
Hammer Game profile


Aug 26th 2013, 8:42:16

Originally posted by texhomastud:
Once again I log on to find all 16 of my 200k countries dead.Once again it's NBK.Have played my last turn and will be removing from favorites.Like so many other's have been chased away from what used to be a great game....

Good luck everyone in the game and in life.

If you enjoy EE, don't quit completely because of the behavior of a few on FFA. Play a solo or the alliance server and help keep EE alive.

The behavior here on FFA usually goes like this: you create a few countries to play in your own little world; the big guys come in and gang bang your small countries; you fluff about it; they accuse you of being a suicider (but logic doesn't tell them that suiciders wouldn't complain on the boards because they are more effective if anonymous) and tell you that you should have known to tag up, announce yourself, etc (ie: it is your fault you got killed even though you were non-aggressive); you stand up for yourself and say you aren't a suicider; they prove that you are because you attempted to defend yourself the most effective way possible when outnumbered; personal attacks begin against you; you quit the server or EE; personal attacks continue and you find out how little those who enjoy this free website care if the member size shrinks; then, in a last ditch effort to save your feelings, you are invited to join the clan that gang-banged you.

There are numerous threads about this and you will find that each case will be almost exactly as I described above.

It must be their recruiting process.

There are also some very good people here but, unfortunately, the dominant wolf pack behavior of some change your view of the game more quickly than the relationships with the good guys can be formed.

Edited By: Hammer on Aug 26th 2013, 8:45:26
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