
azmodii Game profile


Jul 6th 2010, 9:14:05

I was just thinking, for some of the more popular ideas, why not have an open beta

Have it run for same time as express - Taking into account the ideas. It can be tested thoroughly and if it works, implimented.

Dont know if thats what express is already but I thought i'd throw it out there.
- EoEA ~ End Of Earth Alliance -

"I will slaughter them like a wolf among lambs! The rivers will run red with the blood of my enemies, the skies will rain fire! And when the land parts beneath them... I shall be the in emptiness waiting!"

ICe Man


Jul 6th 2010, 14:35:17

That'd be cool -- test a new idea each reset.

I'd be all for that.
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jul 6th 2010, 15:24:58

we kindof test ideas in express but it's hard to *really* get an idea of what it will do without enough people and enough time and a full market.... if we had like 300 people who wanted to play an open beta then that'd be cool.... but then we're probably just fragmenting other servers...
Finally did the signature thing.

joedro Game profile


Jul 6th 2010, 17:22:00

i so would play in the beta
Team: recruit me

Alliance: recruit me
contact- - pm right here will work just fine tho



Jul 7th 2010, 13:34:34

there definitely should be a beta test server

there are a host of great new ideas which have no place to go on this site

the genuine concerns about market size and the soft tender hearts of netters can be addressed with a single heretical idea

allow bots, unlimited bots on the beta server

u have programmers who want to test their bot abilities
encourage these players rather than banning them
let them run their bots on a special server and allow the enhanced war and spy capabilities that are being discussed to be loosed on bot countries so the netters dont cry

if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game

llaar Game profile


Jul 7th 2010, 17:29:00

what if the beta server would just like never end and rules could change at any time, from week to week, even day to day. no one would jump a country and stop playing, since someone would just come along eventually and chem it to death. so maybe it would be a mostly war server with tons of countries to test crap out, make it a 5 country limit or something to be able to get some good feedback

llaar Game profile


Jul 7th 2010, 17:29:50

or even a 6 month server... and inactive countries should get deleted after a month of no playing... :P



Jul 9th 2010, 0:36:38

unlimited countries beta server, all you have to do is tell llaar about it, then you can test whatever you want =p

ICQ 43083642

ICe Man


Jul 9th 2010, 1:35:28

Seriously, an unlimited server would entertain me greatly. =)
Thank God, for I'm a blessed man.



Jul 9th 2010, 8:43:50

*digs through the trash*


Server ends when only one country remains.

No protection, no GDI, nothing. WAR WAR WAR, KILL OR BE KILLED.

Obviously, some people might group up together, but that's discouraged, and if Game Mods sees that people are running kill runs, they get ModKilled.

Would be interesting to know who's best at solo survival.
ICQ 43083642

Dark TwizTid


Jul 9th 2010, 12:40:12

Originally posted by starstalker4:
there definitely should be a beta test server

there are a host of great new ideas which have no place to go on this site

the genuine concerns about market size and the soft tender hearts of netters can be addressed with a single heretical idea

allow bots, unlimited bots on the beta server

u have programmers who want to test their bot abilities
encourage these players rather than banning them
let them run their bots on a special server and allow the enhanced war and spy capabilities that are being discussed to be loosed on bot countries so the netters dont cry

That still encourages players to run bots. What is going to stop them from testing this out on a already established server?



Jul 10th 2010, 1:11:04

Are you suggesting that people aren't already doing it?

They just fail at it though.



Jul 15th 2010, 10:13:17

a king of the hill server is a great idea

obviously u have to have some rule where five netters with no offense couldnt reach a stalemate

it could be like a poker tourney where some timing mechanism forces the action

say u take one set of express
make it king of the hill
starting sunday at noon u automatically double every countries' offensive forces and u keep doing that every four hours until u have a king
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jul 15th 2010, 10:17:46

as to the problem with bots

the admins are totally missing a golden opportunity

u have bright guys who want to build bots
refine them, tweak them. improve the game
this imaginative energy should be channeled and harnessed
not thrown in the trash and treated with disdain

open a server with bots allowed
llaar says they will just be fodder for veteran players
so what?
let them improve their bots big blue eventually won
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game