
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 30th 2018, 3:47:27

Yep. Many ICN were Elders loyalists. Others were warmongers. We made it clear to Nole that we didn't want to pact out of war and we wanted to participate. The clan voted 70% to war. Then laf fsed an fdp. Nole went behind our backs and pacted laf because he didn't trust that our allies would help us, essentially undermining the entire tag and leaving our allies high and dry. And not just our allies. Tags we were loyal to. I'm an ICN lifer but I just don't abide by that fluff. That isn't the ICN that backed up Omega fdp knowing full well that TIL and IX would crush us.

Nole was our worst president and he was removed from power twice because of it. Maybe some day he will learn from his mistakes but currently history is just repeating itself. I know he was just doing what he thought was right, but it wasn't what the crew wanted for the reunion. And he sold himself out to the first tag that tried to bully us.

That said, I wouldn't have detagged to hit laf if they had quit breaking ewpp and FSing elders oop. I messaged laf repeatedly about it. Elders was a 5 man tag this set and if they had hit laf they would have been crushed easily and this blowback wouldn't have happened at all. And the solace I take from it is that he didn't want to undermine us. He was bullied into that decision over threats from LaF that they would hit us.

Can we be done airing our bullfluff on AT now?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 30th 2018, 4:15:12
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