
Unsympathetic Game profile


Oct 23rd 2012, 3:28:56


1) Precisely how is Romney's policy different?

2) Health care reform isn't a "mixed bag" - it hasn't taken effect yet, and it does in fact save money. Speaking of fun quotes, the main reason Republicans have zero authority on any budget issue is summed up in fluff Cheney's quote "Deficits don't matter." [I actually typed his first name there.]

3) Stimulus package was BUSH, not Obama.

4) Wrong, he ended it unlike what the neocons wanted to do.

5) As with 4, he set a drawdown date -- also unlike what the neocons wanted to do.

Deal with it: Obama is better than anything Republicans have to offer on the military. It really must suck for you to watch a Democratic president manage the armed forces better than the last Republican president. Can't wait to see your spin!

6) Of course it's a hard decision - harder than it was for Bush to claim victory in Iraq.

The "fiscal cliff" does not exist. AT ALL. Reaction to the most recent CBO report shows it.

CBO said that allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire and the sequester to kick in would hit the economy next year, leading to a sharp fall in the deficit. IF the fiscal cliff existed, this would be "a good thing" because it's exactly what the fiscal cliff spokespeople want.. in their theory, it should discourage the invisible bond vigilantes and encourage the invisible confidence fairies.

But, nothing: Because the people who speak of "fiscal cliff" don't actually care one ounce about the deficit.

"Fiscal cliff" is simply the new code for "Cut Social Security and Medicare."

Edited By: Unsympathetic on Oct 23rd 2012, 3:31:11
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