
Marshal Game profile


May 17th 2019, 20:08:54

in sol's archives locked in box and key thrown away.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

mrcuban Game profile


May 18th 2019, 0:42:25

Please explain

archaic Game profile


May 18th 2019, 0:53:06

It wasn't even that good when it was first posted - it lacked bewbs and gnomes.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 18th 2019, 2:36:07

And no cookie recipe

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

mrford Game profile


May 18th 2019, 19:30:31

it wasn't original, and there are many variations. here is one

A Taliban Army platoon was on patrol when the commander noticed a lone U.S. Marine standing on a hilltop in their area. The commander told two of his soldiers to go take out the Marine, so they dropped their packs and promptly ran as fast as they could toward him. Just before they got to the top, the Marine ran over the other side of the hill. The two soldiers followed. For the next few minutes there were screams and dust flying in the air. Then as quick as it had started, it stopped and the Marine came up on the hilltop. He brushed off his cammies, straightened his cover, crossed his arms and stood there looking at the Taliban soldiers.

The infuriated commander called for a squad to go get the Marine. They promptly ran as fast as they could toward him. Just before they got to the top, the Marine ran over the other side of the hill. The squad followed, and for the next few minutes there were screams and dust flying in the air. Then as quick as it had started, it stopped and the Marine came up on the hilltop. Brushed off his cammies, straightened his cover, crossed his arms and stood there looking at the Taliban soldiers once again.

The commander was really hot now. He ordered the rest of his platoon to attack the Marine. Determined that Taliban soldiers were far superior to one lone U.S. Marine, they had blood in their eyes as they ran up the hill. Just before they got to the top, the Marine ran over the other side of the hill. The bloodthirsty soldiers followed. For many minutes there were screams and dust flying in the air. It continued and continued. Finally, one lone Taliban soldier came crawling back to the commander. His uniform was torn, cuts were all over his body. The commander asked for a report. The lone soldier, trying to catch his breath, replied in a forceful and trembling voice:

"Sir,,'s a trick. There are TWO of them!!"

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

damondusk Game profile


May 20th 2019, 3:21:10

I declare a thumb war