
LATC Game profile


Oct 2nd 2013, 15:59:34

@grantman77: The rule is on the forums

@crest23: Instead of thinking of the biggest douche bag comment to write, please read what's written and think about what ppl are actually saying.

Do primary server and tourney server have the same rules? No. So what I am saying, and what everyone else in the world who's not a dumb fluff understands what I'm saying but for some reason I have to explain it to you in dumb fluff terms, is having a server with the length of primary, rules of primary (aka turn time, GDI rules, market rules) but have no allies/interactions like in tourney. UNDERSTAND YET??

And yes I know there are 3 'social' servers, but they all have clans and when you have official clans you have stupid rules that people make up and try to enforce which makes the game horrible to play - which, I guess I have to spell out for you since you're a dumb fluff who can't understand anything, keeps ppl from wanting to play them. Hence why I said a server without clans but with looser rules.

@Everyone else: I don't think havin O allies and PSing your jets away everyday is wrong, nor do I think leeching tech is wrong AS LONG AS the goal of your allies countries weren't created for the sole purpose of letting you leech. It's not my responsibility to look out for the best interest of other countries but rather my own. It's the same thing w/ D and Intel allies. If I have 400k spies and my intel ally has 100k, isn't he pretty much leeching? Or if I have 1m turrets and my ally has 250k turrets, isn't that essentially leeching? This is why I check my allies every few days to make sure they're up to par with me, otherwise I cancel the pacts and find better allies.

In the same way, if I stop teching and don't break my tech pact it's my tech allies responsibilities to realize that I'm no longer teching (either by assuming from news, asking me, or spying on me) and breaking the pact. Or if my O ally never gets to use my jets, it's my allies responsibilities to realize this and break the pact.

Using the rules to your advantage, as long as it's not illegal, is smart (hell take a look at politicians). Think about how the netters use GDI rules for their advantage, what's the difference?

Edited By: LATC on Oct 2nd 2013, 16:12:31
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Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?