
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2021, 2:44:38

Yeah. And it allows growers to have x amount of patients that they have 2 plants or so each for. In most states, it's like you get a medical card to grow a couple plants, but can choose to not grow and get your medicine from a distributor.

You have to have it behind a locked door but otherwise it's pretty loose on how you grow it. You can have a giant ass plant in a locked chicken coop that anyone could climb over tho. It's pretty loose.

Michigan is recreational now tho so idk how the rules changed since then. I assume it's just more loose. Even as a medical patient in PA I'm allowed to grow I just certainly don't have the space in the city.

But yes. The black market outpaces the dispensaries. One thing I can say as a lifetime stoner tho, when designer weed first came around it was very expensive on the black market. I think the supply of the legal market did, in earth terms, undercut a good netter at first. The black market supply chain is both cheaper and higher quality than ever. Your "guy" needs to have very good stuff for very cheap to remain competitive with the legal stuff these days.

And in terms of derivatives of CBD and THC.....everything from oils to shatters to budders, the legal market can mass produce wax waaaaay more efficiently than the black market. If you want some shatter these days, it's best to do it the legal way. It's mostly just the flower that is cheapest on the black market right now.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 27th 2021, 2:47:36
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