
mdevol Game profile


Sep 17th 2015, 21:56:37

I watch it and thought that Fiorina did well and Kasich did well. Rubio did okay, Christie did okay. Everybody else Sucked. I was hoping to see Carson establish himself a little more but he appeared to get lost in the shuffle . I know this debate style isn't what he is all about, but I was thinking he would have gotten a few one liners at least.

All in all, I am sick of the continual Reagan talk every cycle. I'd like to see someone say they are proud to be themselves, that they will lead as themselves based on their principles and fundamental beliefs and not some unwritten yet binding set of Republican approved talking points.

There is a reason that Congress has that dogs hit awful approval rating. The people are sick and tired of the same old crap being thrown at us. Also, fluff you Ohio for continually electing Mr Orange (John Boehner). But I suppose I can't expect much from the same people that poop in coolers while tailgating and celebrate the return of a disgraced former coach that is blacklisted from coaching for breaking multiple rules that he sat on the comittee to erite. The same coach whom wrote multiple books about ethics and inegrity and was nicknamed fittingly "The Senator"

My $0.02

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis