
BlackHole Game profile


Jul 24th 2024, 1:55:33

I'll play!

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 8th 2024, 12:52:11

Cath - most people who call themselves geniuses, are in fact, not geniuses.

I am curious though. Maybe you are. So would you care to share a bit about yourself with the class? What have you achieved in life with your superior intellect? I'm assuming you work on medical research, curing diseases? Or you're one of the foremost authorities in the world on rocket ship design, working with NASA to help bring men to mars? Or maybe you've just wanted to help people in the world, and you're a pediatric surgeon? Or... perhaps you're one of those geniuses that is trying to win at life. And you own some company that has a gross revenue exceeding 10 million a year, and you're living the good life, sipping margaritas, vacationing to beaches all the time.

Tell us, what has this geniusness that you've been blessed with allowed you to do in your life. Please be warned, if you tell me you're some grunt working for someone else making 45k a year I'm going to be disappointed. That's fine for us regular folk, but a genius like yourself better have far surpassed the rest of us idiots in terms of life accomplishments.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 6th 2024, 10:33:24

Originally posted by Lord MilkHole:


What the fluff is this amalgamation of a name??!?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 27th 2024, 15:30:58

No!!!!! Make those fluffes buy my 900 per barrel oil!

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 26th 2024, 15:42:20

Really like that idea, Rasp! Changing the meta and creating a scenario where the outcomes are less predictable would be a lot of fun.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 26th 2024, 15:40:25

I think something is missing. What is my role in leadership here?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 26th 2024, 2:02:11

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
What if we changed tag average networth to another metric? I'm not sure that it's so meaningful for a server like this. Any ideas? It would be nice to remove the penalty for having someone inactive in your tag.

Keep ANW. But make a "combined title" that uses all relevant metrics; members, TNW, ANW, T10 countries, top rank and the alliance that scores the lowest sum of combined ranks in all of these gets put first. that way if you drop members you might gain on ANW but since you lose tnw and members its not very clear if its even an advantage for you.

Clan A is
4th in ANW
top country ranked 1st
3rd in members
2nd in TNW
3rd in number of top 10 countries

So they get 4+1+3+2+3 = 13 in score which is a very strong score that might make them #1 or #2 among all clans (lower score is better)

If they drop 2 low ranked members they might be 4th in members, and they might even get a worse TNW rank, even if they get up to 3rd in ANW.

You can always make it so that you cant drop people unless its before the last 10 days or something, thereby making it a very difficult choice that most leaders wont see a reason to do.

So it's like golf, lowest score wins?

I like the idea someone else had with records/cumulative score keeping from round to round, giving people a reason to keep working for a clan, creating a legacy. If the scores are boiled down to 'points' so to speak, the points aren't norm referenced or anything, so they become meaningless across sets. Only downside to that option, I think.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 26th 2024, 2:00:52

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Allowing detagging is going to lead to abuse because players don't have access to war as a means to resolve disputes. For example, a player could join a tag and benefit from spy ops, offensive allies, and research allies all set only to detag and join another tag. A tag could recruit a new player to help with spy ops and detag them at the end of the round to raise their average networth.

The average networth calculation is currently bugged but that will be fixed before the end of the round.

I can't imagine anyone cares about this

Nobody, literally nobody, cares about your opinion. Until you can admit when you said extremely ignorant and false things, the words you type are meaningless.

Also, not for nothing, but in any of these suggestion threads all you ever do is act like your opinion is the only one that matters. When in reality it's probably the only one that doesn't. Do us all a favor and go back into hiding.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 25th 2024, 18:49:14

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Turn inactive countries into bots. But don't allow the player to start any new ones for the remainder of the reset. Make vacation mode 7 days only.

How would you define inactive? You can hoard turns for upwards of 7 days I think, on this server. And what if they are spending a very minimal amount of turns?

Better question, why does it matter if some other country is inactive?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 10:21:56

So M4D WAS FA'd by Josey and the Suiciders.

I guess we weren't making stuff up after all.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 19th 2024, 17:56:00

Does PS not take all the jets?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 19th 2024, 17:55:17

Simp -

Here's a thought from my perspective on your strategy. Your LG's weren't the end of the world, although you did quite a few. When I retaliated, but with less, you retal'd my retaliation. So I kept going, and it was a little back and forth. Given that I saw you were going to keep retal'ing, I decided to escalate the issue into GS's. The reason I did that is you're a techer, and if you wanted to continue the tit for tat with me, you're throwing away any income generation opportunity, while I can still generate income as a farmer.

