
dagga Game profile


Oct 31st 2011, 5:18:16

Just thought I'd give any poor sod who is stupidly thinking about joining what used to be a great game, the Alliance server.

New Players Guide to joining Alliance Server

1. In order to 'win', the alliance you choose to join (and it's coalition of alliances) needs to align pacts and pursue a strategy that means you cause enough members of the opposition alliances to quit the game, whilst minimising the quit rate of your own players. (Hopefully your alliance can recruit players faster than the rate of players leaving due to the fact the game now sucks)

2. Ways to do this include - create a coalition to minimise the risk of losing a war, break pacts, make pacts with offensive cooperation clauses, gangbang good alliances for little to no reason, start wars before your opponents (and your own alliance) have any real time to create a decent country or use their skill and knowledge of the game to half prepare for war.

3. Avoid embarassing losses in pre-planned wars. It is much more of an achievement to beg and grovel with every alliance in your pact list to ensure any war you are involved with is hopelessly lopsided. This will increase the levels of players quitting the game in opposition alliances. This result is True Winning.

4. Nobody cares how you win - make sure your alliance has no issue in doing the following; landtrading with members of your own alliance, dropping members out of your tag to win the great average networth title, FAing countries to top ranks.

If you are happy to get hopelessly mired in meaningless wars against the same old opponents, for the same old lack of reasons. If you want to see your top 10 finish ruined by someone who is not as good as you getting FAed. If you want to see your alliance lose ANW by another alliance who doesnt deserve it but has no problem dropping it's own members. If you have no concerns over hitting your alliance mates for ghost acres. If you take no issue with pact breaking, offensive coalitions and wars that get earlier and earlier every reset - then conrgatulations and welcome to the Alliance Server!

Enjoy your stay.

Edited By: dagga on Oct 31st 2011, 8:56:50
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