
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 19th 2010, 11:59:35

Originally posted by lincoln:
some of us still remember when groups had honor codes, where a new member swore to behave honorably and to report those who did not, my school had such a code.

apparently when any NA member truthfully reports that NA is in fact using its clan website to coordinate actions on the express server, they are immediately banned from the clan.
LAE/NA/LaEx demands silence on the part of its adherents and even those who know that illegal activity is afoot are required to maintain silence.

isn't this the same thread you made like a week ago?

Also, what does your school's honor code have to do with the game?

people that work together and coordinate on the express server are dealt with by the mods. if you feel there is collussion going on that is not being dealt with -- and have information to back it up beyond "they have a board where they discuss express!!!" -- please mail it to the game mods.

As an example of what is allowed, there is a board in LaF for the Express server.... but it's used to discuss the netting aspect (what people think tech will do, what strats will be good, how to optimize strats, etc) so I assume other alliances do the same as well. LaF uses it as a place where folks come and brag about their countries, discuss what went well and what went wrong, and just generally talk about the Express server in general.

The goal of 'enforcing' solo play on express is not to make everyone play secretly without any input from others, it's to stop organized killruns, market buyouts, market aiding and things of that nature from occurring so that players are not given ingame advantages over others. If NA, LAE, SoF, SoL, Ely, KITCHENxSINK or any other alliance wants to have a board for discussion about the Express server, I welcome that as an enhancement to our community so long as they maintain the spirit and letter of the rules for Express.

Edited By: Pang on Oct 19th 2010, 12:19:45
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