
raz Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 17th 2019, 4:12:57

WOW - 8 min it took 8 freaking minutes for you to respond and this is your comeback, this is your argument. I don't know what to say other than you proved my point, you truly are a pathetic in all aspects of life.

jayr, just like you is a wonnabe player, you try hard, you talk a big game but in the end you havent accomplished anything. I never pretended to be a "killer" I never said I was the best, but I do have the BEST avg/nw record FFA (that was the last time i ever played, oh and i had what 7-8 top 10 finishes in the same reset - but whos counting) - did i mention i play once a year? lol

***What the f--k have you done, besides being a known liar and suicider? Is that really an accomplishment? Are you sure mcdaddy and hawk are not the same person?

I'm not completely naive I know SV is the best netter ever in FFA. But it will be tough for any player to finish with 7 - 8 of the top 10 again.

You talk a lot, you think you know the game - yet you have done S H 4 T. You wake up every morning and the first thing you do is check your account, check your turns and check the forums. You see that there is no action on your countries, no action on the forums so you create a situation to kill my countries. Good for you. For the record each country (you killed) had 700-800M food and 7-8b cash, your biggest kill had 150b cash ($172m nw). I would have challenged my own record, so that should make you feel good, congrats. I would have approx 1.2B in each as of today + 7-8b cash. I was trying to beat my own record.

Since 1999 I have always gone by raz, started in Overlords. I promise you, any clan I hear you are in will be suicided on and you will NOT be the target. Since i play once a year in FFA, I probably wont hit until the fall. But I will hit the clan I last heard you were in - even you are not in it.

-I got enough going on and i will not be responding to any of your posts moving forward.

Tit for Tat.

Cheers bro,

Edited By: raz on Mar 17th 2019, 15:26:12. Reason: Redundancy :) See ya’ll in the fall
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Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.