
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 24th 2020, 1:17:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
That's interesting, I go to Portland every Monday and it's still a fluff show, in fact last weekend the Antifa fluffs pulled out a couple out of their car and beat the male to death, he died in the hospital on Monday, there are shootings in the area they took over almost every night, tell your "friend" he's full of fluff.


You guys do pandemics so much better than us. fluff.

This is number 3 on my list of Covid-greatest hits, well not this video in itself but the ones showing similar scenes!

#2 is the collage of italian mayors telling people that they will die if they walk on the empty beach instead of stay in their houses lol.

#1 is still the Chinese disinfectant spraying robot that sprays that poor Wuhanite with something that was probably unpleasant if not toxic. When I saw that video I felt and knew what I had been trying to supress for the past decade or so; that China will soon rule the world.
I mean, technologically, that robot was about as impressive as a CD-rom in 2020. The whole idea of curing an epidemic by spraying the street with disinfectant is ofc laughable. What impresses me to the point that my goosebumps get goosebumps is that somehow this machinery passed all bureaucratic obstacles and was put in use despite all its flaws and was even filmed for propaganda purposes. Unthinkable here, unthinkable in the US, thats why we have no chance.
By the time anyone else have decided to send a person to orbit Mars, China will have a colony, if they even care about it.

Ohh and yeah I still think China is the Nazi Germany of our time. They are only going slower with the ethnic cleansings and
the acquisition of Lebensraum allowing them to do worse before anyone reacts. It's not that I want China to win, I just observe their competetive advantage.