
Chutya123 Game profile


Nov 12th 2018, 18:34:36

Hi new buddy. I was a new player myself 3 months ago n nobody told me bout bots. You cant find anything concrete about them on official earth pages or wiki. Theres good info posted on them on various forums, you gotta search for it. I believe some veteran top players close 2 devs have complete info. on them which gives them n their clan members unfair advantage. As a solo non clan member I have been able to gather the following
Rules governing bots:
They never attack 4 land, only explore. So you can SS n PS them forever without fear of retal.
They play their turns according to a predetermined script designed by devs. Meaning sometimes they make stupid decisions like buying overpriced tech, selling goods at ridiculous low prices. Bots' presence inceases the pool of players n is supposed to make the game n public market more stable. It also creates safe space for human players who want to attack for land & grow without getting into a fight with other humans.
Bots have been given common strats to follow such as casher, farmer, techer, commy-indy etc. They follow these strats just as a human would n build the required types of buildings n buying required techs. I.e. if it's a casher bot, it builds Enterprise zones & residences n buys business n residence techs. They build out construction sites till they have 240 ( adjust if govt. type is Theo or dict) n spend rest of their turns exploring n building required types of buildings n buying military and tech as mandated by the script. Some are rainbow bots by design. Different servers have varying numbers of bots. Some don't have any. On express I believe there are about 30 bots.
I have got some good info. on how to identify bots in this thread: