
Jiman Game profile


May 8th 2012, 23:19:43

It isnt cut and dry like "The cheaters were caught and punished, its over with." The implications from what has occured is in-depth and reverberating throughout the community for time to come. This isnt a simple case of cheating once and it only affects the country itself. Information gathering and using that information for several months, basing lafs strategy in gathering allies, in how they set up their countries, how they place themselves in the community, how they make their mission statement, their social interactions, the goals behind what has been occuring etc etc etc.

An alliance was lead and guided to a certain destiny. No it isnt the members of Lafs fault for following along this path the leaders set forth, that doesnt mean that they didnt follow along though.

Should all of Laf suffer for the leaders mistakes?
If you say no, then should any alliance be judged on what their leaders do? Isnt an alliance paths based on how they were lead ALL BASED on what the leaders have done?

People have been smacking SOL in the face for several months, blamming EVERYTHING they are doing to SOL based on Maki.

What the hell is it? Is it the leaders fault or isnt it?

I am starting to get the feeling that people are changing their stories just on what they feel will benifit them.

Gawd AT is poison to read. I am going to try to stick to what people say to me in messages one on one.


Edited By: Jiman on May 8th 2012, 23:26:17
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