
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2015, 19:41:12

Originally posted by aponic:
I love how most of you are making vast generalizations and swinging wildly. I don't know what a libtard is for example but I for damn sure know that none of you define it the same way. Look at me I made up a label and I am going to yell about it expecting everyone to read my fluffing mind and know what I am saying.

People here need to learn to use real words -- then maybe they could say something worth reading.

HOW DARE YOU come on to this thread and make sense!!!! Who do you think you are?

LOL I had to point this out. Yes, there are labels flying around this thread that would go right over the heads of people who aren't connected to the argument. However, I will offer some definitions for you.

Definition #1: The Libtard. This is a species of human being that's mind is so open that their brain has fallen out.
Definition #2: The Liberal Lemming Bandwagon or The followers of politicians who can lie, cheat and steal directly in front of them and they will still support them no matter if they have eaten babies for breakfast.
Definition #3: The Lame Street Media. News sources like CNN (Communist News Network), MSNBC (Most Stupid News Before Coffee), and other parrots of the liberal cause that nothing should cost anything, and that if you work hard and save your money and invest wisely and profit from your labors, that the government should come along and take your stuff to give it to the people who don't want to work hard and save their money so that THEY can have nice stuff too even though they're not going to value it anyway.

Definition #4: The Racist Pig. The conservative who thinks that the fruits of your labor should by right be yours to distribute or use the way you see fit, and also have the other rights like free speech, and freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms so that you can protect yourself since the state is doing such a bang up job of it with their laws that the criminal element don't give a rat's ass about anyway.

Definition #5: The Intolerant Scumbag. This is what used to be the people formerly known as Americans leaning towards a Christian world view and view of laws and such, that oppose things like gay marriage and refuse to participate in gay marriages as a condition of their belief system which they have a right to do, but the lefties want to punish these people thus, they will sue them in court to deprive them of their homes and businesses to punish them for it. Of course they are aided and abetted in doing this by a police state who's role has shifted from "Serve and Protect" to "Harrass and Collect".

Let me know if you need any further definitions, I can look them up for you, don't ask the libtards, they want to redefine every word to suit themselves, thus their definitions have no real world value or meaning. For example, the debate over what the word "is" means during the Clinton administrations "Wild Willie" hearings.

Edited By: Cerberus on Jul 14th 2015, 19:43:42
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I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!