
heX Game profile


May 20th 2013, 5:56:48

you brought back many memories. I go back to the early days as well - aol 2.5 one im punters used that fluffed up http:// string that caused an error in the aol 2.5 browser because the link/url was malformed.

that wasn't my thing though, I became a social engineer and got more involved in the security aspect of it all. good times.

I remember all the old cracker groups, coder groups, amazing programmers of the time like StormKaos, Hiwind, etc. I knew and met many of these people offline over the years and the bad ones like MaGuSxKiNG and tfish (MiB punter.. lol) and DC and CPrIde made Pepsi (with the secret phish section where you'd click a random text caption and it'd give you working phish).

Lots of old memories. Some guy did some sort of online documentary about all the old aol scene days I'm sure you can google it. He brings up a lot of names and groups that blew my mind.

As for your boy Celtix who you say made the first one im punter I believe he got the idea from some guy from PR supz who came out with Seabring (or something stupid like that) who figured out how to create errors in IMs on 2.5, aol 3.0, 3.5 and I believe 4.0. I don't know if the guy got into the security business but he found lots of software-crashing bugs

Edited By: heX on May 20th 2013, 6:13:42. Reason: giraffes
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