You did have me outgunned on tanks, and that was likely going to be a problem for me if it got to that. But I figured if we went that route it was a MAD situation anyway.

IF you had LG'd one or two times, and you hadn't retal'd my retals, I would have let it go. But the extras are what forced me to escalate. I gotta defend my reputation, otherwise people won't respect the name!

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 19th 2024, 15:01:21

ya'll are attacking people?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 23:56:24

Dear Empyrean,

I appreciate your kind words. It turns out when you aren't attacked, it is easier to grow. In addition to the new knowledge I've learned, I've also been aided by benevolent gentlemen and gentlewomen who have bequeathed me men, planes, and tanks. I hope the early summer has been well in your country. I hear the cicadas are supposed to be bad this year. I should visit sometime soon. Tell the family I said hello.

Ever your affectionate friend,


BlackHole Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 20:22:06

It was me.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 10:02:50

Originally posted by Capt Obvious:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Mods should not delete first then investigate later. They should investigate first then delete if they have a confirmed rules violation. No one should be deleted with an intention to discuss it later via a appeal process.

And nobody was deleted here. Congrats on contributing nothing to this discussion.

Oh, TC was talking out his turtle arse again?

WOW! This is my surprised face.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 10:01:45

Originally posted by Requiem:
How do you expect us to reach 10k posts only posting once a week!

step your game up! I can teach you.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 23:48:08

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Mods should not delete first then investigate later. They should investigate first then delete if they have a confirmed rules violation. No one should be deleted with an intention to discuss it later via a appeal process.

And what happens when they find that their was egregious cheating, and that person has never admitted their wrongdoing or taken responsibility for their actions?

When someone is being sentenced to prison, part of the sentence determination is based on whether or not they take responsibility and show remorse.

Basically what I'm getting at, TC, is if you've ever done that for the egregious cheating you engaged in?

Oh, and welcome back to the forums. I've been waiting for you. Remember when you told me that I had psychiatric disorders and was detached from reality because I posted a gif?

I'd still like an explanation for that. Or an admission that you were way out of bounds for saying that, and you don't know what you're talking about.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 15:20:26

Cat - I don't know what you would be deleted for?

You're allowed to attack others. You didn't coordinate with anyone? Did he LG you first? If so, you're completely within your right to attack him back, including AB's.

He messed up by LGing a bunch of people. I am also completely within my right to retaliate against him whenever I feel like it.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 9:39:05

simpk - I'm number 14. You landgrabbed me a bunch of times. I dunno what you did to #6, but obviously you pissed him off. If you don't want to get attacked, don't LG people. I haven't even retaliated to you yet, for what you did. So you should save your whining for later.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 14th 2024, 20:30:40


BlackHole Game profile


Jun 13th 2024, 11:17:08

Cat, if EE earth scores was a sign of intelligence, doctors wouldn't go to medical school, they'd come here.

You're saying ridiculous things. Stop saying ridiculous things.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 10th 2024, 20:52:48

fluff yea Ko. I'm so happy for you man. That's awesome news dude.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 8th 2024, 21:38:42

Everyone deserves love and respect. This is a good time to remember that.

Happy pride Doug, and everyone else.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 14:40:59

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Y’all better take all that to doctor Phil I am not reading your lifelong diaries about your emotions. That is the exact behavior I was describing. I bet women boss you guys around irl a lot. That’s some major office energy where you guys get offended over literally everything and then always follow with some passive aggressive life advice. Save it and shove it.

Perfect, I'll take that as a 'yes, I'd like to play'.

Let's start with the easy stuff.

1. You clearly can't read. Like literally, I don't think you can read. Because if you could, you would see nothing in my post that even resembles being offended.

2. You're insulting women? That's interesting. Because you're the first person to cry victim about your feelings being hurt when people personally insult you and your religion. I'm not a bible expert, but I think there's a saying that goes 'don't throw stones in a fluffing glass house you idiot', or something to that effect. Maybe the Jewish Bible didn't have that verse though? Ever consider becoming a Christian?

