


May 6th 2012, 8:11:51

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Wolf:
-If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying hard enough.

I stopped reading after that part as I completely disagree with you and challenge you... Have some integrity.

Well then why bother posting, was it to show us just how ignorant you are? So you pick up a book.. wait never mind. If you can't tell that there was more content to the post than that sentence, it is quite doubtful you read.

Anyways, I can't possibly see what in the post there was to argue with or disagree with.

Neither violators posted their reasoning, and I think no one could argue that Hanlong was at the top of the political game. I think it is also logical that he may have felt he needed an advantage to stay at the top.

What are you idiots disagreeing with exactly? Or is it more that reading comprehension is so low in some of you that the concepts spoken were beyond your understanding.

Oh wait, most everyone that disagrees is a member of SoL, which already tried to rule the server and was squashed. Every time coalitions have popped up since TIL it has been very bad for the game. The numbers to support fair coalition vs anti-coalition wars do not exist. The coalitions also tend to be bullies bent on further ruining the game.

I find it funny that SoL had no problems with ruining the game and running their coalition until a new more powerful coalition formed and started crushing them. All the sudden they were ready to change their ways.

Edited By: Anonymous on May 6th 2012, 8:15:37
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