
Tigress Game profile


Oct 6th 2019, 5:23:48

// trp: troops
// tur: turrets
// tnk: tanks
// rawDef: opponent's raw minimum SS break
// net: opponent's networth
// aGDI: opponent's Alliance.GDI cost
// aChK: check if opponent has defensive allies
// aDef: opponent's defensive allies modifier

// -------------------------------------------------------

trp = 1,000,000
tur = 3,000,000
tnk = 500,000

(trp * .5) + (tur * 1) + (tnk * 2) = rawDef

// (1,000,000 * .5) + (3,000,000 * 1) + (500,000 * 2) = 4,500,000
// Results: rawDef = 4,500,000 (You need a minimum of 4.5 mil jets to break on a SS)
// The above does not account for any modifiers i.e(luck, gov, wep, allies)

// -------------------------------------------------------
// Does opponent have allies?

net = 8,000,000
aGDI = 60,000
aChK = (aGDI / net)

// (60,000 / 8,000,000) = 0.0075

if aChK >=.002 then
aChK = YES
aChK = NO
end if

// Results: aChK = YES

if aChK >= YES then
aDef = 2
aDef = 1
end if

// Results: aDef = 2

// -------------------------------------------------------

// --

lnd: opponent's total land
dWepTech: opponent's weapons tech points amount
dGovType: opponent's government type

// lnd = 15,000
// wepTech = 100,000
// dGovType = default/regular
// eestat results = 131.22%

// dWep = 131.22%
// dWep: (.01 * 131.22) = 1.3122

dWep = 1.3122

// oWep: your own offensive weapons tech percentage as stated on the in game advisor page
// determines how much you can reduce what you need to send

// oWep = 121.32%
// oWep: (121.32 - 100) = 21.32
// oWep: (.01 - 21.32) = .2132
// oWep: (1 - .2132) = 0.7868

oWep = 0.7868

// -------------------------------------------------------

// dRegGov: opponent's regular defensive modifier (defMod) = 1
// dRepGov: opponent's republic defensive modifier (defMod) = .8
// dDicGov: opponent's dictator defensive modifier (defMod) = 1.2

// defMod: opponent's defensive modifier for their government type

dGovType = dRegGov

if dGovType = dRegGov then
defMod = 1
else if
dGovType = dRepGov
defMod = .8
dGovType = dDicGov
defMod = 1.2
end if

// Results: defMod = 1

// -------------------------------------------------------

// oRegGov: your own gov type regular offensive modifier (offMod) = 1
// oRepGov: your own gov type repuplic offensive modifier (offMod) = .8
// oDicGov: your own gov type dictator offensive modifier (offMod) = 1.2
// determines if and how much you need to increase or decrease the amount to send

dGovType = oRegGov

if oGovType = oRegGov then
offMod = 1
else if
oGovType = oRepGov
offMod = 1.2
oGovType = oDicGov
offMod = .8
end if

// Results: offMod = 1

// -------------------------------------------------------

// defTot: your opponent's total defensive strength

defTot = (((rawDef * dWep) * defMod) * aDef)
// (((4,500,000 * 1.3122) * 1 ) * 2) = 11,809,800

// Results: defTot = 11,809,800

// -------------------------------------------------------

// rawPS: a straight raw planned strike with no gov or weapons modifier
// the following calculates at 1.2 of the defTotal

rawPS = (defTot * .1) * 8

// (11,809,800 * .1) * 8 = 9,447,840
// Results: rawPS = 9,447,840

// -------------------------------------------------------

// vld: Validation for a 1.2 over send:
// psMod: Planned Strike modifier
// rawOff: your own raw offensive strenght to break

psMod = 1.5

(rawPS * psMod) = rawOff

// 9,447,840 * 1.5 = 14,171,760

(rawOff / defTot) = vld
// (14,171,760 / 11,809,800) = 1.2

// -------------------------------------------------------

// addin gov and weapons modifiers

// brk: The Break with all modifiers included except for offensive alliances, which are no longer a part of Primary

(rawPS * offMod) * oWep = brk

// 9,447,840 * 1) * 0.7868 = 7,433,561
// Results: brk = 7,433,561

feel free to make corrections if needed... based on what I recall ;)

Edited By: Tigress on Oct 6th 2019, 5:43:54
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