
g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 15:04:00

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Gonzo you tripping. It’s not her problem because it isn’t a problem.

I consulted with the mod’s plural. Not a mod.

Like I said just farm the piss out of me if you feel you been done wrong. I am up on 10m turrets now….

Maybe I can teach you how to buy turrets? Press market. Type in desired quantity of turrets and click purchase.

Or my personal favorite method; place 3 market orders of 4m turrets each at $120 and sit back and watch them fill. But don’t cry if I farm you before you manage to buy up your cheap turrets….

"If you cooked my dinner right I wouldn't be forced to slap you around stupid fluff. Why argue? Just cook the fluffing steak right and you keep your teeth! The fluff kind of wife complains? This is YOUR fault. You make me do this Karen...."

So far you only insult and deflect "buy turrets Derp!!" and claim mods "technically can't accuse me, because the wording". Scummy, and typical of your kind.

Edit The fact that you continue to say you "consulted" the mods is because you know it's bullfluff, but it absolves you of karmic debt. It's not player abuse, bullying and general asshole behavior. Nope, mods said so! Sure countless players have been banned for this EXACT BEHAVIOR, but this is different because my mod friends haven't gotten enough player complaints, so let it go for now.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Nov 7th 2021, 15:11:54
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