
oldman Game profile


Jul 4th 2013, 13:37:04

Originally posted by LATC:
Thanks guys! Couldn't have done it w/o the tips/advice from all of you guys the last few sets.. namely Rob & herbs for the rep casher advice, xin for some destock tips, blid for his lessons on not to topfeed a few sets ago, bobby last set for motivating me to actually try to play for real hehe, and I'm sure I'm missing others.

Sorry oldman, this should have been your round! =X Good luck on the next round guys!


No worries, I did try but came up short.
- made an attempt at reselling oil and failed. I was the one trying to push it over $200 everyday for a while. So I bought about 45m barrels at an average price of about $170-$180. Had to sell them for $65 in the end. That's a loss of $4.95b.
- made another attempt to resell military tech thinking it will spike at the end. I was the one who had a SO at $1050 for a few days and I bought about 3m or so military tech at or below $1050. Didn't manage to resell a single point of military in the end cuz of lack of time and also the market conditions. That's another $3b spent on 6m nw which could have been about 12m nw if I spent them on military. That's a net loss of about $1.5b.
- I lost $1.6b to bomb banks as well

So that's approximately $8.1b of bad investment and stolen cash which would have put me at about 140m. I also didn't have time to do a proper calculation for end game cuz I was busy with work. I had to spend $3b on military >$350/nw on the public market at the end. I would probably have enough to win if I didn't try to resell anything =P oh well, moving on to next set =)

Edited By: oldman on Jul 4th 2013, 13:45:33
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