


Mar 5th 2012, 15:58:10

Yeah, if you had asked me last set or any of the previous 3-4 sets, I would have told you hated the guts of everyone in PDM. Now, I don't have an issue with any of them.

Then again, I tend to hate the people who continually grab me. :D Kind of silly. But now a days, I don't. Seeing as it usually always means I gain land out of the exchange.

I land traded for one set, and then PDM decided to fight us. I lol'd after it was all done. But right now, I might be doing better with these land grabbing pacts instead of land trading.

ABOYNE (vb.) To beat an expert at a game of skill by playing so appallingly bad that none of his clever tactics or strategies are of any use to him.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 16:25:37

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
I do get annoyed when the attacker is a different strat, just because we both have to pay extra for those acres. Better target selection would yield better results.

Ironic how those are the sorts of people who think that they are skileld grabbers and above expecting to get retalled when you grab someone... they get retalled but have to pay extra for it...

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 16:27:20

There is a huge difference in hitting targets and then getting retalled compared to hitting the same guy every single day of the reset, sometimes several times a day back and forth i dont see how that is going to get respect anytime soon

I also really fail to see how people wants to do that type of landgrabbing and then gets all whiney when other people hit them, if you want to grab and be grabbed you should be prepared for other people hitting you as well (wanting to get grab by 1 tag and not the other is just hypocritical)

As Archaic said yes people might try to outrun the retal, on the other hand im surpised more people havnt yet considering PDM's C:C L:L policy who is literally created so people will try to outrun the retal if you want to LG so much I dont see why you dont adopt a proper retal policy with 1:1 on non topfeeds (topfeed being counted as 125% NW or land)

Regarding detmets post "Why would anyone be unhappy about being grabbed as a land trader (unless they are being grabbed by a fluffty country, or maybe a different strat)? The whole point is to grab and retal. That is why ghost acres were introduced... to make it worthwhile to grab and be retalled... "

Im hearing an awful lot of complaints regarding hits considering how much you want to grab and retal according to your post

Survival of the Fittest

Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 16:31:59

What complaints are you hearing, Ivan?

PDM doesn't recognize a topfeed. This can work in other tags' favor if they're smart. We realize that landtrading should come with huge risk.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 16:53:28

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
What complaints are you hearing, Ivan?

PDM doesn't recognize a topfeed. This can work in other tags' favor if they're smart. We realize that landtrading should come with huge risk.

The only complaints Ivan is hearing are the voices in his head. That is just something he is saying to give the impression he has any sort of support from anyone anywhere. Ivan is the Glenn Beck of Earth - delusional, outspoken, and irrelevant.

anoniem Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:00:49

Originally posted by Ivan:

There is a huge difference in hitting targets and then getting retalled compared to hitting the same guy every single day of the reset, sometimes several times a day back and forth i dont see how that is going to get respect anytime soon

I also really fail to see how people wants to do that type of landgrabbing and then gets all whiney when other people hit them, if you want to grab and be grabbed you should be prepared for other people hitting you as well (wanting to get grab by 1 tag and not the other is just hypocritical)

As Archaic said yes people might try to outrun the retal, on the other hand im surpised more people havnt yet considering PDM's C:C L:L policy who is literally created so people will try to outrun the retal if you want to LG so much I dont see why you dont adopt a proper retal policy with 1:1 on non topfeeds (topfeed being counted as 125% NW or land)

Regarding detmets post "Why would anyone be unhappy about being grabbed as a land trader (unless they are being grabbed by a fluffty country, or maybe a different strat)? The whole point is to grab and retal. That is why ghost acres were introduced... to make it worthwhile to grab and be retalled... "

Im hearing an awful lot of complaints regarding hits considering how much you want to grab and retal according to your post

Survival of the Fittest

i have a complaint with SoF members topfeeding evo despite us having a pact, and those countries having defenses in the region of 15mil raw. if the roles were reversed ivan would be making his resetly "i'm going to kill evo thread because [insert reason here]".

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:03:38

Indeed that hit was made by an asshat anoniem

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:04:47

as for detmer LOL god yer a fluffty troll, anyway whine away just dont act like you dont do it because thats just embarrising for you


Reckless Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:05:31

Why are SoF lapdogs now?

Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:06:46

[quote poster=anoniem; 15608; 288243]
Originally posted by Ivan:

There is a huge difference in hitting targets and then getting retalled compared to hitting the same guy every single day of the reset, sometimes several times a day back and forth i dont see how that is going to get respect anytime soon

I also really fail to see how people wants to do that type of landgrabbing and then gets all whiney when other people hit them, if you want to grab and be grabbed you should be prepared for other people hitting you as well (wanting to get grab by 1 tag and not the other is just hypocritical)

As Archaic said yes people might try to outrun the retal, on the other hand im surpised more people havnt yet considering PDM's C:C L:L policy who is literally created so people will try to outrun the retal if you want to LG so much I dont see why you dont adopt a proper retal policy with 1:1 on non topfeeds (topfeed being counted as 125% NW or land)

Regarding detmets post "Why would anyone be unhappy about being grabbed as a land trader (unless they are being grabbed by a fluffty country, or maybe a different strat)? The whole point is to grab and retal. That is why ghost acres were introduced... to make it worthwhile to grab and be retalled... "

Im hearing an awful lot of complaints regarding hits considering how much you want to grab and retal according to your post

Survival of the Fittest

i have a complaint with SoF members topfeeding evo despite us having a pact, and those countries having defenses in the region of 15mil raw. if the roles were reversed ivan would be making his resetly "i'm going to kill evo thread because [insert reason here]". [/quote]

You are correct. That is exactly what Ivan would be doing. SoF members have historically grabbed us through pacts because "they were bored". The problem is that SoF is an antiquated alliance with no real place in the modern incarnation of Earth. SoF was philosophically well-suited towards the style of play in E2025 back in 2002. The problem is that SoF has not evolved and is unfit for EE. They are lead by Kim Jong-Ilvan and that is one of many reasons their membership has dropped to second-tier. SoF is on the decline because it just can't compete anymore. SoF is directionless in the modern era of Earth and seems unable to adapt. They keep having to manufacture wars for themselves using greater and greater stretches in reason. There is very little reason for anyone to ally SoF anymore as they don't respect many of their pacts and they are more a liability than a powerful ally anymore.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:08:45

Originally posted by Ivan:

as for detmer LOL god yer a fluffty troll, anyway whine away just dont act like you dont do it because thats just embarrising for you


Well while I actually brought my analogy around to a point (that your opinion is worthless), you have no retort other than an insult for me. Insults are where people go when they have no facts to support themselves. The problem with you is that you have no justification. You can't just act unilaterally like you want to without regard for reality... it is killing SoF.

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:09:36

Hold on a second, PDM are complaining about being landgrabbed through a pact when they are signing grabbing pacts and doing landtrading?


Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:10:14

No seriously Ivan, your post didn't make any sense. The last few PDMers posting before your troll post were saying that they all agreed that land traders should be open for grabs. Where are the complaints? SoF ""topfed"" our traders and we're retalling them. Did anyone come to you complaining about that?

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:12:04

Indeed Balin people did come and complain to me about that which is why i made a long nice post and then got trolled by detmer

"The only complaints Ivan is hearing are the voices in his head. That is just something he is saying to give the impression he has any sort of support from anyone anywhere. Ivan is the Glenn Beck of Earth - delusional, outspoken, and irrelevant."

Yes i started insulting you detmer, really LOL

Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:12:55

Originally posted by Ivan:

Hold on a second, PDM are complaining about being landgrabbed through a pact when they are signing grabbing pacts and doing landtrading?


We have never signed a grabbing pact with you. We just have always gotten your tiny, fluffty countries who think it is a great idea to grab us and then buy up defense, despite being pacted. If you guys wanted to be allies with us and grab us, you should have signed a grabbing pact that allows for it. The problem is you are bad allies.

Reckless Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:13:01

SoF only wars when they are told to.

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:13:02

As for my first post, I dont see how that was a troll post at all balin

Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:13:28

Well I mean I can't disagree with the substance of Detmer's post.

But PDM's official policy w/ regard to land trading is that we follow our retal policy or any pacts that supercede it.

Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:14:47

It was a troll post because you had a string of several PDMers posting candid, serious opinions about landtrading, then you showed up and ostensibly accused them of complaining, which wasn't the case at all, and derailed the conversation into where it's at now.