3. Just for the record, and so that we are super clear (not that it needs clarifying). Women are awesome, amazing, and perfectly capable of bossing me, or anyone else around. In fact, the leadership team at my company is comprised of all women. Because they are the best qualified to do the work I ask them to do. And they do amazing things in this world. So maybe stop the women bashing you fluffing lunatic. I want you to get banned, but maybe in like a week or two. Not today!

4. Now the fun stuff. You, like TC, think you're the smartest person in the room. I disagree. My evidence is your words. You write like an emo child. I'm fairly certain you get your talking points from 4chan. And your ideas don't hold up to basic scrutiny.

Take for example your "Clearly BH is over socialized and it comes out in the form of these feminine social shaming tactics."

Can you explain to me how you think socialization causes feminine social shaming tactics? In fact, like start with what feminine social shaming tactics are. Define that for me, and then provide some evidence that indicates that over-socialization causes individuals to exhibit that behavior.

Oh what's that. You checked out, didn't read what I wrote, went on to a different topic, made up an excuses, or levied some new, completely ridiculous insult?

Yea, that's what I thought.

Smart people, Cat, can defend their words. Stupid people, people like you, throw fluff at the wall, and then walk away as soon as someone asks them to defend what they said.

Prove me wrong, but I think you're a stupid person. Not a smart person.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 14:10:09

Cat - we've been friendly. I've purposefully restrained myself from publicly abusing you. As you've never come at me.

My comments weren't meant to be condemnation of you or your people. Ya'll are doing what you're doing. My concern was with M4D, our current enemy, and their choosing to align with the servers pariahs.

If you'd like to come at me though, I will happily turtle crawler your ass for the next 6 months. I know you like to use many words to say few things, and I fear for the boards sanity if we go that route. At the same time though, I'd really like to stress test how resilient you are, and how much public ridicule you can take prior to breaking. Truth be told, I don't think you'll break and hide. I think you'll snap and get banned. You don't strike me as the most... how should I say this..... You aren't really in control of your emotions, are you?

So the choice is yours. We can go the easy route. Or we can go the fun route, the route where I make you look foolish, you snap, and ultimately get banned from the forums.

The choice is yours, cupcake.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 13:50:00

I mean... it happened.

I'm just confused by it. A little, I guess. Why would M4D align themselves with Josey/Cat and their crew, when that crew is hated by almost everyone in this community right now? It seems ridiculous.

Until you realize that Josey and Leto played together in PDM for a long time, which is a connection I laid out months ago. I mentioned how it seemed like Josey and Co was aligned with M4D. Turns out, I was right.

I think it's just a poor tactical decision by M4D, they already lost this war, and that FA they are receiving isn't really going to get them back into it. You basically just further cemented the M4D legacy as the axis of evil.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 8:49:23


BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 23:09:39

Originally posted by Capt Obvious:
B-Hole punches kittens in the face. It may be true, it might not. I will not apologize either way. Enjoy.

It is absolutely true. All you people posting your cute kitten pics in EE discord better watch out.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 17:03:37

Flip side of that, Empy.

There are 7 billion people on earth, and 112 billion that have lived ever (or whatever the numbers are). Throughout human history we've seen famine, disease, war, crime, natural disasters. Humans have experienced tragedies, sorrow, heartbreak. Species have gone extinct. An untold number of horrors have occurred on this Earth.

And despite all of that, the thinking agents on this plane that are literally made from the stars, still find ways to do amazing things every single day. Your brain named itself, and learned that it was made from atoms that exploded millions of years ago from millions of miles away (or further). Those same atoms formed humans that created poetry, music, literature, governments, medicine, technology, etc.

In spite of the horrors around us, and the horrors throughout human history. Mankind has seen people literally sacrifice their lives for the benefit of others. Mankind has seen people go to the moon. Eradicate diseases. Create wonderful charities whose sole focus is to help others. We've created universities to educate ourselves. We've created governments that, although aren't perfect, have led to one of the most peaceful times in human history. We've bridged distance gaps like no other humans have before us. I can speak to people in Malaysia and Ukraine and Australia, while living in rural America. I can enjoy this incredibly stupid game with people like you from all over the world. I can learn about your families, your careers, the great things you all have done in life. I can see the best in humanity in all of you.

