
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 22nd 2020, 10:11:36

Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
xNAx - primeval, uj, ko (hilarious tag with imps leader hiding because he doesnt have the brass to tag with the clan he leads)
Perun - whooze (could go either way)
pink - bomber (thinks prime is an asshole and is accurate. Usually gets sick of prime being a fluff halfway thru and joins the other side)
AoDT - stienburg (cool to see him back imo)
LN - - tmac evo (legendary netter from e2025. Extra cool to see him)
ICP - someone who created a new acct for this set. Likely in cahoots with the other new accts in xNAx. (Therefore imp)
I3H2 - sinistril (anti nbk because his biggest challange these days is apparently Aphrodite. (I think its a made up reason to support imp based purely on rumors about me i think he made up))
FANG - probably macdaddy to suicide me for a day before purple
LOCKHEED - kahuna(<3, imp friendly)
enshula - enshula (netter i like. Happy to see him on ffa. Recruitment goals...)
xXRHXx - SapphireAxe (solo netter)
CHASE - Turbo T (usually also solo netter)
BOOM - SublimeNightmare (IMP)
FDC - Ssj (eh....see the other thread)

It was fun while it lasted tho right?

How am I anti-nbk? I played in nbk last time I played before this. I only have problems with one of their members but otherwise I like most of them. Killing Aphrodite isn't meant to be a challenge, just business. There's really nothing fun left in this game, so I don't know why I'd be going for a challenge here? Especially considering how busy I am, and how much I really did not want to play this set.

And if it had anything to do with you, I'd be after LoC. The "rumors" about you seem to be accurate. *shrugs*

No need to restart then, NBK did you a favour it seems if you're that busy!

Omg im sorry lemme rephrase
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

I3H2 - sinistril (anti nbk because his biggest hard on these days is apparently Aphrodite. (I think its a made up reason to support imp based purely on rumors about me i think he made up))
is that better? Ffs