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:15:30

Yes its so bad having an ally who will go to war and support your alliance when needed to its much better to have an ally who landtrades and wont ever do anything for you

SoF standard retal policies in pacts are designed so people can grab without being topfeed blah blah blah afaik so far theres been 1 hit this set made by a moron who bought up defense who happend to hit EVO sof isnt going to sign specical grabbing pacts where you can landtrade with 1 or 2 countries or other bs

Reckless Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:16:29

Survivors of the LaFamiglia

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:16:40

I didnt accuse THEM of complaining balin, I accused PDM of complaining which have been done so no my post was not trolling

Kind of funny that you on here are all we wont complain about getting hit and then your HFA runs around to everyone and their mother and complains about it

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:20:31

As a reply to anoniem you know very well that SoF wouldnt accept someone doing that and buying up, you also know that we accept the same in return so if that happend why dont you come talking to me instead of whining on the boards as usual


Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:20:50

Originally posted by Ivan:

Yes its so bad having an ally who will go to war and support your alliance when needed to its much better to have an ally who landtrades and wont ever do anything for you

SoF standard retal policies in pacts are designed so people can grab without being topfeed blah blah blah afaik so far theres been 1 hit this set made by a moron who bought up defense who happend to hit EVO sof isnt going to sign specical grabbing pacts where you can landtrade with 1 or 2 countries or other bs

You are an alliance who signs pacts for short term gain so you can bully someone else in the meantime. Signing a pact is your attempt to get out of jail free. Funny you make a claim about defending allies - you are always busy starting wars. The only time you defend allies is part of your aggressive coalition wars. You planned those defenses just so you won't take the FS.

And you clearly don't understand how a grabbing pact works - it makes it so you can still be allied with someone and randomly grab their countries - there is none of this organization to only trade with one or two countries like you pretend. The problem is *you don't understand*. Of course, your idiocy is why SoF is stuck in a rut and dwindling, rather than thriving like it did under every single one of your predecessors.

Reckless Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:24:13

*tap tap* This thing on?

Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:27:46

Ivan: rather than have this further devolve into your personal issues with Pang, can we agree that PDM's policy is what it is? You hit our fattest countries 3x on the same day, obviously this is not a friendly or congenial gesture and is quite annoying because your countries are really crappy (these grabs would match your own definition of a topfeed, so obviously you knew it wasn't cool).

archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:35:52

Who the hell invited Ivan into what had been a civilized conversation? Ivan, seriously do you ever even read the posts or do you just come in swinging hoping to start a fight where no fight exists?

(/me reviews recent SoF history . . . )

Never mind, I see now. Carry on.

Oh, and Ivan - the beauty of an online war game is this:

You don't need to bluster and fabricate a reason, you could just man up and do it already.

Edited By: archaic on Mar 5th 2012, 22:12:44
See Original Post
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Reckless Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 17:39:08




Mar 5th 2012, 18:36:34

Going by past history, I would say PDM has no reason to back off a war if they get called in, they threw away the set they had the best chance to get several Top 10, so going by that having them as FDP sounds like a good idea.

SoF on the other hand is always the one doing the attacking, so having a FDP with SoF is pointless unless is one of those super obvious coalition wars.

I believe the best alliance to have as a FDP in this game is LCN, they don't scheme, and they will help you if they can, PDM seems like a close second place, but their ability to war is "average".

archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 18:38:54

dude, we are WAY below average, you take that back
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

SirSepher Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 18:54:39


Yeesh... need to stop bringing that up.

Yeah, KingKaos at least remembered two sets ago when PDM was trading and dropped everything to go to war. We do that...

My post explicitly said Landtraders should be grabbed and "opted in" to the grabbing pacts... which I also defined in my post. I'm not big on the political part of the game here... but as the head of an alliance, should not one be at least acquainted with the current terms being thrown around between FAs at pact signings and be able to weigh the pros and cons for their alliance through them? Should they not hold their alliance accountable for breaking "agreements" between alliances such as DNH's and Friend status?

-Sir Sepher
Old Fogey learning to play again
For the glory of Camelot

Reckless Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 18:54:43

SoF has become a lapdog for alliances now-a-days

archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 18:57:36

they need a flea collar
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

TAN Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 19:07:11

"So this is how a war alliance dies. With thunderous applause." -Queen Amidala

Trife Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 19:12:50

Originally posted by KingKaosKnows:

I believe the best alliance to have as a FDP in this game is LCN

I'm sorry, but we're the 11th best.

archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 19:18:34

Originally posted by TAN:
"So this is how a war alliance dies. With thunderous applause." -Queen Amidala

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

McPimp Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 19:41:51

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by KingKaosKnows:

I believe the best alliance to have as a FDP in this game is LCN

I'm sorry, but we're the 11th best.