And in all of that, I also get to troll you all. To demand apologies in a stupid game, on the forums, because it's fluffing hilarious. I get to create division within alliances, just to see if I can. I get to war the entirety of this player base, making everyone hate me, just to see how people react.

And at the end of it all, I get to realize it's just a game. And the same humanity you speak about that is going to die one day, Empy, is the humanity that is responsible for doing amazing things in life right now.

So yes, we are all going to die. And yes, a forum apology is ultimately meaningless. But in a world as vast as ours, with us being as insignificant as we are, we have this wonderful ability and opportunity to make of life whatever we want. And if we decide to spend some of our free time jostling with individuals on a stupid text based game's forum, demanding apologies, arguing over political decisions, clicking words on a screen.... Well that's just pretty fluffing wonderful and amazing isn't it? Life has given us this great opportunity, this ability to forge our own destinies, and to get out of life what we want. That sort of freedom and opportunity is literally priceless, and it's something the vast majority of living entities have never experienced the way we do. And Empy, as you know, we are lucky enough to even exist in the first place, in this vast universe we reside.

So I for one, am not going to waste this freedom or opportunity presented to me. I will demand MORE apologies now. I will troll HARDER. For I have just this one amazing opportunity in life, and I'm going to live this life to the fullest.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 15:02:29

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
I had a 400 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion chance of being born. I think Ill demand appologies on earthempires forums for 6 months to enjoy the lottery of existence that I won.

I don't think you will, you don't have the grit and determination that I do, sir!

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 14:09:28

Originally posted by TAN:
Was that a fake apology??? hmm

Just apologize bro! You made an egregious error! Arguing on a topic, talking extremely confidently, and then not even realizing who the hell you were talking to or what you were talking about!

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 1:52:52

Wait... TAN, was that a fake apology?!? You trying to trick me and prey on my kindness?!?!?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 1:14:58

Tan, what it means is that I relentlessly hold people's feet to the fire. I do it as long as is necessary.

People like you have been insulting me for 18 months now. But you can throw all the insults around you want, because time and time again I have been vindicated. You're recently returned, so I'll give you a bit of leeway that you don't know my history.

I may seem like a troll to you, but that's a surface level understanding of who I am. Look a little deeper, you might be surprised.

I do appreciate you admitting your mistake and actually apologizing though. All I ask is that people take ownership of their mistakes, as you've done here.

If I make a mistake, I'm quick to own up to it too.

Tan, hopefully we can move forward with a better understanding of each other, and respect for each other. I hope we aren't destined to be enemies.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 0:32:11


So that's how you're going to play this? When you're proven incontrovertibly incorrect, you go with an 'oh sorry, all you trolls are the same'.

Nope, that's not going to cut it. I want a real apology out of your ass. If you think I'm going to let this go, you haven't been paying attention (that much is clear).

Admit you fluffed up. Admit you don't even know who you're arguing with, let alone what you're arguing about, and admit that you were 100% wrong, and I was 100% right.

You do that, and I'll accept your apology and let this go. If not, well... I think you know what happens next. And I enjoy that part.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 0:19:40

Originally posted by TAN:
Because you claim that Drow was bullying DD. Surely you have some secret insight into that. DD must have told you he was being bullied, or shared screenshots with you, or SOMETHING. Because surely you couldn't be talking out of your ass with these wild accusations that you can't substantiate or support??



I'm going to make this really easy, and you're not going to like it, cause you're about to look really stupid.

I have never claimed to be a spokesperson for DD, nor have I claimed that Drow, or anyone else, bullied DD.

If I have, quote me. Go ahead, quote me of where I did either of those things. When I see that quote, I will quit this game forever.

When you can't produce that quote though, you owe me an apology.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 0:06:40

In fact, I'll go a step further and say that DD doesn't even like me. I don't speak on ANYONE'S behalf.

I don't know why in the hell you would even think I'm speaking for anyone other than my lunatic self. If you actually believed that, you're way less intelligent than I thought, Tan. Pay attention buddy.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 4th 2024, 0:05:39

Tan, please quote where exactly I claimed to be speaking on DD's behalf.

I'll wait.

Yea... that's what I thought. I forget, are you in PDM or M4D?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 23:44:32

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Drow:

"a lot of people within pdm" talk to you do they?
righto mate.

