
Hawkster Game profile


May 3rd 2016, 7:01:25

Very interpretative ... which is at odds with NFL's decisions.

Noisegate - NFL fined the team $20,000 - Victim: 1 team = 3 Cheat points
Injurygate - NFL fined the team $20,000 - Victim: 1 team = 2 Cheat points

NFL fined the same, both affected one team during regulation game, yet 1 add'l cheat point?

Injurygate - NFL gave no punishment - Victim: 1 team = 2 Cheat points

QB got hurt during game and was reported as being hurt but the level was seriously downgraded. After game admitted the real injury and had lied. So NFL decided not to punish. Now I can understand this site still applying cheat points on this incident, but it should not be same amount (2) as other incidents that neglected to report any injury at all and prior to the games.

But the one that made me laugh the most.
Uniformgate - NFL fined the team $25,000 - Victim: 1 team = 1 Cheat points

Ok yes they broke the rules, which is why they were fined, but I highly doubt this was cheating. More an instance of not having brought more than 1 color of top. And it most definitely did not impact the game at all lol.