
QM Diver Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 19:11:33

Wow Dragon... Sounds like you have lotz of suggestions to field, eh? I'd go for Bsnake's suggestion, at least until you can get back on yer feet..
After spine surgery, I did some time in the pool, (best if it's warm) The best part was you are boyant, and every move you make in the water like it or not causes resistance, so you are actually helping your metabolism do it's thing too.
It also does fluffin things for blood flow, as this is what you need to heal yer ankle.
If you have a pool where you live, that is some very good therapy.. This idea of aquatic therapy is especially useful for dudes with arthritis, healing fractured bones, or who are chubby. By decreasing the amount of joint stress it is easier and less painful to perform exercises. :O)

(from the Lemon juicer cleanser thang!)
Once you feel you can no longer hold out, go to the bathroom. A word of warning while you wait for this moment. DO NOT FART!!! You will most certainly not pass only air .....

This, ^^ is funnier than fluff! Buaa Haa HAAAA!

Whatever you decide to do, good luck, brah!

We will be pullin for you!


Edited By: QM Diver on Apr 15th 2011, 19:18:15
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