


Aug 31st 2010, 16:14:05

i do not favor a private market for tech
unless the market only buys at most a quarter of the country's tech

as far as the guys who lurk with $1B and 500 turns, reduced DR will put an end to that practice real quick
admins are looking at the no drop land rule, if they drop it entirely from express then the practice becomes even riskier
or my idea of raids that grab loot rather than land

i do like the idea of taking away the construction bonus from theos, they simply do not need it, i do not think Express is long enough to let people catch Cs if they get it though.
I do not favor a food floor to raise the price of food

Edited By: starstalker4 on Aug 31st 2010, 16:16:19
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if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game