
Syko_Killa Game profile


Jul 14th 2013, 3:55:06

Originally posted by RandyMD:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
So now md wants to badmouth SOF once again, seems you ppl over there at md never seem to learn your place. get back to your dungeon randymd

You can kiss my ass. Who the hell are you anyway?

I'm a nobody in MD and post here wether they tell me I can or not. Even though, I'm sure, Tav will yell at me for it.

That's what im talking about RandyMD, do what you want, tell me how you really feel, because honestly, I am a no nonsense guy myself and I like ppl to tell me straight up what they think. You cant hold that anger inside forever dude. Just let it out. I appreciate you being blunt, and you know what dude I hate you too! You can suck a fat C**K with the rest of MD for all I care. You are a bunch of tools who cant even win a freakin war, even with superior numbers you cant win, because most of you have no tact and no strategy, no balls! Mobzta for heavens sake get off
I'm not talking fluff about SOF, I'm talking fluff about these idiots on the forums who run around talking fluff when something doesn't go their way, but 3 days later when it does work out for them in their favor, all of a sudden it's ok.

Fact is, I don't like you, I dont' know who you are, and frankly, you can piss off. If you don't like what I post, don't read it jackass.

Also, a side note, you seem to be the one bad mouthing MD in general by telling us to learn our place.

I want to finish this with a real nice statement for you syko:


You know what RandyMD, I'm glad one of you finally grabbed their balls and told me how you really feel, although I may not like you at all in anyway, I can certainly respect a man that tells me exactly what he thinks of me. I suppose after a year of kicking MD's butt it's been really hard for me to muster up any respect for MD. But now you want to go out of your way to curse me out, I insulted you in a decent way I thought, but you seem to want to take it to a completely different level. Go screw yourself dude, if you want to think of yourself as a nobody in MD than maybe that's what a lot of you think about yourselves and that might just be the reason why you cant win a war, but that's not for me to decide. mobzta why don't you get off RandyMD's nuts and find your own. You all take craptalk way too seriously its all out of fun, just remember this is a game!!

Edited By: Syko_Killa on Jul 14th 2013, 4:07:44
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