

EE Patron

Apr 10th 2015, 3:02:13


Actually, I do know what I am talking about. Its irrelevant what country you were running, the point was you got top feed and had posted "PS somebody smack down CROATIA plz. Top feeds me every set!!!!"

After getting reproached, you are now claiming that you're post was merely a facetious comment and not an actual request. Furthermore you are now claiming that you had already manned up and retalled.

If you had already manned up and retalled, then you should not have posted "PS somebody smack down CROATIA plz. Top feeds me every set!!!!" in the first place. But by doing so, it now looks like you were actually trying to goad others into harming or troubling CROATIA. That is malicious and unsportsmanlike conduct. [/quote]

>The joke
>Your head