Do you doubt me? Shall we talk about what happened to your predecessors, and how they also claimed I didn't have any proof or contacts or info from within PDM?

Go talk to your buddy Leto about how that worked out.

Ultimately, Drow. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. And I don't know why we are arguing with each other, if I'm being quite honest.

I'm hopeful that you actually won't lead PDM into war. I don't think anyone wants that outside of M4D. I don't know what you truly want though, all I can do is read the tea-leaves. Which is why I asked the questions I asked.

Nah, you're just doing your utmost to try and paint me as a warmonger, out to start stuff lol
Trust me, if I was going to start something, I'd simply do it.


BlackHole Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 20:05:24

Haha nice one vettiv!

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 18:18:46

Originally posted by TAN:

nah, I think it was mendaci-tea.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 17:42:33

Originally posted by Drow:

"a lot of people within pdm" talk to you do they?
righto mate.

Do you doubt me? Shall we talk about what happened to your predecessors, and how they also claimed I didn't have any proof or contacts or info from within PDM?

Go talk to your buddy Leto about how that worked out.

Ultimately, Drow. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. And I don't know why we are arguing with each other, if I'm being quite honest.

I'm hopeful that you actually won't lead PDM into war. I don't think anyone wants that outside of M4D. I don't know what you truly want though, all I can do is read the tea-leaves. Which is why I asked the questions I asked.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 10:37:51

Drow, I'm saying a lot of people within pdm think you all are going to attack somebody, not the other way around.

I think you know this already though. You're a smart guy, you are just acting dumb.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 2:09:04

Drow - you claim I am making up facts, while blatantly doing so yourself.

Let's start with your point #3.

I was warned by NO ONE that I was going to be attacked. And if by running my mouth, you mean exposing the cheaters in your alliance.... welp. Sorry bro, sucks to suck.

I love that you are claiming knowledge about M4D warning me of attacking me, when you aren't in M4D, and you aren't me. How would you even know this information? I'm sensing a trend here, and the trend is you claiming knowledge, or sticking your head into situations, you have nothing to do with.

Moving on.

#4. Again, why are you speaking for M4D? Why are you defending them here? Why are you doing propaganda and damage control? They've got SJ, Empy, Leto, and TC. And I known they've all been strangely absent around these parts later, but those are the leaders in M4D. Not you. So why are you trying to be the P.R. department for an alliance you're not in?

#2. These are the facts. M4D announced intention to hit others. M4D purposefully didn't pact SoL/Stones. But they went out of their way to aggressively pursue pacts with everyone else. And we are supposed to believe that's just an accident, and was not an intention move? Come on.

#1. I have no idea who is preparing to attack PDM. I'm not involved in any discussions, I'm just Blackhole. The one who sheds light on situations that need light. I would suspect no one wants to war PDM. And I'd also suspect PDM doesn't want to war, which is why there is so much chatter from within PDM about what is happening.

#6 - I agree, it does have something to do with your alliance. Your splintered alliance in M4D got crushed. And I think someone in M4D went crying to you about it.

Good chat though, Drow. I think we've all made the points we need to make.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 3rd 2024, 1:18:05

So what are you saying, Drow? You preparing PDM for war?

You think it's a bad look what Mercs did. You confronted Mercs about it. You're obviously concerned, despite the fact that M4D PURPOSEFULLY did not pact SoL, while attempting to pact every other alliance. You're overlooking their obvious aggression here, and ignoring the fact that they are the ones that actually attacked first.

You know what I think is a bad look? I think it's a bad look for M4D to make a declaration post about how much they are gonna land grab everyone else. But then specifically and purposefully seek pacts with only some alliances, hoping to divide and conquer the others. Then during the set they make a series of blunders where they attack other, smaller, alliances over and over.

It seemed pretty clear to anyone who was watching, and if I remember correctly I called it at the very beginning of the set, that M4D was planning on warring either Rage, Stones, or SoL. If they weren't, why would they pact all the other alliances except those three? They didn't even try, as we've found out.

Drow, while you're concentrating on the fact that someone told you that SoL was preparing to fight M4D, you're ignoring the fact that the preparation occurred in response to the OBVIOUS intent for M4D to war SoL/Stones/Rage. And the fact that they'd hit multiple players previously in the set. Including me, unprovoked, when I was a solo player.

