
Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 4:30:28

btw, who remembers Azn's picture with his fingernails painted! or Sphexi and his cyber girlfriend!(forgot her name) and/or Rats threatening Angel of Dol and I think even calling Mehul trolling him?(not completely sure about this)

Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 4:28:14

Ah, well I was always known Aimless. I rarely post and when I do I like to think it is for a worthy cause but other than that I just chill. I came back for a set to play last set in ESD and that's all.

I'm sure I didn't know everybody that played in Homer, USIMP, NHDP, or BOD.

Hell, I was in NHDP for a while with bai and didn't know Donny was there as well( I saw that he was NHDP in Thorndike's thread).

Point proven, move along already.

Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 4:17:57

I'm not giving you my name that is on my birth certificate bro so I will just take this as your submission of defeat

Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 4:10:10

Are we not all behind aliases? Was this your god given name? Was this your mother given name?

16 vs 16. Same Time FS. Somebody from TKO or Pan can police the tag. We tag from day 1. I will let you decide how early or late you want to start the war. No outside help whatsoever, in, out, or any form of assistance from a third party other than you, mrford, and I, Aimless.

I've known Dragon a LONG LONG time back since the old days. I am not the FFAT police but I will stand up for an old friend when I see them being ridiculed, bullied, and harassed personally as I seen you do to him.

I don't want to discourage you from posting but at the same time it shouldn't be at the expense of Dragon. There's a fine line between fun trashtalking and blatant disrespect and you sir have crossed it.

Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 3:59:21

Ah, I smell fear bro :) and when you are scared you find the lamest excuse not to accept a challenge. One of the most overused excuses is that you don't find me worthy of your GREATNESS.

I'm calling you out and if I'm not in your league then you should crush me fast. Fear, I love what it brings out of people :) Accept or forever be known that I, Aimless, made you shake in your chair :)

Accept the challenge because it is a challenge. That itself is enough of a reason for you to accept.



Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 3:49:09

Originally posted by mrford:
you are going to have to do better than that.

that's all you are worth, sorry :)

Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 3:45:55

if you dress like fluff, smell like fluff, you are fluff bra.

Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 3:36:22

Next Set. Let a neutral party come forward. Don't let your balls shrink and succumb to cheating rd scum.

Aimless Game profile


Jan 8th 2013, 3:26:45

1v1 me and you. I'm tired of seeing you picking on Dragon. We'll let a neutral party control the tag to see nobody gets fa'ed or any form of outside help.

Aimless Game profile


Dec 1st 2012, 17:06:14

you ignorant fake muslim.


muslim-follower of islam

they have their own grammar/style when addressing nouns

Aimless Game profile


Dec 1st 2012, 13:37:50

Evo starting next set is under the protection of Mehul. The might of Islam will rain down any who even think of pretend fornicating with Evo's man boobies.

Aimless Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 10:55:59

Originally posted by elvesrus:
so if my whole clan chooses warring and kills a netter, how do they fight back?

or for solo servers if you violate gdi and I AB you to nothing, how do you fight back?

if you choose the box netgain nobody will be able to kill you. the only way to die is through special attacks (gs/br) and nobody will be able to ab you as well. Only ss/ps can be done on you and they are limited as well to prevent farming/landtrading. If people do not like netting with 20k acres maybe they can increase the land explored per turn.

Onemansarmy, you NEED because society(in this case the game) and its terms(ability to compete against other netters) make you believe it is needed. If, however, those terms were changed then people's NEEDS change.

locket, because then I will be a hypocrite. Netters whine about people suiciding/stockhunting on their countries but I know a lot of those same netters have no problem on FARMING others(some are new players).

I will briefly address the question "why not just have them go play on another server?"

Well, while those other servers do serve a limited function, this game has morphed into one about social rings and further splitting them up may hurt the fragile dynamic it currently has.

Aimless Game profile


Nov 23rd 2012, 4:40:42

you must be a suicider :)

Aimless Game profile


Nov 23rd 2012, 3:30:53

Addition: If restarting, you will not be able to switch from netgaining or warring status.

Aimless Game profile


Nov 23rd 2012, 3:29:49

so this is a war game and i know it has evolved into different factions. The two main factions, however, are netters and warrers(sp?). I know there is a BIG suicider/frustration problem going on and so this is how I got to this suggestion.

At the creation of your countries, you are prompted/required to check box for netgaining or warring.

If netgain->only 1 PS per 24 hours and 3 SS per 48 hours (no special attacks, ops or anything other than PS/SS)

If warring->only 1 SS per 24 hours and PS per 48 hours + infinite special attacks except ops which are still limited to 25.

Now, this is a MAJOR ROUGHDRAFT. I will leave it to the developers to "balance" the formula/rules so that warring countries do not have an unfair advantage of gaining land because we do not want fat warring countries outdoing netters and then the term netgaining goes out the window from the grabbing restrictions.

This will control self-farming/landtrading and farming for stockpile.

Aimless Game profile


Oct 8th 2012, 13:49:07

I just replied Rossoneri!

Aimless Game profile


Oct 7th 2012, 22:24:45

The criteria you MUST meet:

-know how to give proper bear hugs(trees love that)
-know how to give proper netting instruction with at least two testimonials from former apprentices
-know how to post proper(super damn funny) jokes, videos, or poems to keep me entertained and coming back to your forums which a lot of people require you to be active on but don't give sufficient incentives
-have no intention of warring, settled all scores, and won't be blindsided by an old nemesis.
-have an open mind to my ignorant views on gaming mechancs, world events, and flavors of ice cream.
-have an active core of at least 5 players/leaders/recruits to chat with before, during, and after running turns.
-MUST not have people trying too hard to be funny, tough, nice, or mean.
-Will have PERSONAL written, tried with success, and at least top 17 strats on how to wipe a snotty nose without making it hurt(cuz im currently sick with a cold)

what you will get from me:

-semi smart azz
-player who can follow instructions
-no guarantees that i will get on but on forums due to living arrangements

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I will be starting late due to stuff I don't care to share with you until I choose the lucky(or unlucky depending on what angle you are looking at it) clan to chill with. I can and will be willing to answer any questions I feel warrant an answer. :)