
archaic Game profile


Aug 12th 2010, 14:49:17

I cannot believe I am about to say this . . .

has anybody talked to mehul about getting access to email lists? Certainly 95% of the emails used to create accounts between 1996-2006 are no longer viable but there are probably a lot of people in that other 5% that would a least visit if they new it was back and better than ever.

The biggest resource Earth had was the core group of people that poured tons of time and energy OUTSIDE of the game into making the game better. In a way, Earth was on the cutting edge of 'user generated content' and 'social networking'. If it had not been for EZClan, gamerstown, LKS, EStats, EGraphs, all of the web tutorials, clever, etc. the game would have vanished quietly along with all of the Y2K mania.

Its that very same factor that led to the creation of EE. Players with essentially nothing to gain got together and rebuilt the game from scratch. Thanks guys.

Facebook is a logical extension of the evolutionary trajectory that the game has taken. Right now whats most important is:

-doing it right, there is WAY to much competition to afford a second chance if its f'ed up out of the gate
-facilitating the social factors that elevated the game in the first place
-getting in front of as many sets of eyes as possible, thats why I mentioned old user emails - if we get enough old users linked to it - it will generate some inertia
-making the game engaging for a new audiance, which also means understanding the target market - nerdy stat-hounds built the community - so lets go out to the forums and find them. Just because we are not HALO does not mean that people who play HALO won't play EE
-Let go of the past

/me hops off of soap box

Edited By: archaic on Aug 12th 2010, 14:51:37
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