
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 8th 2020, 4:13:48

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by galleri:
Actually I am impressed that two men can cause this much drama. So much drama that the rest of the world is laughing.
America looks like a damn soap opera.
Every 4 years people are like: "if so and so wins I am going Canada". Bish please. Canada doesn't want you. lol Neither sides of you drama queens.

I will say it again..... Too many people approach politics with the same mentality as rooting for a sports team. It is dangerous and counter productive.
Politicians aren't heroes to be worshipped. They are literally employees we hire to work for us.

10/10 you win this thread, galli, seems that politics has turned into a new sport and yes that is dangerous, the biggest thing people need to realize coming out of these past two elections is that we the people don't have a say on what candidate each party will have representing us, one thing Trump has exposed is that the system is rigged against we the people, he was the 2016 protest vote, I think the conservatives have realized this and it is why he beat out all the establishment republican hacks, question is, when are the Democrats going to wake up? This is the second election in a row Bernie gets pushed aside when clearly he was the people's choice.

It's not without future direction imo. Old white men and middle aged suburban woman voted for Biden in this election because of the pandemic. I think that's true, and I doubt the dems have as strong of showings with those two demographics. The fact is, when you get tons and tons of people to register to vote, you see trump do 15% better with cuban americans and around 8% better with latinos overall. He did 6% better with black men and closed the margin almost even with asians.

Republicans had feared for some time that the party was aging old white men and they have to change. But honestly, it seems like most minorities who were actually motivated to vote voted dems. And the dems pushing for a fluffload of minority registrations may have indeed helped Trump as much as them. I think there is almost a clear pathway to a victory lap in 2024 for the party that doesnt involve talking bad on blue cities and stuff and not just letting the vote go against you there while you say "bad things happen in Philadelphia."

The suburbs may be turning blue, but the inner cities and the most disenfranchised seem to lean way further right if you get them all to vote. I think this loss will be good for how the party thinks about cities.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 8th 2020, 5:34:48
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