
Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 2nd 2019, 1:40:49

You know,

I've always been proud to honor pacts. When my guys screwed up, I went out of my way to make sure they paid and often they paid extra. When allies screwed up and owned up and it was minor I waived it.

Never once did I try to weasel out of honoring anything.

SO, an evo member detags, and PS's one of our guys for 50K acres.

What does Marshall say? (Paranthese are my comments below)

From Marshall to ZPS and I quote.

"So how much reps you want." (Sounds like a promising start.)

"We can't kill him (evo guy that detagged), since we have helltard to be handled, based on his ranting we will have handle him on next set too so no idea if we can pay reps on any set till he stops." (So, basically Marshall is saying, we're not going to honor our pact sucks your guy lost 50k acres and then lost more after Marshall posted.)

Really, one little untagged means you can't honor a UNAP?

Guess that pact is no longer valid. And,I'm guessing everyone is going to assume Evo's pact are no longer worth the fluff on Marshall's Toilet paper going forward.

Edited By: Servant on Oct 2nd 2019, 1:42:58. Reason: Typos
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