
clintonista Game profile


Mar 25th 2016, 22:15:46


Edited By: clintonista on Mar 26th 2016, 17:05:45

clintonista Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 23:45:01


clintonista Game profile


Mar 22nd 2016, 0:46:16


GDI should not have stopped you from bombing air bases nor should GDI have stopped Superfly under the circumstances he describes. Maybe GDI is even more broken than I think it is.

After I finished double tapping you, I was in 14th place with a massive air force, 150 turns and a fully functioning ^20k acre country; another top ten finish was well within reach. With the caveat that guys like LT who have lost $300M and guys like you who lost 5K acres tend to react badly to LGs even when in your case, your country was built on LGs.

Despite your whining and caterwauling, I have no sympathy for you since your 24K acre country was built entirely on bot farming. Farming bots that can not hit back is not worthy of a win, period. Dry your tears.

You seem to object to being hit with sixteen hours left in the set. Duh, hit them when they are big and lack the appropriate defense. If you do not want to get hit, do not defend 24K acres with only 9M turrets. If you have such paltry defense, you will get double tapped, if not by me then by Celphi or temple or bibigon or a host of others who sometimes go all jets.

Early in the set you were all jetter, so where do you get off being so judgmental?

My failure to finish in the top ten or even the top 25 for that matter was my fault in that I thought you would try to maximize your score rather than ruining your finish with an AB campaign, I failed to protect my planes from a bomb air base attack, and I did not think that CROATIA would GS me a couple of dozen times. He usually does not do that.

"double tapped me out of no where" lol I love this. What does it mean?
Like when people say they got blind sided in this game. huh? You knew you presented a tempting target, you knew you had inadequate defense and you knew we were in prime hunting season, what outcome did you expect?

an asshole, not a asshole

clintonista Game profile


Mar 21st 2016, 11:22:00

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Yea I'm lazy right now

So we agree.

clintonista Game profile


Mar 21st 2016, 3:38:51

thanks for the good wishes

your retal of 5 PSes were minor because I lost nothing but land and by that time my air force was my main source of income.
More on that later.

I never said I enjoy ruining contender's sets; that is a Bubba scale, pathological level, Hillaryesque lie.

I was trying for yet another top ten finish with an I which is much much tougher than just teching to the top which any noob can do. When you say that your H techer strat is better than my I strat, you are stating the obvious. You want to accomplish something play something besides an H techer which takes no effort and as you yourself said offers no challenge or enjoyment. I could do it but the game is supposed to be fun.
If you want to enjoy the game challenge yourself.

You made my point for me about the disparity between bombing banks and bombing air bases.
The return on bombing banks is miniscule but the return on bombing air bases is massive. Netters wrote these rules.
Bombing airbases can wipe out 85% of the planes in 20 turns and spy DR seems to never kick in. Bombing banks on the other hand even if you have $500M on hand takes only a tiny fraction of the cash. For example the return on $1.8B is only $11M that is ridiculous. This disparity should be fixed. Imagine if you could steal 85% of $1.8B and spy DR did not kick in. On bombing banks spy DR seems to be instantaneous.

The fact is you are a lazy player opting for the easiest strat and then suiciding when you get caught with no defense for $1.8B. You had nothing to do with "slapping me down", you are too lazy to even read the news. If you had read the news you would have seen that someone else ABed like 45 times. I guess he did not like losing 5k acres in 2 PSes. Stop being so lazy and arrogant and you will be able to name your countries something like "manthisisfun" instead of "thisstratistooeasy".
I understand why you are bored and suicidal, I would be too if I just H teched.

Good luck in the future I hope to see a country named "this is not so easy" at the top in the near future.

Edited By: clintonista on Mar 21st 2016, 4:05:27
See Original Post

clintonista Game profile


Mar 21st 2016, 2:26:21

yes I was 39

I had a great time this set, at one time I picked up 6208 acres in 7 turns.

