
Pain Game profile


Apr 29th 2012, 20:07:33

Originally posted by Sifos:
Originally posted by Pain:
it actually disgusts me that people think someone should be able to enter your home and steal your stuff, endanger you and your family (fatally or non fatally) and you should let them do it because causing them harm is wrong.

No one is saying that Pain. I argue that one crime does not allow a counter crime, or in other words that people are not allowed in passing arbitrary punishment on someone commiting a crime without taking their own punishment for commiting a counter crime. I wouldn't just sit by if someone went into my home and watch. I would either flee or put up a fight. However, if I fought, I would go for incapacitating the burglar instead of causing a maximum harm. It may include injurying the burglar though, especially if threatened. The only differance between us is that I'm not a self centered fluff, blind to anyone elses perspective. I would thus be more likely to "accept" punishment for it from society.

Originally posted by Pain:

absolutley disgusting. people like you are whats wrong with this world.

...and your stance disgusts me. People like me is what's wrong with the world? I have commited no crimes (not counting stealing some candy when I was <10yo and stuff that most people do, like occasionally passing a speed limit). I want to minimize pain and suffering for ALL parts included, how that makes me bad from your perspective is beyond me. Meanwhile, you yourself act like some kind of sadist who'd like to increase the suffering of those you can categorize in a certain way.

Originally posted by Pain:

if someone in need comes and takes from me, and that causes me to be in need, does that give me the right to come and take from you?

This is not what I'm arguing, but it's pretty close to what you are, with the only differance of to whom you should be able to commit the counter crime on. If someone commits a crime to someone, I argue it DOES NOT warrant some kind of right to commit a counter crime. Not versus other people (including me), as in your rethoric question, nor towards the offender of the original crime.

like angel said, its not a counter crime, its self defense. i dont know about you but id rather not wait to see if said burglar has any intentions of causing me or my family harm. you can feel free to confront him and see if he is planning to do so, i will not. i will certainly not allow him to take my property.

to be fair i wont pretend to be billy badass. in the event of a home invasion i would likely take the burglar on by surprise (if possible and give him a split second to surrender (at gun point of course, great persausion) if i feel at any time that they arent going to do so then i will use whatever amount of force i feel is necessary to neutralize that situation. if they have a gun there will be no hesitation on my part.

Edited By: Pain on Apr 29th 2012, 20:11:28
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