
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 20th 2012, 22:54:24

3 quick things:

1) That thread was deleted because it was a thread about a deleted thread made by a troll who no longer plays. it's not worth discussing things on it.
2) Folks like you, Shirley, should know that we typically discuss such items on the B&S board when they are ready for discussion. Such as the new forum templates design thread back in the summer that you didn't even bother posting on. I can't think of others off the top of my head.;z=forum-redesign-mockups
3) 90% of the work I have planned for myself (and hopefully others!) doesn't touch game code; it's just redoing the design and user experience, which has been very lacking. That's more design + content creation -- areas that have not gotten much attention so far. If I start talking about that, I'll have to start soliciting ppl to do content stuff and I'm not ready for that yet.

I don't want to go on a trip to emo town, but qz and I also have jobs (new and/or improved jobs :p) that are currently taking up our 9-5 time and then some. Slag is still so busy at work he's never here. Zarc seems swamped whenever I talk to him. We're not making the kind of progress we used to see when qz+slag+me were all in some combination of school and/or looking for work and lots was getting done.

I'll keep playing the big jackpots and if I win the lottery I'll spend lots of time/money on EE again :)

Edited By: Pang on Nov 20th 2012, 22:57:37
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