Then one of my stepping stones suicided so that was that.
Then he started wailing and blowing smoke about how he is the greatest Express player so I should leave him alone,

This reset highlighted once again how much spy rules are slanted toward netters.
The disparity between the effectiveness and rate of spy DR between bomb banks and bomb air bases is criminal.
If that disparity was fixed, DR was retailored and GDI liberated...

and yes, superfly, these GDI rules need fixing. Wish I had thought of that((((.

drkprince, you hit me so you were not all-x

Edited By: clintonista on Mar 21st 2016, 2:33:30
See Original Post

clintonista Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 16:59:09

earthgraphs is a tremendous contribution to the game

complaining about volunteers who are helping the game choosing a white background is absurd

that being said
here is a constructive criticism

earthgraphs DR count after ABs GSs and BRs is wrong
way off, far too short

the site's count is what the DR would be if DR were more tailored to the compressed time of Express but of course
it is not, if you get sufficiently GSed on Thursday afternoon you are in DR for the rest of the set

I feel like Dr Carson, "Will somebody attack me, please? please?"

clintonista Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 7:49:35

picking up 3000 acres apiece in back to back PS is a blast

it really is

great game

clintonista Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 7:21:00

ironxxx is absolutely right.
The bonuses on the server are insane, 6 food booms and you are drowning in bushels

clintonista Game profile


Mar 18th 2016, 13:51:23


in almost all circumstances, yes

the only exception is when you have massive troops and tanks in a reset where oil is plentiful and your troops and tanks double as both offense and defense

but almost always yes
that is why you will see in 98% of all your defends the attackers only lose jets
plus with Express' quick Planned Strike resting period you can PS with jets only and not sacrifice your defensive strength

clintonista Game profile


Mar 16th 2016, 22:31:46


clintonista Game profile


Mar 16th 2016, 16:41:09

One of the many beauties of this game is that the instructions are frequently wrong compounded by the frustrating fact that there is no where to go to get up to date information. Because there used to be active forums which resulted in multiple rule changes, the rules across the servers are different. Consequently Express's rule set which is a hybrid of primary rules and rules tailored to the compressed time of play makes little to no sense; the vagaries of GDI and DR being the prime examples.

Edited By: clintonista on Mar 16th 2016, 16:54:01
See Original Post

clintonista Game profile


Mar 16th 2016, 10:55:59


thx to volunteers

clintonista Game profile


Mar 15th 2016, 21:53:21

Trump's VP nominee is obvious, BERNIE

clintonista Game profile


Mar 15th 2016, 16:00:53


clintonista Game profile


Mar 11th 2016, 21:33:14

another top ten gets randomly killed

clintonista Game profile


Mar 7th 2016, 17:33:34


in the beginning

clintonista Game profile


Mar 7th 2016, 0:19:20


please excuse my ignorance what is mehul'd?

clintonista Game profile


Mar 7th 2016, 0:10:48

congrats to all

wild ride for me to finish in the top 25

"you have grabbed 42,000 acres in the last 24 hours, you can not drop land you grabbed in the last 24 hours"


had 2 attacks bouvce evem though I always oversend by 20%

Edited By: clintonista on Mar 7th 2016, 0:15:12
See Original Post

clintonista Game profile


Mar 5th 2016, 14:24:07

Marshal has already answered this question

he says
start attacking at turn 1

clintonista Game profile


Mar 5th 2016, 4:01:28

95 had it won

but I killed him*

*disclaimer/// he quit five weeks before I killed him

clintonista Game profile


Mar 5th 2016, 0:11:49

if you check the market volume for both troops and tanks, you will see a marked decline in the demand for both

the statement that the game is just too complicated makes no sense to me
the implication that Express has to have not have useful MBs because players can not learn to distinguish between servers also fails to persuade.
mrford has said several times that he can not keep up with the rule changes and apparently his trainee scott agrees but I see no need to oversimplify what can be a great game

clintonista Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 22:57:07

hang in there mr you will catch on eventually

clintonista Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 22:28:57

I do not believe the current use can work because GDI has destroyed the demand for tanks and troops. Oh no, here goes off on GDI, again. No just an observation as to why no one plays the MB strat. If we empower the MB to buy turrets and jets at a lower price we reduce the competitiveness of industrial strats and further empower techers and cashers. Hopefully nobody wants that result.

I think the ability to raid the public market would be so cool.

clintonista Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 20:13:24

The current rule set has rendered the military base obsolete
no one, and I mean no one, plays it any more

consequently I suggest we change it's function to bring it back into the game
we could use MBs to increase the % of buildings captured
we could use MBs as cyber bases that allow players to raid the public market
we could use military bases as weapon enhancement vehicles like weapons tech
we could do absolutely positively nothing and let yet another complexity of the game become anachronistic

X (fill in your favorite poster) is a fluff daddy pin kitten

clintonista Game profile


Mar 3rd 2016, 16:54:56


clintonista Game profile


Mar 3rd 2016, 5:08:11

You are both right.

clintonista Game profile


Mar 2nd 2016, 20:41:40


clintonista Game profile


Mar 2nd 2016, 13:14:15

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
I have an Xbox one for video games. I just don't see the point in turning this into a video game.

