:20:15

Im not going to defend the choice of the students, but they were well within their rights.



May 9th 2010, 21:18:39

He still acted to encroach on their rights. If another takes offense to the shirts and will act in violence, that person is the one that should be sent home, not the ones wearing a shirt.

Kess has the right idea. If the school rule prohibits all shirts of a certain kind, then it is ok for the school to act. Such as all shirts with a national flag on them etc etc. To act against the American flag and not act against the Mexican flag is not legal. Send them all home, or none. Sending only one side is not right and the kids have a legal case against the school if they chose to act.



May 9th 2010, 21:01:53

No TAN he made a personal decision to encroach on the kids rights. It matters not whether someone is offended by the American flag because by that logic, one day someone may find it offensive to peaceably assemble, or to vote etc etc. If the kids did nothing but wear those shirts, they are well within their rights. As such is it not legal to send them home for that reason.



May 9th 2010, 18:58:10

Originally posted by TAN:
Americans are also entitled to hate speech. However, that becomes illegal when it could promote violence. This is the same case. I'm not equating wearing the American flag with hate speech, but in this PARTICULAR context and situation to encouraging violence.

You are most certainly equating hate speech with the American Flag. They did nothing that would bring violence. Freedom of speech and expression must be protected. What if I felt offended at anyone at my college that wore a Barack Obama t-shirt? Or what if I felt offended by anyone that wore a t-shirt promoting free-choice for abortions? Should the other person be liable for me producing violence? Absolutely not!

Now as someone stated earlier, if it was the American flag pissing on the Mexican flag...maybe you could call that out because it is denigrating Mexico. However elevating yourself or something you believe in cannot possibly be equated or even compared to hate speech.

Edited By: CKHustler on May 9th 2010, 18:59:50



May 9th 2010, 18:21:39

If we have come to a point where we are concerned about the safety of kids wearing the American Flag, we have much more pressing matters.

Its about freedom. What if others found it offensive for people to gather around the flag and pray on the national day of prayer, would we send the kids home? Or what if wearing green shoes was offensive to some group or another and the ones wearing the shoes we sent home? The examples could go on, but it is not the examples that matter.

They have freedoms. Wearing the American Flag on a t-shirt falls well within those freedoms. If a problem arises, those that started the problem should be punished, not those that are exercising their freedoms.



May 2nd 2010, 23:39:08

I think it has to do with funding being directly correlated with how much they can blame humans for global warming. Or maybe the the head guys starting the organization(IPCC) to prove humans were causing global warming. Or perhaps the emails showing they were skewing the results.

Bottom line, the earth is warming, but no more so than it has in the past. MIT released a 20 year study last july saying they didn't believe CO2 was a greenhouse gas and therefore causes none of the warming. They based that analysis on the fact that despite the increase in CO2 solar radiation leaving earth vs entering earth did not change. Whether thats true or not...but it should definitely be looked into.

I like Fooglmog would like to hear some intelligent statements regarding the existence of AGW.