LCN is ranked to high!

Ivan Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 19:52:38

Ok detmer since i have to prove you wrong as a hypocrite for the 2nd time in this thread apparently dont even know why i bother and dont think i will after this time youve already proven that your being a hypocrite by being happy to grab/retal some tags but not all tags also some pact yer allowed to grab with but not all pacts thats good stuff, few pacts are made so youd loose acers anwyay to the point

"there is none of this organization to only trade with one or two countries like you pretend. The problem is *you don't

Now we take a look on country #100 and #36 and #274 and #427
meh im too lazy to mention more judging by their news they are trading most of their land with the same country ie once again yer full of fluff

That is all

Survival of the Fittest

locket Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 20:25:30

My biggest complaint is that the landtraders have about 75k turrets. People with defense need to start hitting landtraders or they'll continue to abuse it like that. At the very least they had damn well better need to carry the same defense as some 70k acre country who farmed untaggeds and wants to avoid topfeeds from other alliances.

Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 20:31:07

Why is that a complaint, can't you break 75k turrets?

locket Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 20:37:17

I'm not allowed to hit any of them ;) Hell I am surprised there aren't untaggeds hitting them, but I would definitely do it if I could :P

Chaoswind Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 21:09:45

dude I want to hit them and I am in the same alliance as them (and allies with the rest)

thought luck :(

anyways who has 75K turrets? no one in my division has a break that low and I swear to god if they have, I will spank (LG) them myself.

also the fact that I can't hit SoF is annoying, maybe we should had let loose the new member that had 4M turrets and was ranked 4 weeks ago take a few liberties with the SoF tag when he complained about the lack of targets to hit (because all grabbing pacts where still closed), I bet Ivan would be fine with the commie/indy with the highest turret count in the game at that time hitting his tag, yeah he wouldn't had fluffed to us a single time.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

grimjoww Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 21:14:07

very tempting land indeed.. ;D

archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 22:15:06

Originally posted by Ivan:

Ok detmer since i have to prove you wrong as a hypocrite for the 2nd time in this thread apparently dont even know why i bother and dont think i will after this time youve already proven that your being a hypocrite by being happy to grab/retal some tags but not all tags also some pact yer allowed to grab with but not all pacts thats good stuff, few pacts are made so youd loose acers anwyay to the point

"there is none of this organization to only trade with one or two countries like you pretend. The problem is *you don't

Now we take a look on country #100 and #36 and #274 and #427
meh im too lazy to mention more judging by their news they are trading most of their land with the same country ie once again yer full of fluff

That is all

Survival of the Fittest

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 22:24:17

Originally posted by Ivan:

Ok detmer since i have to prove you wrong as a hypocrite for the 2nd time in this thread apparently dont even know why i bother and dont think i will after this time youve already proven that your being a hypocrite by being happy to grab/retal some tags but not all tags also some pact yer allowed to grab with but not all pacts thats good stuff, few pacts are made so youd loose acers anwyay to the point

"there is none of this organization to only trade with one or two countries like you pretend. The problem is *you don't

Now we take a look on country #100 and #36 and #274 and #427
meh im too lazy to mention more judging by their news they are trading most of their land with the same country ie once again yer full of fluff

That is all

Survival of the Fittest

You've never proven me wrong about anything in your life.

Your first two paragraphs were incomprehensible but I am guessing you found an example of two people who hit back and forth a bunch... that doens't actually prove your point. That is like saying water should be outlawed since you can drown someone with it - it just isn't the main purpose of water and just because it happens sometimes doesn't mean that it needs to be banned... your desire to ban grabbing is just so bizarre.

jabberwocky Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 22:30:04

It's everywhere, in your home, at schools, its probably in your children right now. What deadly new outbreak is making parents reconsider hydration: Water, the silent killer.

xaos Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 5th 2012, 22:33:06

Freeze-drying our children is definitely the solution to the land-trading controversy.

archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 22:40:32

my wife had my ball freeze dried after we got married
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 22:43:46

Originally posted by archaic:
my wife had my ball freeze dried after we got married


archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 22:46:13

how many am I supposed to have?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov