
SuperFly Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 20:44:48

Originally posted by achan:

You are a complete hypocrite.

I Topfed you a few weeks back then you do L:L on me. What a coincidence? Now you top-feed me and I do L:L to you and you cry? Your message to me Rage does L:L to all topfeeds etcetc. I still have your in-game message.

You complain that Collab does L:L, even though you enforce L:L what a hypocrite. Let alone all money you took and bushels since I had 16Bill cash on hand (lol)
Your words have no merit. You have no evidence to back up what you say.

Yes I enforce land:land on people that enforce land:land on me.

It would be pretty stupid on my part to accept your land:land retal and not retal you right back with land:land.

I will cry and whine till the cows come home about how land:land is total bull fluff (which it is). Let's not forgot about all the bull fluff our tags went through last set over topfeeds and land"land retals.

Shame we wont be doing this again next set :(

Edited By: SuperFly on Jan 23rd 2011, 20:46:53
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