Neither do I. I do not propose turning this into a video game.
The only difference a player like you would see in the game is one small icon on the war page and one small icon on the main page. Everything else is exactly the same as right now.
The game would be controlled through the current controls not through the video which would only be a representation of decisions and actions a player took using the current controls.

clintonista Game profile


Mar 1st 2016, 23:55:09

actually to understand what we could really do

watch a google video of c4d dogfight remembering each player could design their own planes and number of planes
watch a google video of a tank fight remembering it can take place in a desert, a village, a jungle or a beach that would be up to each player with thousands of tanks
and finally watch a google video of city flyover remembering the buildings would be residences, research centers etc which are either our defaults or designed by the player and reflect how many of each they have. The countries could be mountainous, or on a beach or in a jungle and the player would be able to control a camera as it flies over their country and inside a building

the only changes to the game interface would be an icon on the build page that read view country
and an icon on the war page that read view attack
otherwise all is as it ever was.

clintonista Game profile


Mar 1st 2016, 21:53:50

sir, I have no idea what you mean, none.

The game would still be free and the apps our volunteers would use would also be free from Adobe, Maxon and 3DSMAX
as part of their outreach program. I daily use free versions of these apps. The youtube videos would of course be free and I suspect given the nerdy nature of our base that some players already have the paid versions of the creative cloud or C4D or Maya even and could generate some killer models that would be seen and easily modified by players for free.
If you want to know what I mean please google image C4D tank or soldier to see what our players could have at their disposal.

But again I do not understand the question at all. My fault for not knowing the words "skins" and "unlock".

clintonista Game profile


Mar 1st 2016, 18:59:58

all those apps are free for our limited purposes, and easy to use, two minute youtube videos could explain all any player needed to know

each player could design their own uniforms, their own planes tanks jets missiles or watch the defaults or block out the graphics altogether, the skin color of soldiers could blue green red white black whatever

each clan could have a unifying theme

an I tank would look much more powerful than an R tank, AB battles would be #D motion graphics, women would scream as the guerillas invaded

there would be 3d models of research centers, residences, etc as your country went from 100 acres to 20k acres the aerial view would change, you could "go pro" fly through your country, you would see your industrial centers cranking out planes, if desired each player could easily customize their buildings as well as their military

when you logged in after being gone for four hours on Express your general would say uh oh we have incoming
then a video of an attack would run for ten seconds before the fog lifted while a basso sang "oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave?" rrruuhrhrh no we lost 1200 acres the banner flies no more.

all free, all created by our player base of volunteer nerds

the game has waited twenty years for this moment to arrive.
when free aps can create killer motion graphics to illustrate the text battles. It would still be a text driven game, same rules, same code, just augmented by 3d motion graphics which could be blocked if deired all free

people who love Farmville, people who love war games, people who love to press launch on the Schwarzenegger game
would all be potential new players

Edited By: clintonista on Mar 1st 2016, 20:08:36

clintonista Game profile


Mar 1st 2016, 12:19:28

ok thx dissident

I came on tonight to outline how with the brand new apps Fuse and Mixamo along with C4D and 3DSMAX 20 volunteers working for five months could make this into a motion graphics game. I see now that was misdirected. I will just go away now.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 12:59:21

Look mrford has been banned before and he will be banned again, for me it is not about him being banned this time. All I wish is that we could have a forum where ideas are discussed. As long as he and his trainees like Scott, Thunder and the other PwD are given free reign we will be discussing their love of swordfish with or without gerbils.

Perhaps you are right. Perhaps stagnation and slow death are the fate of this game. Perhaps we should just join in the fun of pointless insults and trying in vain to get the mods to ban us. The other guys have tried everything possible to get banned from cheating to gay sex references to insulting the mods to insulting the inventors to racism. I have stumbled upon the one thing that can get you banned, outlining a process for mods to follow.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 3:43:15

Originally posted by lol:
You need to remember that this is a game, and not a masters thesis.

Express is a game. The forums should not be.
The forums should be fun exciting and challenging. The forums should not be a game of insults and thread hijacking where suggestions go to die.

[quote poster=elvesrus; 39000; 711659]
Originally posted by lol:

not to mention the fact that we are unpaid volunteers.

As I said in the other thread, I appreciate the volunteer efforts of anyone. You can not run any organization such as this without volunteers.

I am not certain what you mean Elves. If you mean that volunteers can not be expected to enforce rules and run healthy forums then the game has stagnated and will not improve. The original forum was where the ancient Romans went to debate and exchange ideas not hurl insults. The team forum currently is not a forum at all rather it should be called the jr high locker room. The admins should expect volunteers to enforce rules. Period.
If you as the moderator believe that the forum should be a place where the moderators are mocked and insulted, where the founders are to be held up for ridicule and where personal insults are part of the fun, then that is how it will be. Do not expect any viable new ideas to come out of such a forum however.

Originally posted by Scott:
I know where I will be saying fluff and posting pictures of my monsters fluffs from now on...

Is this what you want your forums to be? Inane profane insults from thoughtless critics who will never do anything to help the game? If so, keep doing what you are doing now.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 3:10:50

Unfortunately for me. I am not yet at the point where I assume that all mods are incompetent boobs. I know from experience that forums can be a great development tool for a game. I regret that this game has decided to forgo the opportunity presented by a healthy forum.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 0:10:23

Originally posted by Nerrus:

Rather than attacking the argument directly, attack the character, motive, or other attributes of the person making the argument...
Originally posted by mrford:

you fail to understand that i dont care what people on the internet think of me. i dont treat this like an academic or professional setting like you do.
I like to have swordfish bills rammed up my ass.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 23:06:47

The forums for many games are where innovations sprout. Games that police their forums grow and prosper. Games that let their forums turn into sewers of personal invective die. You can not have healthy forums that provide impetus and inspiration to the players if you allow them to be patrolled and controlled by people who do not care about the future of your game.

My exact proposal is this:
zero tolerance for ad hominem arguments.
zero tolerance for the f word, racial slurs and references to sexual acts, private parts or excrement.
Your current vague "be kind to each other" rules are not working to protect the future of the game. You need concrete precise penalties for specific misdeeds and you moderators who feel empowered to enforce the rules.
1) two day ban for insulting another player
2) one week ban for insulting a moderator or inventor or other volunteer
3) one day ban for use of f word or references to sex or excrement.

Require each forum moderator to post a finding indicating which post violated which rule and what remedy was taken.
Tell the moderators that you expect them to have to hand out a large number of bans in the beginning.
Once a reset, have someone read every post and discuss with moderator why certain posts went unpunished.
This will be a dramatic change from the current system and players will take a while to adapt their behaviors but they will.

The catalyst for this suggestion is the current fiasco in the team forum where insults, rampant racism, in game violations, and just general depravity have run amok while the moderator does nothing.

Please read Celphi's moderator thread with mrford's manifesto on why he routinely cheats and hijacks threads to see why action must be taken.
mrford states that he does not care what anyone thinks and implies that he will keep on misbehaving indefinitely. He mocks the moderator.
This is not about mrford though, it is about the ability of the forums to act as laboratories for improvements of the game. He has infected others now who routinely swear, mock the moderators and hurl invective. The moderator apparently feels powerless to act.

No one dares or cares to suggest improvements in such a hostile environment. Please step in.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 22:28:45

Originally posted by mrford:

you fail to understand that i dont care what people on the internet think of me. i dont treat this like an academic or professional setting like you comically do.

This quote encapsulates the reason mrford is such a danger to our game's growth and survival. He will always insult players, moderators and the game's inventors even when he knows he is wrong. The forums must be a place where changes are proposed, debated, modified and adopted. As long as mrford is allowed to hijack thread after thread, the game will not improve. For the good of the game, mrford must be banned from the forums.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 22:06:18

mrford, is it possible you do not realize that is your modus operandi?

clintonista Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 19:57:38

Originally posted by Scott:
Don't you have a black lives matter rally to attend?

The rules clearly state no racist jokes.

Please start doing your job.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 17:36:25

Originally posted by Scott:

Most people would rather jam a sword fish in their ass before they would talk to cellphi.

Could you and mrford please keep your sexual practices off the forum?