


Oct 14th 2012, 15:28:56

Erm, since you love Reagan so much, did you know he spent double (for his time adjusted for inflation and all that) in 4 years than Obama did? I think you should brush up on your Reagan history...


Reagan came into office proposing to cut personal income and business taxes. The Economic Recovery Act was supposed to reduce revenues by $749 billion over five years. But this was quickly reversed with the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. TEFRA—the largest tax increase in American history—was designed to raise $214.1 billion over five years, and took back many of the business tax savings enacted the year before. It also imposed withholding on interest and dividends, a provision later repealed over the president's objection.

But this was just the beginning. In 1982 Reagan supported a five-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax and higher taxes on the trucking industry. Total increase: $5.5 billion a year. In 1983, on the recommendation of his Spcial Security Commission— chaired by the man he later made Fed chairman, Alan Green-span—Reagan called for, and received, Social Security tax increases of $165 billion over seven years. A year later came Reagan's Deficit Reduction Act to raise $50 billion.
Now, the best part of this article is it was written in 1988... I was only 5 years old. So you can't even call it partisan!
Go ahead, argue again that Obama is outspending Reagan.

Edited By: Dissidenticn on Oct 14th 2012, 15:32:05
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