To put it in simpler terms, this is how I see what occurred.

M4D made declarations. M4D prepared for war. SoL knew M4D was coming for them, so they prepared in response, including swelling their ranks. M4D didn't like that SoL was making the fight slightly closer to even, and so they tried to get an advantage with a first strike.

In your mind though, this was SoLs fault? And you're going to blame Mercs and DD for this? Gimme a break.

Just admit the truth already. You're biased. You wish your boy Leto and his alliance would have won. And now you're trying tot figure out how to support him in the future, including politically giving people a hard time over things that have NOTHING to do with your alliance.

I feel really bad for PDM right now. Do you have the support of your members to engage in what your engaging in? You've been in charge of PDM for how long now, 70% of one set? And you're already on the brink of war?

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 18:54:11

Oof - there goes the narrative that M4D didn't want to bully SoL and that they were the victims in all of this.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 18:09:20

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
No no, I'm not asking why you WOULD be pissed, I'm asking why you ARE pissed.

I get why you would be pissed IF you were M4D. They got owned. I understand why anyone there would be upset.

I'm asking why YOU, specifically YOU, right now, care? You have nothing to do with M4D. So why do you care about their failed FS, or the fact that their bad politics ended up with them being in a war as the smaller side, despite the fact that they were the biggest alliance to start the server.

Why do you care, at all, about that? Your concern for another alliances politics is confusing to me, given that you are completely neutral to both sides.

you're moving the goalposts subtly there BH. I'll give you credit for that attempt.

Coalie asked, as per the quote, "Why would I be pissed?"
I spelled it out quite clearly.

in terms of whether I actively AM pissed at present, no, I am quite chill.

As for my speaking up, I have been consistent in that.
No different to calling out Cathankins and Josey's stuff, including their playing victim last set, and then their complaining this set when they got belted for suiciding evo.
I distinctly don't recall hearing you question why I cared about that though, funnily enough.

Ok, so you were pissed past tense. If not pissed, you at least cared enough to message DD and 'complain', or 'question' the SoL tag hoppers.

In short - why would somebody who is 100% neutral, reach out to another alliance leader and confront them about actions that don't concern their alliance?

I cannot see ANY reason why the head of PDM would reach out to the head of Mercs about a situation involving Mercs, SoL, and M4D, unless they were not actually fully neutral.

Drow - you're a smart guy, clearly. But I think you can acknowledge we ALL know what is going on here. You have close ties to Leto. You've acknowledged as much. I think it's very easy to see why you were concerned about the tag hoppers. It's cause you care about PDM and Leto.

And that's TOTALLY FINE! No one is saying you can't care about your old alliance-mates. No one is going to be pissed that you ARE biased, and that you AREN'T totally neutral.

I'm just asking that you stop insulting everyone's intelligence with this lie that you are 100% neutral. You aren't. Obviously.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 18:05:10

Originally posted by TAN:
Why do you care why he cares? What he thinks in his personal capacity doesn't reflect the actions of Paradigm, which has remained neutral and impartial.

If you're just morbidly curious why he personally're making a big deal out of nothing. Just move on.

I care because I'm aware of several conversations that have taken place with regards to PDM and their support for M4D. In particular, next set.

I care because I think PDM is an excellent alliance that Drow has inherited leadership of, and the value of them to this community is overlooked. PDM continuing to be apolitical is valuable because I think people need a place they can go net without fear of getting dragged into a war.

That seems to be in jeopardy, based on what I've been seeing.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 16:53:13

No no, I'm not asking why you WOULD be pissed, I'm asking why you ARE pissed.

I get why you would be pissed IF you were M4D. They got owned. I understand why anyone there would be upset.

I'm asking why YOU, specifically YOU, right now, care? You have nothing to do with M4D. So why do you care about their failed FS, or the fact that their bad politics ended up with them being in a war as the smaller side, despite the fact that they were the biggest alliance to start the server.

Why do you care, at all, about that? Your concern for another alliances politics is confusing to me, given that you are completely neutral to both sides.

BlackHole Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 16:48:51

Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
After reading all the pertinent threads on AT, can you two get off of our collective fluffs already? We can't even have one thread about M4D without you guys in here being nonsensical. Maybe it's time for another hobby?

Who are you talking to?