May 9th 2012, 12:18:23
I will never play Diablo.... for purely petty reasons ;p
Back in 1996, when Diablo I was being hyped up, they released a downloadable demo. It was approximately 50MB, and I was still on my 28.8kbps. Many of you may remember the fragility of internet connections back in those days of dialup, and how massive 50MB was. In preparation for this ridiculous task, I thoroughly cleaned my PC, hoping to ensure it's stability for the days it would take to download.
So, after much preparation, I begin the download. I was afraid to touch the PC, in fear of it crashing and wasting the time spent. After an entire weekend, I've finally downloaded the 50MB, and rejoice.
I reboot the computer, install the demo, and ran the game. I was terribly unimpressed for the amount of work and anticipation I had put in. I proceeded to curse at my PC, and have never played a Diablo game since.
That story sounds like fluff after reading it again ;p