
trep Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 20:53:21

Anything I need to visit while I'm there? Going for a 1-2 day boarding trip this weekend just for kicks. Too bad it's apparently snowing the days I'm going (god I hate getting stuck in backcountry and taking an hour to crawl out when I don't know where I'm going).

mrford Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 20:55:02

getting stuck sucks, but boarding on fresh powder is king.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jan 11th 2012, 21:11:04

hmm eat sushi in vancouver it's excellent
Finally did the signature thing.

trep Game profile


Jan 12th 2012, 2:37:06

Fresh powder is great when you actually can see where you're going without worrying about going off a cliff. I had that issue with snowbird in park city last year. Basically I was worried about just flying off the side so I slowed down to try to figure out where the actual run was. Not a good idea =P

Thanks qzjul...anyone suggestions on specifics?

Also any suggestions on nightlife / clubs etc?

jabberwocky Game profile


Jan 12th 2012, 3:57:31

I don't know much about clubs (celebrities was fun once upon a time, but i've heard its gone down hill), but i can give you some decent bars to hit up. The Cambie is decent, beer isn't too expensive and it's got nice long tables and a non-pretentious crowd, in fact it's been getting a bit clubbier as of late so maybe you'll like it (also an easy/sketchy place to procure weed). There's a sweet hidden bar on 3rd and main, that's only marker is a red light above the door (it's on the east side of the street). Good beer, nice feel. There's a new bar on 11th and main that's supposed to be good, like they've got all these fun things going on every night (if you think movies and board games are fun, mind you), don't know the name. If you want an real authentic Canadian bar, then go to one of the Legion of Honour bars peppered around the city, my favorite is the one on main and 23rd, cheap pool (bastards raised the price from 50 to 75 cents, though), grizzled vets, an inescapable sense of sadness in the decor and terrible karaoke. Ooh and the Ivanhoe is supposed to be a terrible dive bar, it's just south of chinatown on main st.

If you don't mind spending a bit of money, Stella's on commercial and Charles (or near there) has a bunch of really good belgian beers. Cafe du soliel (fluff if i spelled that right) on commercial and 6th has music fridays and satursdays usually. The biltmore (12th and kingsway) usually has something interesting music or otherwise going on.

Basically all the interesting stuff is on commercial ave or main st. Kitsilano is upscale and overpriced, downtown is just kinda ridiculous, standard clubbing, though Davie street has some sweet restraunts. Granville is the main street for clubs in downtown, explore at your own peril. As terrible as The Cellar is, i've never had a bad time there, so i guess you could try it.

Hawkers on 25th and main is like the best cheap food in the city, imo. Really awesome Malaysian food, though it's notorious for being closed. Uh other food great food, kintaro (amazing ramen), stephos (greek, don't go at standard times or you will wait 1-2 hours to sit), Green Lettuce (chinese indian fusion, will blow your mind), Go Fish is an awesome fish and chips stand (just west of granville island, seriously it's unreal).

Alright, i'm stopping, there are tons of amazing restraunts, pm me if the one's i've provided don't peak your interest.

Also whislter is cool if you can afford it ($100+ for lift tickets), go to baker or somewhere in the interior for good "affordable" skiing. Or better yet, go back country skiing, way more awesome.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jan 12th 2012, 22:13:57

hm there's a number of places downtown that were good that i went to; actually most of the sushi places i went to in vancouver were pretty good heh
Finally did the signature thing.



Jan 12th 2012, 23:05:41

If you want quality sushi places, make sure the chef isn't Chinese/Korean/Vietnamese.

Which sadly, is the case 90% here in Vancouver.

However, the quality of the fish that we get here in Vancouver surpasses most, if not all places in North America, so pretty much all places will provide a better than before experience.

If you don't have many friends here, I'd just suggest get drunk, find the drunkest table, buy them shots, then just let it ride.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

trep Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 1:27:14

Just checked in at River Rock. Got a free upgrade to a 2 bedroom suite. Pretty cute girl at the front desk =)

Now to find food.

Thanks for the advice guys.

I heard 7/11 has discounted Whistler tickets so I'll probably check that out as well.

Dark TwizTid


Jan 23rd 2012, 14:05:14

Too bad I didn't see this before. If you wanted to see the roots of whistler area, check out the Squamish Lilwat Cultural Center, it's about us natives in the area :)

Sauron NBK Game profile


Jan 27th 2012, 1:05:28


And I can't disagree with anything jfotouhi said... except that the biltmore isn't called the biltmore anymore...Can't remember what it is now. Also celebrities is pretty fun on Tuesday's when its not so "gay". The cellar is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, a hole in the ground, but, it is really effing fun. one of only two bearable clubs on Granville, the other is the Roxy. good music cheap cover(for Granville) and decent drink prices.

If you want to go to a more "high end" club I'd suggest post modern or gossip both are very fun but very expensive.

rotnbanana Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 15:03:31

oh how i miss vancouver (sometimes)