
Marco Game profile


May 6th 2012, 4:57:26

Ok this is total BS!

1. It's a solo server however, there is in game relations. If you want to have a partner help you out, why not? There is no clan pacting feature in alliance, yet its done. If having a friend gs you is cheating, then any alliance in alliance server with a pact beyond the actual game is also cheating. Also anyone with any ingame relations is also cheating on the express server.

2. "GSing only helps the other person" Well, I could see how it could help a grabber by using dr, however! A gs also destroys food, what is the primary function of a farmer? To farm! If someone grabs me, or hell if thye look at me funny I want to ruin them! What better way then to kill their stock? By destroying via GS!

3. "GSing only helps the other person" You may have noticed this is the same as #2, however my points are reasons why people who are deleted for gsing is Bullfluff. A casher cashes cash, how does he do this? Population! How do you put a casher out of service? By destroying his population. What better way to put him out service then to kill his income, sure BR will due the same, maybe even more effectively, However a gs will kill his pop and take all his food, if he has no income, and no food you've screwed him for a bit as he'll have to sell down (assuming he has no cash on hand) just to start regaining population.

4. GSing is in the war menu. Period.

5. Some of us have class. Instead of jumping all over someone for hitting me, I may send a message where we develop a friendly banter. I use the same country theme set after set, so the next set my newly made friend says," Hey, I'm not gonna hit this guy this set, we are friends!" It's called politics, it might be a solo server but there is no rule against it, and if there is 99% of this server needs to be deleted for rules violations. If you show any bias, actively seeking a country to attack, or to avoid hitting(goes both ways) You just broke the "rules" and need to be deleted.

So in summation, GSing is not cheating, I don't care how its used. I haven't seen official rules saying 2 express players can't be friends, and if there is a rule then alliance better change to have an official rule that says "Alliances can't be friends, and can't interact with each other"

Just, stop, the, fluff. TY

Edited By: Marco on May 6th 2012, 5:00:27
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