
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 5th 2020, 3:39:25

I have seen several warrers saying they will quit rather than restarting with this. And the only war we have had with no restart bonus has had horrendous restart rate despite being between tags that are historically very good at restarting.

I think fast kills and no restart bonus is a bad design no matter what. You can't lose 2 months of work in 10-15 seconds thats not proportional. If kills took some hours or perhaps days, that would be something different.

From today:
Originally posted by mrford:
restarting from 0 is wack.

it was my first set back, and I was in a late war. I walled a chem kill in the FS, but died anyways. I was on my phone, and ate over 230 chems I think. In less than 5 minutes.

There was no way for me to get big enough to continue the fight NW wise. And I was unwilling to take FA from clan members that had more time to fight then me.

It is partially my inactive fault, but I havnt been in this war since the FS.

I dont know if I even wanna play again. It wasnt fun.

Originally posted by Sov:
Just to correct you regarding those switching tags, Rage is a SoF tag. We shifted anyone who *preferred* to netgain this set out to Rage, and anyone who wanted to fight in to the SoF tag. Amongst the players who shifted to Rage are Ninong, Class, Trilogy and Milla... all of whom are some of our best performers. In fact I'd argue that those 4 are stronger than those who changed in. Ninong is one of SoF's best and always has a monster country as you would have seen last set. It just came down to who wanted to fight and who wanted to netgain.

Unfortunately this set we learned that restarts came out with zero turns which really damaged the impact restarts had on the war (and also reflected badly on the restart rate of both sides). With the restart changes there was a lot less attacks being made from both sides and as a result a lot less kills. What we are finding is that those who have died are going inactive while sitting on the sidelines for a few days after being unable to participate.

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

That's actually a very good point. With an even numbers arranged war it might always end up this way without one and done restart bonus, or at least 120(120) turn restarts, if both sides have competent players. But even then with the grabbing changes and d allies bots have now, it's still damn near impossible to get beyond land penalty and not die instantly if someone pays attention to available landkills. Stack that with the empty turns and every player that died unless very early on was completely taken out of the war.

Edited By: Gerdler on Feb 5th 2020, 6:02:57
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